
Marvel Wild Fiction

* This book is not mine. The author is Fate from rrl, I just wanted to share this others because its really great.

Saintbarbido · Movies
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"Ok now boy and girl! Can you shut up?!"

As the sound of gunshot reach their ear the crowd quiet down. The image of a man in a clown mask holding a gun with bombs strap on his body reflects in their eyes fill with fear.

"Well now that i have your attention, let get down to business shall we? For starter let sit down, ok?"

The crowd hear his order but no take a step forward, student and teacher stuck in a situation of ' You look at me, I look at you' with no one willing to move. Seeing this scene, the man sigh, raising his gun and aim at the crowd.

"I give you 30 second or i will start shooting. My hand is holding a Glock 19 packing 15 rounds plus one in the chamber, while i don't have enough bullets to shoot all of you here but..."

The man stares intently at the crowd

"... Do you wanna take that chance? "

At his question the crowd while reluctant still chooses to follow his order and return to their seat. Seeing this man scoff softly and walk down form the stage and along the row of seats.

'Thud' 'Thud' 'Thud'

With the sound of each step the man take the student and teacher feel like they are walking on tight rope, with every step signaling the call of death Fear, despair, anger, resentment,...various emotion fill their heart and show on their face. The man responsible for all these sees it, but he just continues to walk without a care.

Reaching his destination, he stops and looks his target, a blonde beautiful girl, Charlotte.



Charlotte replied nervously and points ay herself.

"Yes, follow me"

At his answer, Jason seating next to Charlotte clamor standing up and before James can stop him, he shout.

"If you want a hostage then take me, you bastard!"

Word fill with anger and hostility, combine with his tall stature make him look even more intimidating. At his action the man just stares at him coldly and aim his gun at Jason head. Seeing both side refusing to back down and the cold metallic glint of the gun, Charlotte slowly stood up and comfort.

"It okay Jason, i will be fine"

"But..!" The man just ignored them and walk back to the stage and Charlotte quickly follow after him. Seeing this, Jason angrily sit back down and punch the seat in front.

"Damn it, where is Jay when you need him!"

At his remark James sitting next to him just give a wry smile and say.

"It won't change much anyway, he can beat some thug but he can't do anything against a gun and a bomb"

Jason face still looks reluctant and want to refute this but eventually remain silent. Back on stage the man drag a pair of chair out from back stage and sit on one of them, signaling with his hand for Charlotte to do the same. Charlotte nervously sat down and asks.



"E-excuse me?"

"Call me Bob"

The man simply said without any emotion

"Ah ok mister Bob, so uh-hum why did you bring up here?"

The man just ignored her question and ordered.

"Take out your phone and call the police"

At his order, Charlotte face show surprise and confusion and slowly speak.

"May i ask why?"

The mam grinned and simply spat out "Ransom demand"