
Marvel Wild Fiction

* This book is not mine. The author is Fate from rrl, I just wanted to share this others because its really great.

Saintbarbido · Movies
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Ring ~ ring ~ ring

As the last morning class bell sounded in the hall way, student start to pour out the numerous hall ways gradually group together to get lunch or hang out. One of such group is a trio, consisting of a girl and a pair of boys.

"Hey James, where is Jay? Did he get caught by Miss Beck for fighting again?"

Asked the girl with a gentle but curious voice, with a bit of annoyance.

"Good news is he not; bad news is he asks for a sick leave today, something about catching flu."

Replied one of the boy, tall and lean, black hair and face of a mixed between Korean and European. A handsome face that attract look of fascination from the girls and envy from the boys, if look can kill then he would be dead several times already.

"Is he okay? Did he take any med? Why didn't he tell me that! That idiot!"

Sound the girl with anger, but it can't cover up her worry. At her question, one of the other boys, Jason, a big African American with burly body and a serious face replied.

"Don't worry Charlotte, the guy probably just making an excuse to skip school to play games. Damn that guy, having such a beauty as a girlfriend but always skipping school to stick to those games of his! ."

At his reply, Charlotte, a French exchange student with blonde slightly long hair tie into a ponytail, and a pair of crystal clear blue eyes, blushed. But before she can answer back an anxious voice sounded in the hall way through the speaker.

"A-Ahem, all student and teacher, please gather at the school main auditorium, there is an important event."

As the announcement come to an end, student and teacher while confuse but still start making their way to the auditorium.

"An event? What is that all about? "Charlotte muttered weirdly.

"Probably just the principal doing a publicity stunt for more fame"

"I wonder which student getting a scholarship this time? Matthew? Brat?"

The trio discuss while walking toward the auditorium, the distance to their destination was short and in 10 minutes they have arrived. Inside, student has already started to settle down on their seat and talk among themselves.

"Let find somewhere to seat too" said James

Just as they sit down the surrounding light went out and the light on stage gather on one place. A man slowly walks out from backstage and as he stood on stage, student began to murmur.

"Who that?"

"Is this the new publicity event?"

"The principal sure go all out this time! Inviting a circus"

As the talking intensifies, the man on stage, wearing clown mask and a green wig bring the microphone up to his mouth and start talking.

"Hello! Student of Midtown high school, you all probably very confuse right now. Who am i? Why i am here? Well to sum all up in one sentence..."

As the man speak he slowly begin to unbutton his shirt to reveal what inside When the student look at what the man is wearing they start to clamor and scream, some stand up and ran to the door but find it was futile as the door has been locked. The man who start all this panic just have a calm loom in his face and slowly start to chuckle.

"... You all are my hostage now"