
Marvel Unveiled: The SCP Foundation

After waking up from a nap, Noah Evans reluctantly assumed the position of the leader of an underworld group and took over the organization. On his first day, the butler introduced Noah to the organization's three core members. "Master, this is Phil Coulson, and these two are Natasha Natalia Romanov, and Melinda May. They are all key members of the organization." Noah Evans: "..." Undercover agents? Fortunately, the system started at a critical moment. As long as he summoned and contained the SCPs, he would receive abundant system rewards. Ding~ Congratulations, host, for successfully containing the Scarlet King and obtaining the power of the highest divinity! The complete power of the Scarlet King. Ding~ Congratulations, host, for successfully containing the Evolution's Child and obtaining the power of fusion, evolution, and transformation! In the end, Noah Evans, possessing countless abilities, became the most mysterious existence in the multiverse! This is a Chinese Translation

Phantomlore · Movies
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10 Chs

Unveiling Destruction: Nuclear Warheads

After nightfall...

Noah turned on the TV and started watching the news.

"The Hell's Kitchen Serial Murders Shock! Multiple Victims with Broken Necks. Is this the Distortion of Humanity or the Loss of Morality?"

"Hell's Kitchen has truly become hell! Over 60 victims brutally attacked! The perpetrator remains at large, once again proving the incompetence of the police!"

"The Truth! This is the Attack..."

As Noah watched the news report on the last headline, his hand holding the remote trembled, almost dropping it to the floor. He quickly turned off the TV.

He was genuinely afraid that those brainless reporters would broadcast the photo of SCP-096 as a hot news topic.

If that happened, it wouldn't just be a few dozen people who would die.

After all, SCP-096's characteristic is that it won't stop until it kills everyone who has seen its face.

Relieved that he had narrowly escaped a disaster, Noah sighed in relief. He then said to Natasha, who was slicing an apple next to him, "It's better to watch the news less these days! I'm afraid the photo of SCP-096 will be printed in the newspapers."

Upon hearing this, Natasha looked at Noah with a bright smile.

"There's no such eerie SCP. Maybe the doctor made a mistake? How can it be possible that anyone who sees the photo will be killed? That SCP isn't a god; how would it know who has seen its photo?"

Natasha consoled him with a playful tone.

Noah: "..."

As he looked at Natasha, who still had the mood to tease him, Noah could only sigh at the bliss of the ignorant.

Just then, the satellite phone placed on Natasha's side rang.

Handing the apple to Noah, Natasha glanced at the caller ID.

"Go ahead and take it."

Noah mumbled with a mouthful of apple.

"Sir! There are new findings regarding SCP-096. The Foundation can now confirm that SCP-096 does indeed attack anyone who sees its appearance, regardless of how they came across it. We have tested it with death row inmates."

Natasha had put the call on speakerphone, so she could hear the doctor's words clearly.

So, there really is such an eerie SCP?

Thinking about her previous ignorance, Natasha couldn't help but take a step back.

She had just been teasing Noah for being overly cautious, but now it seemed that she was the ignorant one. SCPs were truly peculiar!

"Is SCP-096 really that eerie? How bizarre!"

Natasha looked at Noah in astonishment.

"I told you, didn't I? Be cautious in everything. SCPs are incredibly peculiar. Serve me well, and when we have the time, I'll take you to headquarters to witness even more bizarre SCPs."

Master of Pipe Dreams, Noah, made another appearance.

Unfortunately, after spending these days together, Natasha had long understood his character. How could she possibly believe in the castles in the air he built?

Natasha rolled her eyes at Noah and sarcastically said, "No, keep that talk for Coulson."

"Upload this information to the internal network of the SCP, and make sure everyone is on guard. Also, have Coulson handle it. I'm afraid some ignorant fools might post SCP-096's photo online."

Noah once again thought of his tool, Coulson.

In situations like this, it had to be the official organization using force.

SHIELD was undoubtedly a good choice.

Natasha: "..."


Poor Coulson.

Dedicated Coulson back in action.

Natasha found herself unsure whether to congratulate or pity Coulson.

Meanwhile, after learning about the pattern of SCP-096's killings, Coulson was not in a good state.

This was the 21st century!

If seeing a photo led to being killed, then that photo was undoubtedly the cheapest, most bizarre, and most terrifying weapon in the world.

Because in the 21st century, there were not many people who could bypass the internet and prevent others from seeing a photo. It was just too simple.

"I have to report this to the director!"

Coulson rubbed his bald head, feeling a headache coming on.

Coulson realized that he had been losing more hair in the past few days. Ever since the Foundation appeared, he hadn't had a single peaceful day.

Compared to Coulson, who cared about the safety of ordinary people, Natasha, with a more sensitive mind, thought of more.

As an agent who emerged from the depths of darkness, Natasha knew too well about the integrity of those so-called high-ranking individuals.

Natasha's eyes shifted as she deliberately hinted, "This matter... I don't think it should be known by the authorities. After all, not everyone in the government is necessarily good. The more people know about this, the worse it could be."


Noah curiously looked at Natasha, who had a melancholic expression.

"Have you ever thought about what would happen if someone used SCP-096's photo as a weapon? SCP-096 is the weapon itself, and its photo is the remote control. I'm not the only one who can think of this!"

Natasha said each word with emphasis, her eyes firmly fixed on Noah.

She wanted to see if he had the same thoughts.

Upon hearing Natasha's reminder, Noah's expression changed instantly.

Noah didn't believe he was smarter than those top politicians, let alone the cunning villains.

He was just a transmigrator, and his only advantage was knowing things that others didn't, considering he transmigrated to a modern world, not a historical one, and didn't possess a perspective surpassing his contemporaries.

He never overestimated the integrity of those villains, and he truly hadn't thought about them using SCP-096 to kill their opponents. It was indeed a devious move he hadn't considered.

But just because he hadn't thought of it didn't mean others wouldn't.

On the contrary, Noah believed that SCP-096 would undoubtedly be exploited by those with ill intentions!

Loyal to SHIELD, Coulson immediately shared this information with the organization.

SHIELD, well...

If SHIELD knew, would HYDRA be unaware?

Upon receiving the information, Pierce immediately thought of using this pattern to deal with HYDRA's enemies.

"Order our undercover HYDRA agents within the Foundation to do everything possible to obtain information on that thing."

"Um... Sir, you might not believe it, but our personnel have been completely wiped out. There are only four people within the Foundation, and none of them are our HYDRA agents..."

Pierce: "..."

Hearing the response on the phone, Pierce was speechless for a long time.

As he looked up at the ceiling, Pierce wondered when HYDRA had become so useless. How could there be no HYDRA presence where SHIELD was? Was that reasonable? It wasn't!

Pierce coldly ordered, "SCP-096 is in Hell's Kitchen. Send our people to get it! Even if we have to make great sacrifices, we must retrieve the footage!"

The subordinate on the other end of the phone listened, utterly dumbfounded.

You want us to apprehend SCP-096, maybe we can understand that, but what do you mean by asking us to take photos?

Is SCP-096 an exceptionally beautiful person? Has our leader found new inspiration?

The subordinate's wild imagination ran rampant.


After reporting the information, Coulson, with a pained expression, requested, "Director! I need support here. Those reporters are difficult to handle. Without manpower, we won't be able to contain Hell's Kitchen."

Fury, feeling a headache coming on, reluctantly agreed to Coulson's request.

"This year, over 400 graduates will come from the SHIELD Academy. I'm assigning them to you. This time, don't lead us to a complete disaster. Among them are many SHIELD legacies!"

"Oh, and I need photos of SCP-096. If you have the time, send them to me, but make sure they're in a compressed file. I don't want to open my computer and see a photo of SCP-096."

Upon hearing that his director had assigned him 400 agents, Coulson nodded with a thrilled expression.

Although Coulson didn't know why the director wanted photos of SCP-096, he didn't ask further.

In Fury's view, SCP-096's photo was a powerful weapon. Such a dangerous and enigmatic weapon should be in his own hands. If he couldn't possess it, then he would have to control it!

What others have, I, Fury, must have too!


Rising Tide was a global hacking organization that advocated revealing the secrets concealed by the authorities, allowing people to know the truth and exercising their right to know.

The series of murders in Hell's Kitchen naturally piqued the curiosity and interest of the Rising Tide.

Skye was one of their members.

She secretly infiltrated Hell's Kitchen to capture the face of the killer, intending to expose the government's hidden truths and let netizens worldwide know the truth.

At the entrance of 96th Street, Skye carefully observed the ground and the surrounding traces.

"Is this the place? Since even the bloodstains haven't been fully cleaned up, there should be some clues here."

Soon, Skye arrived at the end of the alley, where she saw several bullet holes embedded in the wall.

"Somebody fought back, but they were still killed. What kind of existence can resist bullets? The government is indeed concealing supernatural events!"

Skye lightly touched the wall, her gaze fixed on the bullet holes for a long time, speechless.

"It seems that there aren't many clues left at the crime scene. The assailant should have left long ago."

After taking a look around and realizing there were indeed no significant clues, Skye turned around with her flashlight and left.

She decided to invade the local police station's surveillance system later to see if she could find any clues.

However, Skye was unaware that just beside her, on the rooftop of the adjacent building, a slender figure silently observed her.

Unaware that she had brushed shoulders with Death itself, Skye continued to ponder how to hack into the police station's surveillance system.

Once back in her RV, Skye used her incredible hacking skills to successfully infiltrate the local surveillance system in Hell's Kitchen.

She packaged all the surveillance videos from the past few days and sent them to the headquarters of the Rising Tide.

She didn't have the time to review the footage herself. Naturally, others would take care of that.

The headquarters of the Rising Tide was also a large RV. The leader of the organization was a middle-aged man.

With joy, the middle-aged man commanded his underlings, "Hurry up and find the face of the murderer in these surveillance videos. The government has offered a $1 million reward for the killer. Once we capture the murderer's face through these tapes, the $1 million will be ours!"

On the other hand, the police, who were conducting an urgent investigation of the surveillance videos, were abruptly stopped by SHIELD. They took over the entire case and confiscated all the surveillance footage, deleting the original data.

"Hope there won't be any more mishaps."

Coulson silently prayed as he held the surveillance tape.

Once SCP-096's appearance was uploaded on the internet, the consequences would be unimaginable.


The question arose: How should I upload the photos of SCP-096 to the director?

After all, looking at this thing could be lethal.

Coulson didn't want to sacrifice himself or his subordinates.

"Forget it, let's just hand it all over! Let the director worry about this problem."

With that thought in mind, Coulson handed over the entire set of surveillance tapes to SHIELD, making a backup copy to hand over to the Foundation as well.

After all, achieving good performance was also important for an undercover agent.


Inside Noah's mansion.

The doorbell rang urgently.

A delivery guy stood at the door with a package, continuously pressing the doorbell.

"Hello, is there something I can help you with?"

Noah looked at the delivery guy and asked.

Seeing Noah come out, the delivery guy quickly handed him a pen, urging, "Hello, this is your package. Please sign for it."

"A delivery? I don't remember ordering anything online! And no one should be sending me packages, right?"

Noah was puzzled as he received the package and then signed his name.

It was a habit he developed in his previous life. As long as it wasn't a paid delivery, he would accept it.

After washing up and coming out, Natasha, wrapped in a towel, looked at Noah who was holding the package and furrowed her brow.

Natasha asked, "A package? Who sent it to you?"

"I don't know!"

Noah shook his head and then picked up a fruit knife from the table, preparing to open the package.

Hearing Noah say he didn't know who sent the package, Natasha's expression instantly changed.

"Be careful!"

Natasha rushed over in an instant and kicked the package, which had just been partially opened, into the air.

Before the package could fly away, it exploded in mid-air.


A loud explosion rang out, and the magnificent living room instantly turned into a mess.

Noah, who was closest to the explosion, wasn't spared either. He was sent flying backward.

At this moment, most of Noah's skin was burned, and even his right arm, which was holding the fruit knife, was blown off.

Due to the impact of the explosion, Natasha, who was also thrown back, crawled up in a disheveled state and rushed to Noah's side, asking, "Are you okay?"

Feeling a buzzing sensation in his brain, Noah shook his head in confusion.

Due to his plant-like body, Noah looked miserable, but he didn't feel much pain. After all, plants didn't experience pain.

The characteristics of his plant-like body kicked in, and the stored heat within Noah's body was rapidly consumed. The burned areas on his body fell off and were replaced by new skin. Even the severed arm began sprouting new flesh.

"Meat! I need meat!"

Noticing that the energy stored within his body was being rapidly depleted, Noah's face changed, and he laboriously spoke.

This time, Natasha also noticed that something was amiss.

She realized that Noah's injuries were healing quickly. Based on the speed of his recovery, it was estimated that he would be completely healed in just 10 minutes.

Seeing the flesh sprouting at the severed part of Noah's arm, Natasha couldn't help but exclaim, "Regenerative abilities?"

Noah, hearing this, rolled his eyes and didn't bother to answer her.

"I want to know who sent me that bomb!"

Noah stared deeply at Natasha in front of him.

His first suspicion fell on Hydra, followed by SHIELD.

After all, he had only been in this world for less than four days, and the only two forces he had offended were SHIELD and Hydra.

Facing Noah's suspicious gaze, Natasha knew he was suspecting her.

Recalling how she risked her life to save him, only to be suspected by him now, Natasha felt a sense of grievance.

She replied, "Sir, you have overlooked an important target. Don't forget, you still owe someone a nuclear warhead!"

She suspected that Noah, just like the anomalies, was also a SCP.

With Black Widow's reminder, Noah also calmed down a bit.


This was no longer the world where a shooting case could shock the entire country; it was the chaotic Marvel Universe.

Thinking of this, Noah realized that his mistake was not adjusting his mindset in the three days he had been here.

"No! If someone can send me a bomb today, tomorrow they might just launch a missile directly."

Noah's heart turned cold, and he silently decided to strengthen his security measures.

Now, everyone he looked at seemed a bit suspicious.

If SHIELD really wanted to kill him, they could easily order Natasha, who was right beside him, to take action. Even if Natasha refused, there were plenty of opportunities for Coulson and the others.

As for Hydra?

Hmm! They still remained suspicious.

But the biggest suspect was definitely Obadiah.


"Do you remember Obadiah's satellite phone number? Contact him for me, I want to pay him a visit!"

Noah said calmly, suppressing his anger.

Natasha nodded and contacted Obadiah, who had just flown to the Middle East.

After the call connected, Noah took the phone and asked in a calm tone, "Old man! I really liked the gift you sent me. I hope you'll like the gift I'm going to give you!"

Obadiah raised an eyebrow upon hearing this.

This little worm wasn't dead?

Obadiah gave a dissatisfied look to the security captain standing beside him.

The security captain didn't dare to defend himself and respectfully apologized, "Sorry, boss! It was our negligence."

Ignoring the security captain beside him, Obadiah threatened with a sinister tone, "As long as you like it! Give me 2 billion, and we'll consider this matter settled. Otherwise, you'll receive the gift I've prepared for you tomorrow."

After hearing Obadiah's admission, Noah's gaze turned extremely cold.

"It seems it was indeed you. I hope you'll also like the gift I've prepared for you."

After finishing his words, Noah hung up the phone.

Originally, he had only wanted to taunt the other party, but he didn't expect Obadiah to admit it outright.

Very well! He liked honest children, so...

Noah decided to reward him with a little mushroom.

"Contact Dr. S46 and ask him to find out where Obadiah is. Since he gave me such a surprise, I'll give him an even bigger one in return!"

Seeing the killing intent emanating from Noah, Natasha nodded cautiously.

In less than a minute, Dr. S46 sent Obadiah's address.

"The Middle East? This old man chose his own graveyard, quite a good location," Noah sneered.

After the sneer, Noah contacted the Foundation's base in the Middle East.

"Dr. A167, I remember there are two nuclear warheads in the base. Obadiah will go to the former Ten Rings camp in half an hour. I want you to give him one as a return gift."

"Understood, Sir!"

After Noah hung up the phone, Natasha asked cautiously, "Isn't this a bit wasteful?"

Noah explained with an expressionless face, "Didn't I owe Obadiah a nuclear warhead? Since he's in such a hurry, I'll just give it back to him."


At the Ten Rings camp in the Middle East, after a thorough search, Obadiah's men finally found the discarded Iron Man armor that Tony left behind.

"Finally, I found you! With you, whether Tony is here or not doesn't matter."

Obadiah looked fondly at the crude Iron Man armor in front of him.

Just as Obadiah was indulging in stroking the rough armor, a bodyguard walked over holding a phone.

"Boss, that kid called you again."

Obadiah's smile disappeared instantly, and he took the phone with a blank expression, sarcastically asking, "What? Are you scared now? But it's too late. I'm going to..."

"Mr. Obadiah, hello!"

"Mr. Obadiah, goodbye!"

After speaking, Noah directly hung up the phone.

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the line, Obadiah's face turned extremely red.

What did this kid mean?

Was he deliberately provoking me?


Just as Obadiah was speculating about the purpose of the phone call, a shocking event occurred.

"Not good, enemy attack!"

"It's a missile! Get the boss out of here!"

The guards responsible for surveillance, through their radar detectors, looked in horror at the missile rapidly approaching their location.

"What's going on?"

Obadiah, who had been pushed into the car for quite a while, shouted angrily.

His precious Iron Man suit was still there. If they were going to run, they should have at least taken the suit with them!

After Obadiah got into the SUV, the driver, not daring to stop, stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle shot forward as if released from a bowstring.

They didn't know how powerful the missile was, all they could do was try their best to take Obadiah out of the blast range, or rather, the center...

Obadiah, who had been pushed into the car for quite a while, still felt dazed.

"What did you say about a missile? Which organization did it?"

Obadiah asked with a dark face.

The driver of the car, who was still driving, shook his head, "I don't know! All we know is that the missile came from two kilometers away."

"Damn it!"

The driver suddenly stopped the car and looked in panic at the rearview mirror.

Through the mirror, the driver saw a mushroom cloud rising behind them. Even more terrifying, the mushroom cloud was still expanding and rapidly sweeping toward them.

There was no time...

"Damn it! It's a nuclear bomb! That missile was a nuclear warhead!"

The driver of the vehicle shouted in despair.

After cursing, the driver's eyes turned bloodshot as he looked at Obadiah in the backseat.

What did this old bastard do to offend someone?

To provoke them to use a nuclear bomb?

"Motherf***er! It's that damn smuggler! He actually used my nuclear warhead to blow me up!"

Obadiah cursed with a livid face.

What did I do to deserve this? Why would I, an ordinary person, need to be blown up with a nuclear bomb?

This is like using a cannon to kill a mosquito—using excessive force.

Obadiah never imagined that he would die at the hands of the weapons he smuggled.

After anger came regret, endless regret.

He never expected Noah to be so insane, to crazily use a nuclear bomb to retaliate against him, and to do so with such speed.

The interval between their conversation and the retaliation didn't exceed half a day.


Why did the retaliation come so quickly, so ruthlessly...

It cost a fortune—billions.

Of course, that's if anyone would buy it.

Amidst endless regret and terror, Obadiah was consumed by the nuclear blast.

This antagonist, who was supposed to be the nemesis of Iron Man, had been erased from history before even making an appearance.

Under the terror of the nuclear explosion, Obadiah didn't even leave behind his ashes.

One hour later.

Upon receiving the news of Obadiah and his men's annihilation, a faint smile finally appeared on Noah's icy face.

"Tony, I've taken care of another enemy for you. No need to thank me!"

Looking at Noah's smiling face, Natasha felt her hands and feet turn cold, filled with unease.

This man was too unbridled, too insane.

"Do you know what you're doing? That was a nuclear bomb..."

"A taboo weapon forbidden by all nations!"

Natasha sighed deeply in her heart.

She didn't want, nor did she dare, to let Noah become an unrestrained madman.

A madman wasn't terrifying; what was terrifying was when that madman held weapons capable of destroying humanity.

After the shock subsided, Natasha firmly thought, "No! I have to guide him onto the right path. Perhaps, that is my destiny!"

"Another enemy has met an untimely end. I think we should celebrate!"

Noah felt the need for a celebration. After all, this was the first enemy he had killed since arriving in this world, and it held great significance.

This was the first, but definitely not the last.

This man was like a hedgehog; once he was harmed, he would immediately retaliate fiercely and cruelly against his enemies.

Seeing Noah, who was happy like a child, Natasha couldn't help but label him as someone who enjoys destruction.


Since it was a celebration, alcohol was a must. But drinking too much alcohol could lead to complications.

The next morning, with a heavy head, Noah crawled out of bed after removing the arm pressing against him.

"A drunk woman is hard to handle, and a physically strong drunk woman is even harder." Noah made a firm resolution.

"I must prioritize the plan to strengthen my physical fitness, or else I'll suffer big losses in the future."

With this thought in mind, Noah didn't wake up Natasha. Instead, after freshening up, he went to the living room and turned on the TV.

Checking the news every day has become a good habit since he arrived in this world.

Hmm... even though it's only been three days.

In the US, the land of freedom, really, any news can be broadcasted. Sometimes, news reports are more exciting than TV dramas.

"Human Doomsday Approaches! In just one night, a mysterious killer has claimed over 3,000 lives!"

"Despite the death toll of over 3,000, the police still haven't found the killer. Can we still trust the government?"

Reading these hair-raising news reports, Noah, who was previously muddled and drowsy, instantly jolted awake.

"Damn it! What the hell is going on? Over 3,000 people dead in one night? Is SCP-096 out of control?"

He quickly picked up the satellite phone and contacted Dr. S46.

"Doctor, what's happening? What's going on with SCP-096?"

"Apologies, Sir, but as you suspected, SCP-096 is out of control. Pictures of SCP-096 have already spread on the Internet, and we can't stop it..."

Dr. S46 replied with bitterness.

"Damn it! What's going on? Who the f*** did this?"

Noah couldn't help but curse out loud.

The worst-case scenario had happened.

In this internet-savvy 21st century, pictures of SCP-096 were circulating online...

Dr. S46 tried to console him with some worry, "Cough, cough! Sir, please don't worry. We've calculated that SCP-096's killing rate isn't fast. It's only about 6,000 people per day..."

Noah: "..."

Only about 6,000 people per day?

Noah's mouth twitched slightly, and he silently hung up the phone.

What should he do? Should he go and contain SCP-096 now? But the problem was, who knows where SCP-096 is now?

Noah sat on the sofa, lost in thought.

Although SCP-096 would return to its original location after killing someone who saw its face, what if SCP-096 couldn't catch up with its victims?

Wouldn't that mean SCP-096 wouldn't return to its original location and would instead continue on its killing spree?

How could he just sit and wait for it?