
Marvel Zodiac knight

James journeyed to the Marvel world, his once ordinary life transformed after chancing upon an ancient bronze box. Now, his destiny was nothing short of extraordinary. "Put on the Zodiac armor and safeguard love and justice on Earth!" _______ You can find more chapters on my patreon patreon.com/Greatsage5302 Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters , am merely translating this fanfic

Great_Sage_5302 · Movies
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Chapter 24 : Masked Challenger

Turning to James, Tony smiled warmly. "And you, Mr. James."

"It seems you can use my name after all. I had thought those were all aliases. Thank you for everything you've done for the orphanage."

James stood up, disregarding Tony Stark's reaction, and walked directly to Mother Hana. "Mother Hana, you no longer need to worry about the orphanage's finances. With this big shot's help, not only can you care for the younger children, but you might also be able to assist more children."

"However, you're getting older. There are some things you needn't do yourself. Delegate tasks to your workers . Take care of your health."

"James, don't fret. As long as I'm here, no one will dare try to oust you from here." Mother Hana tapped the armrest of her chair, as though the entire orphanage shook with her resolve.

James clasped Mother Hana's hand reassuringly. "Mother Hana, don't concern yourself with me. I've found an internship at Osborne Group. The pay is decent, more than what I earned from my part-time job. I'll manage just fine. Don't worry!"

With Mother Hana finally comforted, James ascended the stairs to pack his belongings and exited the orphanage with the sacred clothes box on his back.

The children at the orphanage remained oblivious to the events, as James had even managed to deceive Clarice into staying at school, avoiding any commotion.

Feeling content, Tony Stark drove off. He was headed to the airport to catch a private jet to Las Vegas for the "Capstone Award" ceremony later that evening.

As he passed by James, Tony Stark halted the car and called out, "Mr. James, that suitcase on your back looks quite heavy. Where are you off to? Need a lift?"

The R8 roared away, leaving James in its wake, surrounded by exhaust fumes and tail lights.

James shook his head. Tony Stark, before donning the Iron Man suit, was indeed insufferable, albeit naive.

Despite his displeasure with Stark's demeanor and actions, the outcome proved favorable.

Stark Industries had acquired the orphanage, ensuring its financial stability. Stark Industries would now oversee the orphanage's management, even possibly using it for publicity purposes.

Additionally, Pepper Potts had abandoned the idea of adopting Clarice, sparing the girl from potential hardships in Los Angeles. By staying with Pepper, Tony Stark's involvement would have only complicated matters.

Moreover, James had found a suitable reason to depart, eliminating potential dangers he might have posed in the future.

It was a win-win situation.

As James strode down the street with his suitcase, his priority now was to find a place to settle down—or rather, to earn some money.

He was currently penniless. When Mother Hana had offered him money upon his departure, he had declined.

A man with hands and feet could fend for himself.

Retrieving a newspaper from a nearby trash can, James settled onto a chair by the roadside and perused the job listings. One advertisement caught his eye:

"Seeking amateur wrestlers. $1000 compensation per match, must have an optimistic personality."

"Well, this job seems tailor-made for me. I just hope my opponent's disposition remains as sunny..."

While James was engrossed in the newspaper, his phone rang. Glancing at the screen, he saw it was Parker.

"Hey, Peter."

"Good morning, James. What are your plans for today? I've finished designing the web launcher. Now I'm just waiting for the tensile strength bio-cable to arrive so we can conduct field tests."

Parker's voice brimmed with excitement. James felt a pang of guilt; even if he had the recipe and materials, he wouldn't know how to assemble them himself.

"That's great. The cable will take some time. You can head over first. Oh, and could you do me a favor? Bring some money along..."

Half an hour later, James met Parker at the New York City Library.

Parker emptied his pockets, producing a sum of money. "Here's about $1500. It's all I've earned from my part-time job and New Year's money over the years."

Fifteen hundred dollars equated to more than 10,000 soft sister coins, according to the 2009 exchange rate.

A high school student casually producing 10,000 RB was unexpected. James had never pegged Parker, with his unassuming demeanor and boyish charm, as a rich kid.

Clapping Parker on the shoulder, James led him to the wrestling gym.

"Let's go. Let's make some money, my friend."

Upon entering the arena, James was struck by the fervor surrounding wrestling.

Two burly men with rippling muscles grappled fiercely in the ring, while the crowd cheered on, chanting the wrestlers' names fervently.

"Big Mac! Big Mac! Big Mac!"

Big Mac McGregor effortlessly dispatched an opponent nearly as formidable as himself, basking in the adulation of the crowd.

The defeated opponent lay prone on the stretcher, his dramatics reaching theatrical heights.

Having won twenty matches in a row, McGregor seemed destined to continue his streak until either his physical reserves or an evenly matched adversary brought it to an end.

Wrestling wasn't merely about physical combat—it was also about betting on the outcome.

The majority of spectators had placed their bets on McGregor, cheering fervently for monetary gain. However, there were also those hoping for an upset, wagering on the underdog.

"Who's brave enough to face Big Mac McGregor in the ring for three minutes and win a $1000 reward? Step right up!"

The host's exhortations reverberated through the arena as challengers lined up.

The registrar, a robust African-American, regarded James with disdain as he recorded his information. "Death Mask, huh? Sounds cool, but you must be brain-dead to challenge Big Mac with that scrawny frame."

After jotting down James's details, the registrar shook his head. "You're wasting your time. Big Mac will squash you like a bug."

James, sporting a crimson goblin mask, sneezed and then located Peter amidst the crowd. "Ready to place our bets?"

Peter flashed a thumbs-up, prompting James to toss him the sacred suitcase before taking his place onstage.

Half an hour later, one challenger after another fell to McGregor, bringing him to the cusp of his thirtieth consecutive victory.

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Chapters in patreon (1-35)