
Marvelous Grandmaster

Young man struck by lightning woke up with memories from the Star Wars universe during the old republic era. After several decades of battle alongside his friends and companions, he made the ultimate sacrifice to stop Vitiate’s final act of desperation. But his story did not end there like he expected. “I’m alive? Hold up this is earth. HAHA I’M BACK!” “Tony Stark is scheduled to give a weapons test in-“ “Wait...What?” “Well...Fuck.” {This fanfiction will also be posted onto Royalroad under the same name, HuntingFate.}

HuntingFate · Movies
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41 Chs

Chapter 29 - Attention

About a month later Mikael was sitting at his desk as he looked over several holo screens spread out in front of him, each one displaying something different. One had different natural disasters, one had reports of terrorist activity and a couple had several news reports covering different stories.

"Argent Technologies has just announced that their new cybernetic prosthetics has just received FDA approval. Several combat veterans have recently been selected to receive and test this new revolutionary medical technology. More on the details is Dr. Henry McCoy." Mikael watched as Hank went on to explain the newly released technology as well as the following questions.

"The individual calling herself Storm has appeared again. This time putting a stop to a raging wildfire in Northern California. Officials estimated that had the fire not been stopped it could have resulted in billions of dollars in damages, destroying countless homes in the process." A different screen showed footage of Ororo floating above the vast forest as rain poured down around her.

"We're here today with Dr. Charles Xavier, leading expert in mutant biology, to discuss the sudden emergence of mutants all over the world." Mikael turned the other channels down as he watched the interview. He was looking forward to seeing the results of his discussion with Xavier over the past month.

"Dr. Xavier, what do you have to tell us about these mutants?"

"Please you can just call me Charles. But onto the topic of mutants, firstly after discussion with a colleague I've come to see that the term mutants is rather improper and harmful. The term mutants makes it sound like they are not human, it creates a dividing line between them and the rest of humanity." Xavier explained crossing his hands on his lap.

"But are they not different Charles?" The reporter quickly interjected.

"You're right of course, they are different. They have special gifts and abilities that you do not. But should that make them any less human? We all in one way or another have abilities that are unique to us. It's just theirs is more apparent."

"Well if we don't call them mutants then what should we call them?"

"A colleague actually gave me the answer for that question. He used the term Meta-Humans. A term that would be able to encompass any individual with extraordinary abilities regardless of the origin. Not only that but it would also serve as a reminder that these individuals underneath the powers and abilities, they are still just like everyone else. They share the same feelings, have families and loved ones and they still worry about the future."

"Meta-Humans, that's an interesting thought. Well then what do you have to say about this group of Mera-Humans that have been appearing around the world and solving natural disasters?"

"I believe they should be commended. In a world where people have treated them with such suspicion and hostility, they still stood up and used their abilities to help others. They must know that not everyone will thank them for it but they do it anyway. That should speak volumes for the kind of people they are." Xavier answered leaning back in his chair. Mikael waved his hand dismissing the screens as he received a message.

A screen popped up showing the inside of a cave, Mikael watched as the figure of Tony Stark went through the process of creating the first miniature arc reactor. He also then received scans of each individual page that made up the blueprints to the suit of armor. Mikael waved a hand as each individual page began to overlap in front of him revealing to him the complete picture of Stark's mark 1 armor.

"Your job is done. Return and await further orders." Mikael said as he closed the connection. Mikael stored the blueprint into his personal drive before he started to look over the arc reactor and after making a few adjustments he soon held a holographic version.

"Ordis, how's the production of adamantium coming?" Mikael asked as a small spherical hologram appeared on his desk.

"Sir, adamantium production is proceeding slowly. We currently have 10 pounds of the metal produced and require more resources." The voice of the celestial ship, now named Ordis, answered as the sphere rippled with each word.

"That's fine. How is the remodeling coming?" Mikael questioned as he stored the new arc reactor blueprint away.

"Remodeling of the vessel's hull is at 40% completion."

"Keep me updated if you require more materials. That's all Ordis."

"Of course sir." The spherical hologram blinked once before disappearing from his desk. Mikael leaned back in his chair while tapping his finger on the desk.

"Two more months until Tony returns. I just need to get rid of Sublime and Sinister before they become a bigger issue. Wonder which one will poke his head out first?" Mikael said to himself as he closed his eyes and kicked his feet up onto the desk.

As Mikael settled down to enjoy a moment of respite, elsewhere a well dressed man with black hair and blue eyes was unleashing his frustrations within his office. Books were thrown across the room, lamps and computers smashed on the floor.

"Who?! After everything I've done, who is ruining my plans?!" The figure screamed within his office. He slumped into his chair and crossed his hands in front of his face.

"I knew I should've split a part of myself into Trask. Now he's up and vanished along with his sentinel project. I was so close to finally getting rid those damn mutants." He asked out loud as he though to himself. His vision wandered to a news article resting on his desk as he narrowed his eyes.

"Argent Techologies. Mikael Argent, 18 year old genius now regarded as another Stark. Currently developing technologies for the military." He said reading parts of the article out loud. He rubbed his chin as he stood to his feet.

"Well then, I may be able to get my plans back on track soon after all. I think it's about time I got a younger body anyway." He said with a smile as he stepped out of his office. As he walked down the hallways there were people in lab coats could be seen through the different windows operating on several figures. Multiple children were being held captive in cells, adults were screaming in agony as they were bound and experimented on while the man walked by each chamber without batting an eye.

Mikael opened his eyes as he received a notification from his new receptionist. The elevator doors opened a minute later as Jean walked in with two cups in her hands. She made her way over and sat on the edge of his desk as she set one of the cups down in front of him.

"Hey Mikael, I brought you a drink." She told him before she continued to slowly drink from her cup. Mikael took a sip from the one placed in front of him as he looked towards her.

"Thanks Jean." Mikael said chewing on one of the black pearls in his drink.

"So what's next? Everyone's been carrying out your plan." Jean asked as she sipped her drink.

"We wait. Public opinion has turned for the better but there's still someone trying to turn the world against metas. I'm hoping that what we've done will force them to make a move." Mikael answered as he looked over a screen of information.

"Is that who you're looking at? Dr John Sublime?" Jean asked as she peeked at the screen revealing a picture of a black haired blue eyed man.

"Yes. Don't let his appearance fool you. The form you see is just a host body. He's actually a sentient bacteria that can infect and control life forms. Well except for mutants, hence the attempt to eliminate mutants." Mikael answered as he continued to enjoy his drink.

"Sentient bacteria? You're not serious right?" Jean asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're drawing the line at sentient bacteria? We have people that can shake the earth with our mind, summon and control the weather on a whim, walk through solid objects and shoot the equivalent of a nuclear blast from their eyes. Oh did I mention magic is real and so are the Norse gods?" Mikael said flatly before he took a long sip from his drink. He watched in amusement as Jean struggled to comprehend the concept he just presented.

"Wait, magic and gods are real?"

"I told you. It's a very big world out there." Mikael answered as the screen flashed in front of him. Jean watched as a line of red text appeared below the portrait of John Sublime.

[John Sublime, Target Designated. Adapting containment measures.]

Late Post. Had to take a break.

Thanks go to LordValmar for the new updated cover.

I’m thinking I should hold off on jumping straight into military hover vehicles and instead just introduce improved and superior versions of those already existing. Like gradually introduce more advanced technology.

Currently thinking about what would be the best way to connect him to the rest of the mcu. Maybe a Stark route in becoming a consultant? Since they’ve been exposed to aliens early.

HuntingFatecreators' thoughts