
Marvel: Wolverine’s brother With a Group chat

Reborn into the mcu as wolverine’s older brother with three wishes and a female only demensional group chat [Warning this fanfic will have extreme fetishs proceed with caution]

Jhuncho_ · Movies
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2 Chs


A/n/: kind of rushed sorry😅

"So I died," I say looking at the self-claimed god

"Yes, you got hit by a truck"


"I know funny, right"

"Well what now"

"Normally you would go to heaven, but since you died to a messenger of heaven you'll get reincarnated with six wishes and a surprise"

"…..so trucks are messengers of heaven"

"Not all of them"


"Get on with the wishes"

"Fine, but where am I going"

"To marvel"

"Fuck my life, My first wish is to be wolverine's older brother, but give me a different father I want to keep my previous skin tone"


"My second wish is to have regeneration better than wolverine and the claws of victor"


"My third wish is to have the wings of angel but make it so they normally have black feathers but I can shed them into the metal ones"


"My fourth wish is to know everything about every field of science and technology"


"My fifth wish is that magneto can't control Adamantium, vibranium, and uru and that the adamantium won't poison me or logan"


"My sixth wish is to have unlimited potential in everything"


"….is that's it?"

"Pretty much"

"Well, what's the surprise?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if you knew," he says pushing me


Standing up I realized I wasn't in front of god anymore

" Evening Victor, Henry I didn't realize you were still here"

"We were just keeping james company, sir, if that's alright"

Realizing I was at the beginning of Wolverine: Origins I thought 'He couldn't have warned me

As I was about to see what I could remember a bang hit the door followed by a man screaming Elizabeth

"Your father is drunk again, should help him, home victor"

"It is not my name he is calling, sir"

Walking out of the room James's father said "stay here"

Taking this chance I went through my memories 'ugh that's uncomfortable' i think getting 16 years of unknown memories

*boom* a gunshot James jumped out of bed and ran out, following behind him I looked down to see John(James's father) dead


"We're brothers jimmy and brothers stick together, right victor"




"What are doing here, I thought we were going to sign up for the war" victor complains as we walk into the stark expo

"We are now shut up and just follow me" I respond

"Aren't you tired of war" James or logan states

"You can never get tired of war," victor says

"I can"

"Me too" Logan added

"Anyways come on," I say taking them to sign up

A/n: didn't know what to call the place steve registered

After registering we headed back to our house

"Why'd we register there and why to wait so long" victor said

"I feel like something special is there"

' Technically since I have no limits evening the smallest serums should improve my strength'

'I wonder when I'm going to get that surprise god was talking about

[Girls-only group chat established]

'That's convenient,'

[Host from your memories I can see you have a basic understanding of the system, but I'll still explain some things, The system is a group chat connecting female characters from different Universes/dimensions. It comes with seven functions group chat, status, Shop, Missions, Gacha, and world travel.

You can earn shop points and gacha tickets by doing Missions along with other rewards, World travel will Be unlocked after the first mission and you can travel to any world you have been to. If you want to go to worlds you haven't been to you'll need to buy a world travel pass from the shop]

'Ok so everything is pretty forward

'What about the group chats how do I invite people?'

[As of now host you have five random invites, after that, you can invite people by going to the world they reside]

'Can I invite my brothers?'

[Sorry host but other than you no other males are allowed]

'Send the random invites'

[sending invites….]

[Trigon's daughter has joined the chat]

[Titty kitty has joined the chat]

[Half-fallen angel has joined the chat]

[Muscle bunny has joined the chat]

[pure evil has joined the chat]


Trigon's daughter: Why is this my name

Half-fallen angel: fufufuf is this some type of illusion

Muscle bunny: is this the quirk of a villain

Titty kitty:…

Pure evil: Did you pull a trick kimmy

Trigons daughter: how do I change my name


Looking at the names I was pretty sure I knew all of them

'System please explain everything to them

[right away]


Admin: ahem Welcome to my group chat

Trigons daughter: yours? So you made this

Admin: well I didn't make it but I got it as a gift

Admin: I'm guessing the system explained everything

All: yea

Admin: Now if you want to change your name just click on the profile in the top left corner

Raven: That's better

Mirko: Are there strong people in other worlds?

Henry: A lot

Raven: I gotta go my team is calling me

All: same


Closing the group chat I found that time was frozen "uh system"

[Unfreezing time]

"Henry, you ok?" Logan asks

"Yea why"

"Your face"

"What's wrong with it"

"It's uglier than usual," he says earning a laugh from victor

"Very funny" 'with this group chat I won't have to wait I think realizing the plot of origins is gonna take a while

'Well whatever