
Marvel: Win Gura-Gura no Mi at the Start

Li Wei travels through the Marvel World and becomes Iron Man’s cousin. He also obtains a magic weapon that can travel through the heavens. He starts to invade the Pirate World and win the tremor fruit! As long as you change the plot, you can travel through other worlds and plunder the treasures of other worlds! So the whole world is in chaos! Stark: I have become Iron Man, and Li Wei steel suit is even more slippery than mine! Hulk: Fighting is impossible. Hulk likes peace the most! Thor: For the glory of the northern god! Scarlet Witch: I just want to be Li Wei’s perfect maid. Li Wei: I just want to change some plots. Why did the style of painting in the whole world changed in the end? ( I am not the author or own anything you can read the original work here : https://mtlnation.com/novel/marvel-win-shock-shock-fruit-at-the-start/ ) btw some info. very fast growth. not much logic. MC character will definitely get him some girls. Chinese discrimination as usual. Chinese good things will be shown off as usual. MC power and control will have no logic at all. it will even feel like you are reading a comic instead of a proper Chinese novel. Not evil btw. MC will definitely act as a hero. chance of getting harem: very high.

FrogKing36 · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

Chapter 1 The early birth of Mark 3!

New York City

Located in a bustling street in the city center, on the top floor of a skyscraper, a sky garden-type villa is built.

In the villa, in front of the bright floor-to-ceiling windows, a strong black-haired man slowly lowered his dumbbells, as if he had just finished a round of exercise.

The black-haired man is about twenty years old, very young, with short black hair, and a touch of gold in his black pupils. He has a special charm.

The face is carved with distinct features, sword eyebrows, and star eyes, which belong to the standard oriental face.

The muscle lines on the body are obvious and not exaggerated. At first glance, it is known that after a long period of exercise, it is full of explosive power, and the height of more than 1.9 meters is a figure with a golden ratio.

The black-haired man's name is Li Wei, his full name is Li Wei·Stark, and he belongs to the famous Tony·Stark.

To be precise, Li Wei is Tony Stark's cousin.

At that time, Tony's father, Howard Stark, had a biological sister, who was Li Wei's mother. Later, Li Wei's mother married a Chinese, that is, Li Wei's father, and gave birth to Li Wei.

Due to an accident, the two died unexpectedly, leaving the young Li Wei alone.

Later, after Tony's father Howard learned of this, he took Li Wei to his home and changed his name to Li Wei Stark.

More than ten years later, the Howards also passed away, so there are only Li Wei and Tony Stark left in the Stark family!

"More than ten years have passed since I came to the Marvel world. Haven't my cheats been awakened yet? "

Li Wei muttered in his heart, closed his eyes slightly, and visualized a special object deep in his mind.

This is a quaint anchor, similar in shape to a ship anchor, with a broken chain attached to the tail of the anchor, and the anchor body is engraved with intricate patterns on it, which looks very mysterious.

Li Wei has a secret. He is not from this world. He came from the earth in his previous life and accidentally crossed into this world.

At first, he thought it was an ordinary crossing, but he didn't expect to come to the Marvel world!

For this reason, he actively exercised himself. Even if the environment is very favorable, Li Wei has never slackened.

Because he knows how dangerous the Marvel world is!

After more than ten years of training, Li Wei is proficient in various fighting techniques, swordsmanship, and archery, etc. As long as it is related to combat, there are all kinds of martial arts!

However, Li Wei also knew in his heart that if he wanted to survive in the dangerous Marvel, only relying on self-exercise would not be very effective. All he could rely on was the mysterious anchor that brought him through.

However, to this day, no matter what method Li Wei uses, the mysterious anchor in his mind has not responded.

"Master, Mr. Tony is here."

Suddenly, a clear female voice came from the empty hall.

This is the smart butler Friday researched by Tony Stark, just like the smart butler J.A.R.V.I.S in Stark's residence!

Although the age difference between Tony Stark and Li Wei is not small, the relationship between the two is not unfamiliar, or even harmonious.

On the one hand, there are only two people left in the Stark family. They are connected by blood and have no other support.

On the other hand, Li Wei never competed with Tony Stark for the property of the Stark family.

After all, as a traverser, Li Wei knows what the future Marvel world will be like.

This is a world where the strong are respected. The so-called wealth is enough, but more is useless, so Li Wei would rather spend more time on cultivation.

In addition, Li Wei's thoughts are relatively mature, and sometimes he would say some ideas for making money in his previous life, which shocked Tony Stark.

Because of various reasons, the relationship between the two can be regarded as harmonious.

However, Tony Stark treats Li Wei well. Not only did he develop a smart butler, but also prepared a copy for Li Wei, which is Friday.

Even the villa that Li Wei currently lives in was a gift from Tony Stark to Li Wei on his tenth birthday.

"Let him in."

Li Wei picked up the towel and wiped his sweat, and said to Friday.

Soon, a man with sunglasses and a mustache, who looked very coquettish, walked in!

"Hey, my dear cousin, it's been a long time!"

As soon as Tony Stark walked in, he wanted to give Li Wei a hug but was avoided by Li Wei.

"Men and men can't be kissed. Why do you have time to come over to me today and didn't go on a date with your little girlfriend? Oh, yes, I forgot to ask, who is your current girlfriend? "

"Don't slander me, I am an innocent man. I take every relationship very seriously, although every time it lasts less than three days."

Li Wei's words made Tony Stark a little embarrassed, but Tony Stark was so thick-skinned, it was as if nothing had happened in an instant.

"I came here this time to bring you a good thing. Do you want to know what it is?"

There is a hint of joy on Tony Stark's face, holding a huge suitcase two meters high in his hand!

"Could it be that thing you have developed?"

Li Wei looked at the huge suitcase next to Tony·Stark, and a glint flashed in his eyes as if he had guessed what the good thing Tony·Stark was talking about.

"Yes, please enjoy my latest masterpiece, the steel battle suit Mark III!"

Tony Stark exclaimed excitedly as he pressed the suitcase button!


The suitcase is opened from the middle and spread out to both sides.

A red and gold humanoid metal battle suit lies quietly in the box!

This is Stark's steel battle suit, and it is also the third-generation battle suit that has been officially put into use, that is, Iron Man's most famous Mark III!

The Mark III was born ahead of schedule!

Yes, it was born early. At the moment, Stark has not been kidnapped yet.

Really speaking, the early birth of Mark 3 is related to Li Wei!

In the original book, Stark needs to be kidnapped and suffer a lot of hardships so that he can become Iron Man.

But a long time ago, Li Wei reminded Stark to start developing a steel battle suit!

After all, he has been taken care of by Stark since he was a child, so he naturally hopes to give back to Stark.

For this reason, the early birth of the Mark III was born!

At the same time, after Stark revealed Mark 3, the mysterious anchor deep in Li Wei's mind showed a faint light!

A faint fluorescent light radiated from the mysterious anchor, turning into an attraction, instantly pulling Li Wei's mental power into the space of his mind.

For an instant, Li Wei stayed in place for an instant.

It took a while before Li Wei came back to his senses, and a touch of joy appeared in his eyes!

Because his golden finger is finally here!