
Marvelous Scarlet Spider

Isaac grew up in the midst of the rising Avengers along with the general populace. He knew about them but never adored them, especially not after the Chitauri Invasion where his life changes forever. Unfortunately, soon after the event he is put into a coma. He wakes up having lived his life as a hero and now finds that this life he will have to be one too, while also trying to achieve a normal life for a 18 year old with no friends. His story starts sometime after he wakes up from his coma. Uh, he also tries to do the right thing, even when he is mortally wounded. He likes sushi! He hates elementals. I personally like Andrew Garfield as Spider-man and I'm not saying he is the best. That goes to my main man Donald Glover- wait, wrong universe. ... ... ... ... .. . Also he's Spider-man but who cares about that. - No Harem - Multiple relationships that one would normally have before they meet the love of their life. I do not know own any characters as they are IPs of their respective companies besides my OC and any OCs that are featured in this work. Royal Road Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/66862/marvelous-scarlet-spider FanFiction.Net Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14217496/1/Marvelous-Scarlet-Spider

Satyr_o7 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 2: Don’t Stay in School

"So you're saying that your sister and her friend saw your-"

"My dick, they saw my fucking dick Ernie!" Isaac whisper shaking his friend so she could fully comprehend the gravity of the situation. He watched as his best friend Ernestine Hallenback nodded, giggling to herself before turning away only to smack the locker as she tried her best to not outwardly laugh. They had been friends since he essentially slid out of the womb, attending the same head start program and ever since, been glued to the hip. Too bad that he had blood relatives and the fact that the world was getting ridiculously expensive. Understandably her family couldn't fully house another mouth after they had Cissy, her younger sister.

"Yes. I was brushing my teeth-"

"But why were you naked brushing your teeth?" Ernie interrupted, Isaac opened his mouth to respond but before he could he heard her say.

"Wait don't tell me." Ernie said stifling her laugh. He was about to say something but seeing her laugh, he stopped and closed his mouth, waiting for her to continue and finish her laugh attack. Isaac opened his locker only to feel a buzz in the back of head. Before he could even think about what he was looking for, he subconsciously gripped a ball out of thin air. The air hit him before he noticed that his arm was no longer sifting through the collapsed piles of other people's papers and instead been threatening to buckle the basketball's deeply tanned leather.

"What the-" Ernie responded more to the shock of the sound.

"Yo, Isaac. My fault it slipped. Pass it back." Isaac snapped his head around the wide lockers that lined the hallways and saw Kong, or his government name, Kenny McFarlene standing and chatting with his friends while his arms outstretched awaiting the return of his ball. Isaac wondered if the ball was actually meant for him, along was generally known for being a bully but not one that picked on him, or at least one could hope.

Isaac decided to just leave it alone, rolling the ball, and allowing Kong to pop it up with his foot, before he devilishly smiled, winked and continued his conversation about Germany being the good guys in WWII

'So fucking stupid' Isaac thought as he watched the basketball player reconvene with his group. Shaking his head, he went back to look at Ernie while she observed them as they went outside to do something that he guessed was at the very least unproductive. Isaac flashed a reassuring smiled at Ernie who look about a second away from enchanting a storm of curses.

"Fucking hate that guy. You know he hit Cissy in the face with that fucking ball. She was painting a new banner for their team and she was blamed for messing up the floor by their coach. THE DOUCHE WAS THE ONE WHO HIRED HER IN THE FIRST FUCKING PLACE. The freaking audacity. Swear to-" Isaac tuned her out as he resumed sifting through the different papers people paid him to write. He took out ten of them he promised to deliver today. He made sure they were the right ones as they encompassed an ensured bouquet of grades that were based on how well people paid him. 10 bucks for every page needed to be written and receive an A was his most common finance option. Isaac after scanning all them, making sure they were the correct one, found the one he was looking for and placed it on top before he skimmed over today's schedule with his fingered landing on the correct date, Thursday.

'Fuck I have Physics, today.' Isaac felt someone punch his arm and looked at it's origin.

"Are you listening to me?" Ernie said skeptically. He looked at her blonde hair with brown tips fading. Thinking about the chances that she said something super important before looking at her.

"Yeah of course." Isaac lied smoothly. She rolled her eyes before swiping the paper that he had put on top.

"What's the grade?" Ernie asked, changing the subject. He huffed putting the rest of the things he didn't need today in his backpack before reaching his hand out for the paper.

"Depends, what's for lunch today?"

"I have chicken over rice or Tuna sandwiches." She offered bringing out two steel containers. He immediately took the one with the chicken and slipped the paper that he had wrote for her english class on top of the other while taking the paper she had stolen from him.

"A+, now it's time for-"

He was interrupted by the bell and she left him going inside of the class that right by them. They unfortunately didn't have most of their classes together this year. He was stuck in Gen Ed while she was placed in a accelerated program, which she had voiced was unfair but he barely attended school in the first place. Plus it wasn't the highest advance placement even if it was still guaranteed to give her a decent scholarship if she kept her GPA above a 2.6. He on the other hand would have to do something interesting or pay with a portion of his soul but he just brushed the thought off for later, closing his locker and kicking his skateboard forward from it's upright position against the wall. He put his new lunch in his book bag before he rode to class. Which was on the other side of the campus. He practiced the 5 d's of dodgeball as he watched the stampede of kids trying to get to class while the security and teachers guided them through the disorganized mess of Highschool.

He managed to make it to his classroom unscathed, wishing he'd kept it going as he crouched, gripping the board to stabilize himself.

'Please ignore me.' He thought before the teacher glanced at him.

"Mr. O'Hara, You wanna keep that board?" The teacher sternly asked.

"Yes Mr. Warren." He sighed as he looked at the balding teacher walking past him as he clutched his skateboard. Isaac just looked at his seat and his class partner, a blonde heart-face and blue eyed girl who was probably the top of their class.

'Damn she's here.' He quickly thought.

"Than wheels up" He reprimanded as Isaac lifted the board up as far as he could while walking.

'Why didn't I think of that solution?'

"Of Course Mr. Warren" Isaac said as he watched the teacher go back to taking attendance and he rolled his way through the ravine between the classroom's desks. He then uncrouched, opting for a slightly higher sitting position his assigned chair gave him as he proceeded to go through the same situation over and over again. The difference just being the teachers and the location of the classroom and the position of the clock's hands.

Finally after a couple of many grueling hours and monotonous task, Isaac gained the chance to have a reprieve of fighting sleep.

"Oh poor Isaac, it's only a couple more months" A voice called on top of the roof while they covered his eyes. The faint scent of cherries made his way into the nose and immediately recognized the scent.

"Did you really like that perfume I brought you on your birthday so much that you had to buy another one?" Isaac questioned.

"Well- It smells nice. Shut up" She barked but there was no real fire in her voice. He smirked as she sat down. Taking out her steel container that paired with his empty one. She threw a brown carton of chocolate moomoo drink at him and he snatched it out of the sky and smiled in appreciation as he drank the carton till it scrunched up easily under his abnormal lung capacity.

"So, I heard that there's going to be a party at Harry Osborne's Mansion. Next week.." Ernie brought up randomly while intermittently taking bites of her sandwich. Isaac wasn't that interested but knowing Ernie, she wanted to go and if she was telling him, it was because she wanted to go with him.

"Can't we go to your house and watch some movies? I heard Nemo: Return of the Buluga was pretty good." Isaac tried to counter off but his friend wasn't budging. After a couple of minutes of arguing, he decided to go, though it was under the condition of her making food for him. He didn't often have the chance to eat dinner. So any meal he could scrounge counted as the rest of the day, he'd either have to waste money or eat his saliva, neither appealed to him. Isaac watched Ernie go back inside as he sat there. Knowing that he attended school long enough for the school to mark it as a full day.

'Time for the rest of my day.' He said as he put his bomber jacket on and leaned forward, dropping off of the building as he he spread his body like a sugar glider. He smiled, feeling his mind, body and soul being released into earth's hands as he slowly approached the ground before he flicked his wrist, a web latched itself on the building and he swung like pendulum, flying to the other side before he shot another web.
