
Declaration of War

Morning in Moscow was chilling to the bone. Sarah was bound in a metal pillory and paraded through the frozen streets naked, whipped periodically by Ophelia and doused in water. Her head was poorly shaved with still long strands of hair dangling down, and she marched trembling through the streets, as on lookers jeered and mocked her.

"Come on Sarah where's that fighting spirit?" Ophelia asked.

"I deserve this. I will atone for my sins."

Ophelia tore her back open with the crack of her whip. Sarah was silent gritting her teeth together.

"Come on; make this fun for me at least. We still have some time before the big moment."

Sarah continued to march on.

"Haa.....no fun at all, it seems, I guess we move on from humiliation to pain. Would you like to know what happened to Peggy?"

Sarah turned around glaring at Ophelia.

"Ooooo, now there's the fire I was looking for. She's been gone for so long Sarah, can you seriously still be in love with a woman, who you left to die? Oh how she struggled to cling onto her sanity, but after enough men break her in, she was a nice docile little girl."

Sarah lunged at Ophelia, the pillory lit up blue and zapping her to her knees.

"There's the Captain America I know of."

Sarah gnashed her teeth together glaring up at Ophelia.

"Oh? Maybe Hydra Supreme is coming back."

"You're going to f**king die, whoredra." Sarah growled.

Ophelia whipped her across the face, her cheek peeled open and she fell back.

"Get her ready the guillotine."

Several soldiers began prodding Sarah with cattle prods moving her back to the Kremlin. The five of them sat solemnly and quietly in the Quinjet, with Andrew holding Colleen's hand.

"Andrew, can you be honest, and tell me if we're going to be okay?" Noriko asked.

"We're gonna be fine Nori. Remember how far you've come, from the girl who took a minute to make a bolt of lightning."

"We have been spotted by Hydra forces. Six hostile enemies detected. Shall I engage?" Hawkins asked.

"Don't engage or get hit Hawkins, they don't know this thing is made out of Vibranium."


Andrew handed Kate several arrows with shards of Mimicry attached to them.

"Get rid of them, Kate." Andrew said.

The hangar doors opened and Kate tied a rope around her waist standing at the edge, with the wind blowing violently past them. Two fighter jets hovered in front of Kate.

"Leave now you are in Hydra air space." They said over the intercoms.

She loosed two quick arrows, they quickly bounced off the cockpit and the two pilots chuckled, stopping as their cockpit warped away from underneath them. Their jets crashed as they frantically reached for the ejector seat.

"Four hostiles remaining. They have locked onto us, engaging evasive manoeuvres."

The Quinjet twirled and soared through the air weaving and dodging rockets and gun fire. The others held onto their seats tightly as Kate adjusted herself at the hangar door loosing another arrow, and clipping the jets wing. The pilot quickly spiralled to the ground as one wing warped into block.

"Three hostiles remaining."

"Andrew, give me an extension!" Kate yelled.

A black rope enveloped Kate like a harness and she leapt out of the Quinjet firing two arrows at the two chasing jets. They both warped and crashed into the ground, the last fighter jet pulled back, attempting to turn around when an arrow struck its engine. Kate was pulled back inside as the last jet crashed into the ground. Kate took a breath checking her suit.

"ETA till Moscow Kremlin is 30 minutes."

"Check your gear, and remember no hero bullshit. We enter as a team, and leave as a team. Got it?" Andrew said, putting his hand in the middle.

All of them nodded placing their hands on top.

"We never really gave ourselves a good team name did we?" Noriko said smiling.

"Well you all did reject my initial suggestions." Andrew said.

"I'd rather be called Furry and Friends, than any weeb name you suggested." Kate said.

"I said A-force for my name and that I was the leader."

The girls all groaned. Sarah was dragged into a large Kremlin room and tossed next to Maria. She was curled up, covered in bruises and cuts. She tried to get next to her, when the pillory electrocuted her one more time. Sarah fell back screaming as the lightning continued to surge through her body.

"Ah, ah, ah. Don't go and wake Maria up, she needs her rest, for the next beating." Ophelia said.

"Just kill me and leave her out of this. You've already won and damned half the world by helping the X-men, achieve their goal."

"She has been a pain in my side for years. Always playing the long con, thinking she could just manipulate everyone she ever met, or black mail them. That's why she'll be joining you for the grand execution."

A soldier entered the room.

"The stage is ready Madame Hydra."

"Finally, I thought midday would never come."

The five of them sat tensed and nervous, Andrew handing them each a piece of Mimicry.

"Our phones will probably get smashed, so use this to communicate. Just think and Mimi will transfer the thought to us."

"Won't that let us see into your..." Noriko said.

"Link is complete Master." Mimi said in all their heads.

"You're really okay with me being able to ask your deepest secrets?" Kate said.

"You four are the closest friends...closest family I've ever had. So yeah, I'm okay with it."

The five of them shared a group hug, before tightening their costumes, and bracing themselves clutching their seats tightly.

"Are you sure this is the stealthiest way to get in?" Noriko said nervously.

"By turning off everything and free falling in, we won't be picked up by any radar." Kate said.

"I will begin freefall descent into Kremlin airspace, in 3...2...1..."

The Quinjet shut its engines off and began plummeting towards, the five of them clutched their seats. Sarah and Maria were prodded out both naked into the freezing cold weather of Moscow, with hundreds of people cheering, and bombarded by flash photography. They were placed on a platform overlooking the court area.

"Did you ever think it would end like this Sarah?" Maria asked weakly.

"No...I thought I would die with more clothes on." Sarah joked trying to help Maria up.

They were split apart and forced onto their knees in front of the guillotines. Opehlia stood in front of a podium, holding a microphone.

"Oh f**k she's gonna monologue before she kills us. She really is evil." Maria said with a weak smile.

"Comrades, today we celebrate a momentous occasion! The death of a traitor and the death of an enemy!" Ophelia said in Russian.

"Shit....it's a long one too." Maria groaned.

"When the hand strikes noon, Hydra will farewell these two evil souls!"

Maria weakly looked at the large clock seeing 11:55am, and groaned.

"Great...five minutes of this c**t talking before I get to see real hell."

Ophelia basked in the cheers from the crowd, when one of the onlookers looked at the clouds part, and the Quinjet engines roared to life, creating a sonic boom over the guillotines. A black rope shot out wrapping around Maria and Sarah, as they were being pulled into the Quinjet, Yurkio leapt out from the building slashing the rope away. Two metal tentacles shot out wrapping around Sarah and Maria throwing them back. Task Master appeared firing a large rifle at one of the engines, the bullet bounced off, and the five of them leapt out of the Quinjet. The crowd dispersed around them, and the five of them scowled at Ophelia from the ground level, as six figures appeared next to her.

Task Master, Omega Red, Yuriko Oyama, a man wearing black oni mask, a athletic Asian man with a serpent tattoo on his chest, and finally a slender knight in blood red layered plate armour and a gigantic sword. All of them stood at the podium staring down at the five with the emblem of Hydra sitting above them. Ophelia tossed a microphone down to them and Andrew caught it with the black rope.

"You five are in Hydra territory, I'll let you stay for the execution, but you'll need to leave the moment it ends."

Sarah desperately pushed her past them and fell to her knees, seeing the five of them and began crying.

"WHY THE F**K DID YOU COME HERE! GO HOME! THAT'S AN ORDER! I WANT TO DIE!" Sarah shouted with tears streaming down her face.

"You heard her, she wants to die. Go home kids." Ophelia said with a smug smile.

Several drones with cameras flew around the five of them as they stood there quietly.

"Give them back to us, and no one dies." Andrew growled.

"Do you see that emblem behind me? You attack any one here and you become an enemy of the entire state. All of Hydra will hunt you down, and as S.H.I.E.L.D soldiers, you will be disavowed and abandoned. So be smart boy and go home." Ophelia said.

"Surge could you do the honours?" Andrew said.

Blue lightning crackled around Surge, and she fired a bolt of lightning destroying Hydra emblem. Sarah looked back at the destroyed emblem, the crowd stared at them with hanging jaws.

"Do they know what they just did!?" A crowd member said.

"They're crazy!"

"You would wage war over two people? Are you crazy? You will now be hunted down by both sides for your actions!" Ophelia shouted.

"I am Andrew Warg Wing, I renounce my loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D." he said passing the microphone to Samurai.

"I am Colleen Samurai Wing, I renounce my loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D." she said passing the microphone to Hawkeye.

"I am Kate Hawkeye Bishop, I renounce my loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D." she said passing the microphone to Surge.

She took her mask off glaring up at them.

"I am Noriko Surge Ashida, I renounce my loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D." She said passing the microphone to Wolverine.

She pulled her mask up.

"I am Laura Wolverine Hewlett, I renounce my loyalty to S.H.I.E.L.D." She said crushing the microphone.

Sarah began sobbing and snivelling, slamming her head onto the floor.

"You...you stupid kids....don't do this..."

"An entire army is currently on its way to kill you all. Do you kids really think that you can defeat everyone here!?" Ophelia shouted.

"F**KING WATCH US!" They shouted.

Andrew created a magic circle above his head creating nine clones of himself. Each one summoned a shield above their head enlarging its size, and then exponentially growing it with another magic circle. The sun over the Kremlin was blocked out and then, black shards rained down from above, each piece turned into a wolf snarling and snapping its fangs at the people. The citizens of Moscow cried out terror running away with the horde of wolves ran amok through the streets.

"He's gotten stronger. I will deal with him." Omega Red said stepping forward.

"He's mine." The knight growled in a deep echoing voice.

The five of them charged in with the deafening howl of the million copies of wolves howling in the back. The red knight leapt off the podium destroying the ground and ran towards Andrew dragging his long knight sword along the ground. Colleen grabbed her katana.

"GO! I got this idiot!" Andrew said.

The four girls moved out of the knight's way and the two of them clashed swords. Laura shot two grapple hooks up to the podium and launched herself into Omega Red and Yuriko, her foot claws embedded into their chest and the three of them flew through the Kremlin.

"Get them inside, we'll kill them after they have been dealt with." Ophelia ordered some soldiers.

They dragged Maria and Sarah deeper into the Kremlin. Colleen, Kate and Noriko continued to run towards the Kremlin, when the man with the serpent tattoo leapt down striking the ground, the force sent Noriko and Kate back.

"You have a good connection to your chi; I will have fun ripping your heart out." The man said licking his lips, his red eyes brimming with joy.

Colleen lowered her stance grabbing her katana hilt.

"Go, I got this idiot."

"Zhou Cheng the dying Iron Fist." The man said bowing and his fists turning red.

Kate and Noriko made their way into the Kremlin, when Noriko shoved Kate down avoiding a bolt of red lightning. The man with black oni mask stood in front of Noriko. He threw his mask to the side, and crackled with red lightning.

"Hello sister." Takeshi said with a sinister smile.

"Go, I got this idiot."

Noriko crackled with blue lightning scowling at him.

"I knew Andrew should have ripped your head off."

"Your boyfriend isn't here to save you this time!"

"Don't need anyone to save me!"

The hallway became engulfed in flashes of blue and red lightning, darting across and destroying its entire path. Kate quickly stood up, evading the streams of blue and red lightning. She made her way deeper into the Kremlin, stopping suddenly as an arrow flew past her face, and ducked behind a pillar.

"Oooh, good reflexes. Old man Hawkeye taught you well." Task Master said.

Kate quickly loaded her bow.

"He taught me a few things. Now who the hell are you?"

Task Master loosed another arrow from the other side of the room ricocheting off the wall. Kate leapt to another cover as the arrow pierced where saw was.

"I'm hurt. He didn't tell you about his first student of the hyperkinetic program?"

"Nope, I only had two other assholes."

"Ronin and Bullseye, the other two failures of the program." He said loosing another arrow.

The arrow bounced off the wall flying towards Kate. She leapt over it firing an explosive arrow at Task Master. He took a step forward spinning and caught the arrow, firing it back at Kate. She looked with bulging eyes as the explosive arrow detonated in front of her. She was blown back disorientated as Task Master stood over her, shaking his head in disappointment. Noriko was thrown through a wall of the Kremlin and landed on her back huffing and puffing. Takeshi followed through the rubble and stood over her.

"Why....why are you working for Hydra?" She asked panting.

"Because you work for S.H.I.E.L.D. Well you use to. I figured one day I'd get the chance to kill you, but I didn't think it'd be so soon."

"I'm not your punching bag anymore." She said slamming her fist into the ground.

"Seems you've been training but it doesn't matter what you do. You'll never beat me, you'll always be trash."

"How are you....how are you even moving right now?" Noriko said struggling to stand up.

Takeshi turned around pointing to a metal rod in the back of his neck.

"When your boyfriend snapped my neck I lost control of everything, but this little device here, lets me redirect the electrical pathways."

Noriko began laughing as she stood up. Takeshi scowled at her.

"What's so funny?"

"It's amazing how much control you have over your powers, and yet you have no control over how stupid you are."

Takeshi surged with red lightning, when Noriko fired a bolt blue lightning into him and another to the metal piping. He looked at her confused.

"What the hell was that meant to be?"

"Nothing special, just magnetising your device."

"You're lyi..."

Takeshi fell to the ground losing sensation in his legs, feeling the metal rod in the back of his neck pull out slowly. He desperately grabbed it, as Noriko dashed in kicking his hands away. A stream of blue lightning came out of her fingers as she pulled the metal rod out, and he screamed out in terror.


"It's taken 20 years, but I found a real brother."

She ripped out the rod, tossing it aside and grabbed the nape of his bleeding neck.

"Wh...what are you doing?" Takeshi asked terrified.

"An older brother is meant to be caring and protective, you were none of those things, all you did was take from me. So for once in my life, I'm going to take something from you."

Takeshi screamed out in agony as streams of red lightning shot out and were absorbed by Noriko. Her hair lifted into the air and her hair pulsed red and blue, after Takeshi fainted, she took a step back her eyes glowing a bright violet. Noriko crackled with violet lightning and her hair now light shade of purple, she made her way through the Kremlin. Task Master tossed aside his bow and pulled the sword from his back. Kate's eyes shot open and she grabbed his ankle, and tripped him over with a kick to the gut.

She quickly grabbed her bow. Task Master quickly threw his sword at her, and she dropped her bow down, grabbing out two batons. Task Master reached behind his back popping out a long staff, and snapped it into two batons.

"I like beating people at their own game."

The two of them exchanged blows, with Task Master mimicking every attack Kate did, until he struck Kate across the face with his baton.

"Tsk, I didn't think you'd be this crap. I'm gonna go fight that kid outside."

Kate spat out of some blood and stood back up.

"You scared of losing?" She said with a smile.

The two of them exchanged blows again, their batons clanging, dodging each other's strikes, when Kate cracked Taskmaster's nose with a head butt. He fell back clutching his nose, as he looked up Kate had dove for her bow. He quickly leapt out of the way as a flurry of arrows launched his way. Taskmaster ducked behind a corner, huffing and puffing.

"I guess, you aren't hyperkinetic eith..."

An arrow pierced through wall ramming Taskmaster into the wall. He cried out in anguish trying to free himself. Kate walked past him huffing and puffing spitting out blood and grabbed the arrow, twisting it in his shoulder.


"I don't need to be hyperkinetic to beat a shitty copycat fighter like you. I just needed you to monologue so I could win. " Kate said walking deeper into the Kremlin.

Laura, Omega Red and Yuriko crashed into a room and the three of them stood up stretching their necks out.

"You have doomed yourself by attacking us both." Yuriko said extending her finger nails.

"Go to sleep." Omega Red said raising his hand.

Yuriko covered her nose as Laura took a whiff, and started to choke and cough spitting out blood. As Laura fell to her knees, Omega Red and Yuriko closed in only to take a step back as Laura stood up.

"I thought you hit her with your death spores?"

"I did."

Laura stood up laughing and popping her claws.

"Let's f**king go bubs." She growled.

"Get out of here Lady Deathstrike, go help Madame Hydra. I will deal with her." Omega red said with two metal tentacles coming out of his back.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Lady Deathstrike lunged in with her long protruding finger claws.

Her ten claws pierced through Laura and she spat out blood, before she was pulled in closer by Laura, and both her arms were cut off. She fell back screaming in agony before Laura placed her foot onto her face crushing it into a paste. Laura ripped the claws out of her body with a pained grunt and tossed them aside.

"Get out of my way or join her."

Laura and Omega Red charged in the two of them exchanging blows and tearing flesh off of each other. Blood and guts sprayed through the room, as they screamed out in agony. Omega Red fell to his knees covered in blood and deep cuts, his injuries slowly healing. Laura stood over him huffing and puffing, raising her claws up, when the two tentacles pierced her sides. She cried out in pain trying to rip the tentacles out, feeling her strength draining away, and Omega Red stood up energetic and fully recovered. The tentacles pulled out and Wolverine fell to the ground.

"Foolish girl. You can never beat me."

Laura began laughing as she weakly stood up.

"I hope you wore some protection, before you took my blood, otherwise you're in for a wild ride."

Omega Red scowled at her, cocking his fist when he felt his blood boil and his skin crawl. He fell to his knees clutching his body, and screamed out in anguish, as his skin boiled and his bones cracked and twisted. Laura weakly moved past Omega Red, who cried in agony, moving deeper into the Kremlin. Colleen and Zhou exchanged Chi filled blows, the ground shattering beneath them with each strike, and shockwaves emanating from their attacks. Colleen lowered herself and sheathed her katana taking a deep breath. Zhou smiled exposing his chest.

"Shield your eyes from its brilliance. Dragon's flash!"

Colleen felt her katana bounce off his chest and Zhou turned around, the sclera of his eyes were pitch black and his iris bright red.

"What delicious Chi. Give me more!" Zhou said lunging in with his glowing red fist.

Colleen stepped back huffing and puffing, sheathing her katana and slinging it behind her back.

"That explains a lot. I have to finish this fast then." She said her fist became engulfed in a raging white fire shaping into a dragon's head.

Zhou let out a sinister laugh and charged in.


"Crush their bones. DRAGON'S FIST!"

Her fist connected with Zhou's face and his neck snapped back, his smile disappeared feeling no Chi.

"What happened? Where did your Chi go...."

Suddenly with a violent shockwave, Zhou's head flew off his body, his neck spouted blood like a Fountain as it dropped to the ground. Colleen took a deep breath and continued to move into the Kremlin.

"Madame, we've lost contact with the five heads." A soldier said.

"What!? You're telling me those children beat them!?" Ophelia said angrily.

"All except the blood knight Madame."

"I knew I should have killed those children. Move them to the bunker, we will wait for reinforcements."

"If you aren't ready to die for her, I would suggest you all surrender now. Those kids are quiet violent, and have been influenced by a leader who doesn't believe in stalling fights." Maria said smiling at them.

"You're banking a lot on those children Maria. You must be going senile."

The wall in front of them was knocked down, and the soldiers all raised their rifles up, when a bolt of violet lightning chained amongst them. Noriko stepped out from the rubble, as Laura cut her way through the side wall, breaking through and cutting the pillories in half. Ophelia took a step back and tried to reach for a rifle when an arrow ripped through her hand, pinning her to the carpeted floors. Ophelia screamed out in anguish trying to free herself. Colleen found her way to the others and extended her sash to wrap Maria and Sarah up.

"Why did you five do this...you can never return to S.H.I.E.L.D. You threw away your whole lives for us." Sarah asked sobbing.

Colleen blew a hole through the ceiling towards the sky, and the Quinjet hovered over them. The black sash extended up latching onto the Quinjet and the six of them rocketed up and boarded the Quinjet.

"Andrew, we've got them safe and sound. Where are you?" Colleen asked.

"Master is struggling against this knight. Leave the area, so he may fight more freely." Mimi said from her sash.

They all looked at each other concerned.

"Punch it, Hawkins. We'll swing past him." Colleen said clenching her fist.

"Who the hell is this guy to give Andrew trouble?" Noriko asked.

"I don't know, but he'll be okay, other than Colleen. He's the strongest person here."

Andrew and the blood knight separated from their blade lock.

"I can't mould his armour or sword. He's strength and speed is incredible, I can barely keep up with the guy. He has a telekinetic ability to pull things towards him. That armour is too thick for Mimi to do any real damage, and he can seemingly levitate, so moving his base is out of the question. There are too many damn civilians still in the area for me to go all out, and he's definitely hiding something up his sleeve, for him to single me out." Andrew thought.

"You are powerful. However you have yet to master all your weapons forged by a god smith."

Andrew reeled back his eyes widening in shock.

"How the hell do you..."

The blood knight raised his hand up summoning hundred of shadow soldiers in armour brandishing a sword and shield.

"You are not the only who have been cursed into a game by the primordials. You are a warrior of Gow, I a warior of Wayland. However unlike you, I have all my gifts and simply wish for a warrior's death." The knight said planting his sword into the ground.

"I don't know what the hell you're on about, but it seems like my team has gotten what we've come for. So I'm going to go."

The Quinjet flew over them and the Blood knight hurled his sword at it. The blade piercing through the wing with ease, he pulled it back and the jet took off, barely dodging the return.

"You will not leave until you grant me a warrior's death or die by my hand." The knight said readying his sword.

Andrew waved the jet off. He duplicated his shield and shattered both. One hundred copies of Mimi snarled and snapped their fangs at the shadowy knights.

"Those pets of yours will not do anything to my soldiers."

The other hundred black shards shifted into swords and each copy of Mimi picked up one in their fangs.

"Sorry that I don't have a suit of armour like yours, to finish this knight verse knight fantasy of yours, but I have places to be. So let's finish this quickly." Andrew said readying his sword.

Their armies clashed into storm of destruction, tearing each other to pieces. Andrew and the knight clashed their swords each one pushing each other back slightly. Andrew pulled his blade back engulfing it in his black chi, as he pulled his blade back, cracks and fractures ran all long the entire thing. As the Knight's blade connected with Andrew's his sword clicked back into a solid place, and he was pushed back. Andrew swapped to his sword to a fracture spear, as the tips connected, with the Knight's blade, his spear clicked into one piece. The Knight was completely blown away. He quickly recovered and looked up at the shadow looming over him, seeing Andrew bringing his sword down.

The knight raised his hand pulling Andrew out of the air and impaling him. Andrew disappeared into smoke over his sword and the Knight quickly stood up looking confused, as he quickly sank into the ground. The knight hacked and slashed at the ground his sword bouncing off, as his legs were pulled apart, he screamed out in pain. Andrew emerged from the ground with his sword at the apex, slamming it down and severing the knight in half. He took a step back huffing and puffing, looking at the mangled corpse, and his sword dented and warped.

The Quinjet came by again, Andrew pulled himself on board with a black rope, drenched in sweat. Colleen quickly hugged him.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah...yeah...just wasn't expecting him to be that damn strong."

Sarah pulled the five of them in sobbing uncontrollably, as they uncomfortably tried to get away from snot and tears.


The five of them all looked back at her with a big smile.

"Of course you are. We weren't gonna lose Mama Sarah and Grandma Maria." Noriko said.

Maria let out a weak angry mumble.

"But...but you can never return to the mansion, you threw away your home for us."

"I made arrangements for us to stay somewhere, while shit simmers down." Kate said.

"Where?" Sarah and Andrew asked.

"A.I.M facility. M.O.D.O.K will keep us off the grid. Hawkins, can you get us out of here safely." Kate said.

"We are not being followed, or tracked by any satellites. We will arrive in a few hours."

The others all sat back in their chairs breathing a sigh of relief, as they flew off into the clouds. The X-men and Apocalypse landed in Genosha, and they all bowed at his arrival, gazing in wonder at the new X-men. Apocalypse stood in the middle of the mutant crowd, and thousands of tentacles shot out into each of them. Charles, Emma and Jean sat down in a circle holding hands. Eric floated down next to him, his youth restored and his muscles bulging.

"It is finally time Charles. Let us start the age of Apocalypse."

The three of them closed their eyes, and all across S.H.I.E.L.D territories, mutants fell to their knees clutching their heads and screaming out in anguish, hearing the three voices call out in their heads.


Noriko and Laura fell over in the ship clutching their heads screaming out in pain.

"MAKE IT STOP!" Noriko screamed.

"What the hell is wrong!?" Andrew asked holding her.

"I CAN HEAR THEM IN MY HEAD!" She screamed with tears in her head.

"KNOCK HER OUT NOW!" Laura shouted stabbing herself in the head.

Andrew quickly wrapped his arms around her throat and choked her out.

"Hawkins, what the hell was that?" Andrew asked.

"A mutant uprising is occurring in all S.H.I.E.L.D territories. Every registered mutant is currently attacking the closest person they see, and chanting a phrase." Hawkins said showing chaotic footage over S.H.I.E.L.D territories.

"What the hell are they saying?" Andrew asked concerned.

"Repent and despair, for the age of Apocalypse is here." Hawkins said.