
First Encounter.

*1 week later*

Andrew was asleep in his bed at midnight, when he felt someone nudge him awake.

"mmmmm." Andrew whined swatting the hand away.

"Wake up." Maria ordered standing over him.

Andrew's eyes shot open and craned his neck up, letting out painful sigh, before sitting up.

"I thought I was on sabbatical."

"You still are, but something has come up and I would like for you to come and join me in my investigation." She said throwing him his clothes.

"Since, when do you do your own investigations?"

"Meet me in the car, in 5 minutes." She said walking out of the room.

Andrew entered into the car concerned with Maria biting her thumb nail.

"What's going on? I've never seen you look like this."

The car speed off into the night, Andrew reeling back slightly from the speed. Maria handed Andrew a tablet. He looked at it confused turning and flipping the picture.

"...What am I looking at? A large egg?"

"We don't know. It was found on the coast of New South Wales, and it appears to be throbbing."

"Throbbing? So this is an egg? Or a cocoon at the least?"

"I'm not sure, but this is new, and we need to proceed with extreme caution."

Andrew took a gulp and the two of them sat silently as they drove down to the location. They arrived at a quarantine zone, surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents with erected fences and tents.

"Deputy Director, there have been no changes in the target." The agent saluted.

Maria walked past them with Andrew following behind her. Andrew looked at the gigantic egg washed ashore surrounded by heavily armed soldiers with fog lights.

"Holy shit that thing is big." Andrew said.

"It was smaller when we found it. We think it's about to hatch or burst, sir."

"Then why the hell are we standing so close to it? It could be filled with poison or zombies, or something crazier."

"We managed to take a sample, and the fluids inside are non-lethal. However we have taken all necessary precautions."

"Like what?" Andrew asked.

"We brought you." Maria said.

Andrew stared up at the egg in wonder, scratching his head.

"So...what exactly do you want me to do?" Andrew asked.

"What would you do?" Maria asked.

Andrew rolled his eyes.

"I'm still not enjoying this training you're giving me. Alright! I need everyone to get onto the high ground and stand back. No idea what could pop out of this thing."

The soldiers quickly moved everything up the sandbank and took a firing line position, Andrew looked at them impressed.

"Damn, I didn't think they would do that so fast."

"What's your next move?" Maria asked standing next to him.

"Alright everyone, I'm gonna do something and I want everyone to be calm, just gonna add some extra security for myself."

The area was quickly engulfed in black fire the soldiers all looked at him concerned as Maria stood stoically next to him. The sand beneath her feet lifted her gently towards the soldiers; they stared on in disbelief, as Andrew summoned his sword.

"What kind of powers does this kid have?" One of the soldiers asked astonished.

He threw his sword into the egg piercing the shell, a purple fluid began pouring out, with a large crack splitting it apart. The soldiers all gulped re-gripping their rifles as the egg split apart and a large steaming scaly worm flopped out, with the purple fluid pouring out between its razor sharp teeth.

"What...the...f**k!?" Andrew shouted turning back to Maria.

She stared on concerned as Andrew went in closer to inspect the large scaly worm.

"I think it's dead!" Andrew shouted back.

"Why was it throbbing? What the hell is that creature? How did it get here?" Maria thought as Andrew prodded the creature.

The worm flopped over and everyone went on edge, as Andrew slowly took a step in closer, pulling out a metal box with his black rope.

"UHhhh Maria! I found something!" Andrew said looking at the steam metal box disgusted.

Andrew and Maria stood inside a brightly lit tent, staring at the metal box on the table.


"I have no idea what the hell this thing is Andrew."

"This isn't some kind of test, or Hydra super secret?"

"No, it's not them. This is something different."

The metal box opened slightly, and everyone in the room took a step back, revealing a holographic projection of an alien language.

"What the f**k does that say?" Andrew asked.

The alien symbols shifted to English to all of their confusion. Revealing the text 'Thanos has challenged you.'

Andrew slowly turned to Maria.

"To mortal kombat?"

"That doesn't mean anything to me either Andrew, and I have no idea who or what the hell a Thanos is."

"Does this bode poorly for us?" Andrew asked.

"Hmmm...we'll take it from here, you can go back Andrew."

"You can't just wake me up at midnight, let me see a damn alien, and then expect me to fall back asleep."

"You can stay and watch us methodically dissect this alien and put this metal under testing, until we come up with something."

"I will! How long does that take?"

"At minimum 10 hours..."

"Aight, I'mma head out. Call me when you find something." Andrew said walking out of the tent.

"Have fun on your trip back." Maria said.

"Yeah, I'll enjoy driving back for 3 hours. Those 150 miles back is gonna be fun."


Andrew shook his head.

"I meant like 300 kilometres." He said getting into a car.

Maria walked into an empty tent, placing the phone to her ear.

"Tony, I need you to get the relay back up. I need to contact Black Bolt."

"Christ Maria, what the hell did you find?"

"Something deeply concerning."

"Just tell me what you want to ask, cut out the middle man."

"Ask him, if he knows any alien known by Thanos."

"Uhhh...how do I spell that?"

"I'm just gonna send you the damn information, get the relay up as soon as possible. I need to follow up on another lead." Maria said hanging up the phone.

Sarah was driving the Humvee while the other girls sat inside the car leaning against the side all looking miserable.

"For the love of god Sarah, please tell us this is the last town we have to fact check." Noriko groaned.

"Don't be angry at me. Blame Blade for f**king up and not doing his job and reports properly. We gotta back track all the towns he's been through otherwise a vampire crisis could happen."

"HMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! I hate this contingency. It sucks!" Noriko pouted.

"Yeah...it's not great, but trust me you don't want to follow the procedures if Contingency: Alien invasion happens." She chuckled.

The four of them perked up as Sarah's eyes bulged wide open.

"Did...Did you just say Aliens exist?" Kate asked sitting beside her.

"Nope! I didn't say anything! Go back to sleep!"

"Holy shit do Aliens exist!?" Noriko yelled.

"You girls must all be deaf, because I didn't say anything."

"Sarah, we all heard you. Tell us about the aliens!" Laura said.

She let out a long sigh.

"Alright fine! I slipped up, but you can't tell Maria, what I tell you."

The four girls all leaned in, staring at her intently, waiting for her to speak.

"We have limited contact with an alien group calling themselves, Inhumans, and they live on the moon."

The four girls all leaned back in their seats raising the lower lip up with doubt.

"I can't tell if she's lying." Colleen said.

"Yeah, the lie is too stupid to believe, but...who knows what we haven't been told." Laura said.

"Believe me if you want, but you can't tell Maria what I said."

"Guys, if she's saying don't tell Maria, it means it's true." Noriko said.

"No, because she could be playing us, and it's real but just absurd." Kate said.

"Are you telling the truth Sarah?" Colleen asked.

"I don't know." She said smugly, shrugging her shoulders.

The four of them glared at her, when Colleen grabbed her pony tail and Laura popped her claws out.

"Tell us or we cut off about 40 centimetres of your hair." Colleen said.

"Centimetres?" They all said looking at her confused.

Colleen shook her head.

"I meant like 15 inches."

"Do it, I can rock any haircut."

Colleen and Laura sat back down in their seats growling.

"Damn it, she's right. She's too hot to threaten her with that." Noriko said.

Sarah sat in the driver seat with a smug smile, when she noticed Kate holding her phone out.

"What are you doing?" She asked concerned.

"Just sending Tony a message."

"What are you saying? Hey! Give me that."

Kate quickly tossed her phone to Colleen, with Noriko and Laura leaning in.

"Ohohohoho! That's great, she'll definitely tell us the truth with this." Colleen said with the other girls giggling with her.

"HEY! What are you sending? Hawkins, read me their message."

"Hey baby, just thinking about you, and how I'm ready to settle down. There is a photo attachment of you in a wedding dress."

"DELE..MMMM!" A black rope wrapped around Sarah's mouth, and she slammed on the brakes, their car coming to a screeching stop in the snowy road.

Noriko held the phone in front of Sarah with her thumb hanging over the send button.

"Are aliens real?"

Sarah nodded.


The five girls looked at the phone with Noriko's phone on the send button. Sarah's eyes bulged wide open. Colleen, Laura and Kate quickly left the vehicle slamming the doors behind them, with Noriko staring at Sarah frozen.

"Umm...maybe it didn't send?" She said nervously with a forced smile.

*Ring* *ring*

"So you finally caved. I told you one day that even you, would want some of me, but your gonna have to wait till Thanksgiving, to get your turkey stuf-" Tony said.

Noriko created a jolt of lightning in the phone turning it into a crisp, and looked up at Sarah casually unbuckling her seatbelt.

"Now Sarah, you have to understand it was an acciOHMYGOD!"

Sarah lunged at Noriko, the Humvee bounced up and down with the girls standing outside listening to the screaming. Maria arrived in remote desert, placing down a small metal disc on the ground. A blue holographic projection appeared showing a blonde woman with porcelain skin and piercing blue eyes.

"Maria, this is rare. Normally Abigail would contact me. What has happened that you would call me instead?"

"Do you know what the word Thanos means?"

"I don't know of this name, why do you ask?"

Maria held her phone up, showing a picture of the dead worm.

"A chitauri slug? Was that on Earth? Did you kill it yourselves?"

"A chitauri slug, so that's what it is. Yes it was on the coast on one of our continents, and no it was dead in the egg."

"Egg? Hmmm, that means it was in a hibernation state, but how did it get to Earth?"

"That's why I'm asking you, Abigail's last report said there was no extra-terrestrial activity, but now there's a damn alien slug with a message box that knows English."

"Message box?"

Maria dragged the metal box out of her car placing it on the ground.

"Get your world ready Maria, war is coming for you." The woman said.

"From who?"

"The Titan's have challenged your planet. Ready yourselves they will be there soon enough."

"Threat level Captain?"

"Omega 3-D."

"Thank you Captain, I'll mobilize the troops."

"Stay safe Maria, I'll be there in 3 weeks."

"Don't worry about us, if you're 3 weeks out, there's no point in coming back to ruins."

"Maria, if you can hold out..."

"Goodbye Carol, we'll stay in touch." She said smiling and picking up the disc.

The hologram disappeared and Maria cracked her neck, putting the phone to her ear.

"Maria, to what do I owe the honour of your personal call at this time of day?" Ophelia said.

"Did you find an egg with a decaying worm in it?"

"....What have you found out?" she said with a serious voice.

"Omega threat 3-D."


"Uncertain, I'm mobilizing my troops. Keep Hulk stable." Maria said hanging up the phone.

She took a long sigh blowing a raspberry.

"F**k." She said kicking a rock.

"Director, shall I activate Contingency: Alien?" Hawkins asked.

"Activate Contingency: Alien. Call Quake and Tony to be on standby, we might need the MK1 Ironman."

"Complying, shall I also notify team Contingency?"

"Tell Andrew only, the others are still checking for the vampires. I don't want to deal with vampires and an alien army."

"Complying. Where do you wish to go next Director?"


Andrew arrived back at the church looking at his phone confused.

"Umm, Hawkins, what did you just send me?"

"A list of known Omega threats that exist."

"Okay...why, and what do the codes next to the name mean? Like what's Hulk 1-M and Sentry 1-M?"

"Director Hill has initiated the Alien invasion Contingency. The codes next to each name, represent the time frame before each Omega threat destroys the world. Hulk and Sentry are at the top of the list and coded as 1-M, because you will only have 1 minute before the world is destroyed."


"That is under ideal situations."

"Okay...that's....good to know, I guess. What do I have to do for this contingency?"

"You simply need to be ready to deal with an invasion. However I must say you are taking the information of being attacked by aliens very well."

"Honestly at this point, things don't shock me anymore, I'm pretty good now."

"Father Cox has just made love to Yue."

Andrew's eyes rolled up and he fell to the floor twitching and convulsing.

"Results from my test, indicate you are wrong, in both aspects."

Out in the darkness of space, a colossal warship drifted behind Jupiter. A giant purple humanoid with jet black eyes sat upon a throne in his blue with gold plated armour. The giant alien's face was covered in several scars; slumping in the chair holding an elongated skull, staring at it bored and annoyed.

"Have they received our challenge?" The giant asked with his deep booming voice.

"Yes, King Thanos, the humans have received our message." The other giant said with a deep voice bowing to him.

Thanos crushed the skull in his hand to dust, and smiled.

"Good, I've grown bored and the Goddess of Death needs her offerings."

"How do you wish to proceed King Thanos?"

"What have the scouts reported?" Thanos asked.

A holographic projection of Earth appeared, with several cluster of red dots.

"This area known as the United States, is known to be one of their strongest areas, filled with their best warriors and weapons."

"And this baron island with one red dot? Why was this listed?"

"One of the scouts reported there was some warriors there."

Thanos stood up pointing at the projection of Earth.

"Take the raiding party and set the Chitauri on this island known as 'Australia'. I will go here to the United States."

"How many extra soldiers do you wish to bring with you? Should I call for the Black order?"

Thanos picked the other giant up by the throat lifting him into the air.

"Do you think I am weak Dione?"


Thanos released Dione, and he fell to his knees clutching his throat.

"Please forgive me, my king. I did not mean to..."

"Dock the Sanctuary on that small threat in Australia, and claim it as a stronghold, I will go there alone."

"My king?"

Thanos smirked.

"They will send their armies to battle me, and I will offer them all to the Goddess of Death. Ahhhhhhh, just wait my goddess, you will have your feast." Thanos said staring into the ceiling of his large throne room.

Dione stood back up rubbing his throat.

"We will be there soon my king."

"Ready my weapon and armour. This will be enjoyable."