

The next day, Andrew sat in kitchen early in the morning flipping through his phone, leaning on his fist and blowing a raspberry. Yue sat down next to Andrew, placing a plate of fruit in front of him.

"Is something wrong dear?"

"Just reading how weak I am."

"What do you mean? Aren't you listed as Calamity?"

"Hmmm...There are these things called Omega threats, and their power is ranked by how fast they destroy the world."

"And...you're sad because you aren't on that list?"

"Well, what's the point of getting stronger or even training, if there's just some guy named....Robert, that can destroy the world in under a minute."

"I'm confused do you want to have the power to destroy the world in under a minute?" Yue asked.

"No, I just...I want more power...but even with daily training, I feel like I've peaked. And I can't rely on this soul-fire it's too detrimental to my body."

"Why do you want more power? You've done incredible things with your powers. You help free everyone under the Hand's influence, mastered abilities other Chi users could only dream about."

"And what happens when someone like Dragon shows up? I didn't beat him, Colleen did, and she needed help from this soul killing fire to do it. I need to get stronger, because I'm responsible for people's safety."

"And making annoying people cry and piss themselves."

"Obviously that part is a huge benefit, but the world is terrifying and vast, I can't always deal with it."

"Your greatest strength has always been your mind, and how you used your powers, never your raw strength."

Andrew let out a sigh, slumping in his seat.

"So what happens when my brain can't think of a solution with the pieces I have?"

Yue stood up rubbing Andrew's shoulder.

"Pray to your furry god for the answer." She said leaving.

Andrew chuckled as she left. He summoned out Mimi, who sat down in front of him, his eyes darting to the plate of fruit.

"Aht! You can't have the fruit, until you tell me why I can't change your shape to what I want?"

Mimi shrugged his shoulders lifting a paw up.

"I do not have these answers, I am merely your weapon, and a part of your sub conscious."

"Mmmmm...go ahead and eat it." Andrew said, leaving the room.

Mimi leapt up onto his seat dragging the plate to his face, licking his lips before gently taking a piece. Father Cox was pushed into the kitchen by Sister Tait, the both of them locked eyes with Mimi eating the fruit.

"You ever gonna get use to seeing a wolf doing this stuff?" Father Cox asked.

"Not really, but it's adorable."

Andrew took a seat on the bench leaning back, closing his eyes and taking a long deep sigh.

"Someone give me an answer." He said annoyed.

He opened his eyes and found himself in the endless hallway with two stone slabs, one filled with all his weapons, and an empty blank slate.

"How the hell am I back here?" He said inspecting the stone wall.

"Have you forgotten how you arrive here?"

Andrew turned around to see Ven floating behind him.

"Ven...why am I back here? I thought Gow's soul was put to rest."

"It was and I am here because you called."

"I...didn't call...wait, you're answering my call for help?"

"I am in the only way I can." She said smiling behind him.

"If it's a cryptic riddle, I'm going to say I want a hard pas..."

"Protect others, by protecting yourself."

"Pass.....why did you have to give me a puzzle? You know I can't let that shit go."

"You have grown Andrew, I can see why my father has always been invested in your fate."

"Your father?"

"Goodbye Andrew."

"Hey wait!"

Andrew shot awake on the bench, looking around confused.

"Is it too much to ask for that people just give an answer without putting it in a riddle?" Andrew said rubbing his head frustrated.

"Would you like me to search the internet to your riddle?" Hawkins asked.

"Argh.....sure, what harm could it do? Protect others, by protecting yourself, by losing control."

"Zero results found."

"You didn't even search!" Andrew exclaimed.

"I did, no riddles start this way in my records."

"Arghhhhhhh, why a damn riddle? Just give me the damn answer!"

"A riddle teaches a lesson, by letting the person..."

"I know what the damn purpose is! But you can learn just as fast, by have the answer and work towards understanding how you got there." Andrew said standing up.

"Not everyone thinks like you Andrew."

"Argh, damn it Ven. I'm gonna be racking my brain around that for days."

A loud siren rang throughout the streets.


Everyone in the streets looked around confused, shrugging their shoulders at each other.

"Hawkins, what the hell is going on?"

"A large vessel has just entered into the upper atmosphere. Citizens are now being evacuated to local S.H.I.E.L.D station, to be moved to a safer location."

Ryu and Yue rushed out.

"Andrew what's happening?" Yue asked.

"I'm not sure, but take everyone to the closest S.H.I.E.L.D station, and grab a weapon. I need to go investigate." Andrew said quickly leaving.

"Andrew! Stay safe." Yue said.

Andrew entered into a car driving into the centre of the city.

"Warning, vessel has changed trajectory." Hawkins said.

"To where?"

*BOOM* the car windows cracked Andrew held his ears ducking down, the sound of glass shattering echoed out, suddenly seeing a shadow looming over his city. He left the car seeing a vast warship floating above the city, its twisted rusted metal covered in scuff marks and scratches.

"Hawkins, tell me the military is coming." He said gawking at the ship flying in the air.

"They have been mobilised, ETA 30 minutes."

A deafening sound echoed out from the warship, the remaining windows on all the buildings cracked and shattered, Andrew held his ears, as a blue light beamed down with five figures standing behind Dione wielding silver plate armour and giant metal spear. A large beastly man covered in tuffs of fur with bulging muscles holding a golden axe, a woman with ghostly white skin and long silver hair wearing black plated armour, a ghoulish looking man with sharp pointy features holding a Bident wearing a black hooded cloak stood behind the other three. A humanoid with grey rubbery skin, slicked back white hair wearing a regal black robe tucking his hands behind his back. It stood next to an alien woman with blue skin, pure white eyes and two black horns holding a glowing spear.

"Are you the one known as Warg!" Dione asked, his voice booming.

"You know me!?" Andrew asked.

"You interacted with one of our scouts."

"I take it that you guys sent the big egg?"

Dione flourished his large spear behind his back, the blade sliced through the pavement like butter, with the other four taking a fighting stance, and the one in the robe levitating into the air.

"We have come here to offer your race to the first goddess, in the name of king Thanos! You have power, join us in the culling of your race, and be spared!" Dione yelled.

"You six are going to cull the entire human race?"

Dione raised his spear in the air. Several large pods dropped from the warship floating above them, crushing through several buildings nearby, and hundreds of grisly eyeless dogs crawled out snapping their razor sharp fangs.

"Will you join us in the culling?" Dione asked.

"Before I consider joining you, can I get your names?"

Dione cracked a coy smile.

"I am Dione, second in command to King Thanos!"

"I am Ebony Maw, leader of the Black order." The grey alien said bowing.

"Corvius Glaive." The ghoulish alien said flourishing his weapon.

"Proxima Midnight." The blue alien woman said.

"Black Dwarf!" The beast man roared.

"Black Swan." The pale woman said.

"Damn, my name sounds like complete dog shit compared to your cool titles, but..."

Andrew summoned his shield holding it above his head smirking at them. The six of them watched on as the shield expanded above his head and then suddenly shattered into thousands of pieces. Each piece turned into a copy of Mimi growling and snapping their fangs at the alien dogs. He summoned out his sword taking a fighting stance.

"I am the Avenger Warg and you're not the only one with an army." Andrew said with a smug smile.

"That is not our army."


Two large vents opened from the warship floating above, with several large flying worms with spiked metal armour, and thousands of snake faced aliens rained down on small flying ships, shooting down with their laser rifles.

"IN THE NAME OF DEATH! HUNT AND KILL!" Promixa shouted, the alien dogs roaring to life.

The thousand copies of Mimi all howled charging in, engaging into a feral brawl with the alien dogs, as Andrew threw a sword at each of the aliens. Dione stood still as the sword shattered against his armour. Ebony Maw raised his hand apathetically throwing the side aside. Promixa Midnight and Corvius Glaive parried the swords away, with Black Dwarf shattering it with his axe, and the sword shattered in front of Black Swan on an invisible force. Andrew leapt away using his black rope to swing through the city.


"Ant-man and Wasp are already en route, ETA 20 minutes."

"ARE THERE CIVILIANS STILL IN THE CITY?" Andrew shouted killing some of the aliens, and dodging their gun fire.

"Video feeds show no civilians in a 10kilometer radius of your location. You are free to engage!" Hawkins said.

Andrew turned around to see the alien army running rampant and spreading through the city, destroying buildings. When his shield appeared behind him and was suddenly blindsided by a red laser beam, sent crashing through a high rise window. Andrew quickly sat up coughing and holding his head.

"Ah shit! Thanks for covering my ass Mimi."

"The army and S.H.I.E.L.D agents have begun setting up the quarantine field." Hawkins said.

"Prioritise evacuation first and shoot anything trying to fly out." Andrew said standing back up.

He looked up seeing Black swan levitating in front of him, with her eyes glowing red.

"We will kill everyone on this planet for Thanos, and in servitude to the first god. Join us and you will be sparred" She said into his mind.

Andrew glared at her taking off his jacket and tie, and summoned his sword.

"Telepathy, force fields, and I'm guessing by your glowing eyes, you were the one who shot me with a laser beam."

She looked at him surprised as he cracked his neck. Andrew leapt in bringing his sword down, Black swan quickly raising her arms blocking the attack, and struggling to holding him back. Andrew was suddenly lifted into the air, he looked down at his feet seeing dust particles spiralling underneath him, and was then thrown into the adjacent building. Black Swan turned around looking at Ebony Maw floating up towards her.

"I thought we agreed about keeping him alive to recruit him." She growled at him.

"We will see if the goddess greets him first, if she does not, he is not worthy of our rank."

"Tch, tell me that before he almost cuts me."

"I thought you said you had it?" Ebony Maw said smiling.

Black swan growled at him before flying after Andrew. Andrew crashed through another building, trying to stand up and holding his back, letting out a groan.

"God f**king damn it! I miss having my damn armour."

His shield appeared above him as Black Dwarf brought his axe down from above, with a savage roar, sending Andrew crashing through the office floors to the ground. He rolled over spitting out some blood, and crawled out of the crater of rubble.


Andrew pulled out his destroyed phone letting out a pained sigh.

"They gotta start giving us better phones." He said tossing it aside.


Andrew looked up seeing Black Dwarf leaping down through the hole with his axe raised, and rolled out of the way, being blown out of the building by the shockwave and cloud of dust. He rolled over his shoulder stumbling backwards, trying to regain his balance, when he saw Promixa Midnight and Corvius Glaive lunge at him with their spears. He summoned his shield blocking their attack and was blown back, his shield cracking, and landed in front of Dione standing over him.

"Will you join us and serve under King Thanos?"

Andrew was breathing heavily and mustered the energy to stand up, looking up at the 5 meter tall giant looming over him, as Black Swan levitated down, and Ebony Maw floated down on a twister of debris. They gathered around him and he smiled at Dione.

"I don't know how you guys know English, and I honestly don't care. But I just needed to get some information on all of you, before I started fighting."

"What could you have possibly learned about us in that exchange?" Ebony Maw asked irritated.

"Proxy and Glaive boy over there are just strong aliens with sharp weapons, and big teddy bear with the axe is just a bigger version. You have telekinetic powers and that's how you fly and move things. She has force fields and laser beams, which I'm guessing comes from her red eyes."

"You learnt all of this as your city burns and the civillains are hunted down?" Dione asked impressed.

Andrew took a step back summoning his sword, and took a fighting stance.

"Alright! Who's first to die!?"

The Black order all snarled at him.