
Marvel: True King of Curses

John Moorey a white collared mundane man trying to survive in the hustle and bustle of New York, the city where gazes never wonder, eyes never lock and the whispers of blood reach the ears of nobody before fading. Perfect for an ordinary man who’s main goal is just a simple one - to live right?. Absolutely perfect yes I say or at least it was. Until his world switched almost instantaneously and he was thrust into a world of pure unrefined insanity as the King of Curses - Ryoumen Sukuna One would think that such an indescribable madness would surely drive any sane man insane but good ol John is no stranger to madness he’s a man that theres more to him than meets the eye A man of ever changing colour and beauty - an inescapable calamity

Honoured_Writer · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

9 Godless

The darkest of days had set across the region of Japan.

The Sun had withered and shed it's natural light bringing darkness and chill to the Shinto world and from the ashes of ruin a new malignant eminence took it's place 

The Devil's gaze loomed over it's lands and people, slaughtering thousands with every day that passed with every grain of sand that signified Father Time's conquest. 

The air reeked with the stench of death and all citizens under the rising Sun knew the end of all life had set it's sights on them

Two faced. Four armed. A Mad Devourer that brought calamity to everything in his sights and gorged on the bodies of every human he came across. He who walked with death. He who had conquered it and The One who had feasted on Death itself.

No sacrifice brought his siege to a close, no prayer, no cry of desperation , no beg for mercy would halt his desire for death or quest for Godhood and power

He was chaos incarnate to any human, and for once the cycle of man and God had been halted as a new presence had broken the Samsara

The little hope that remained at the Gods' interference dwindled until it corrupted into that of hopelessness as the year of bloodshed ensued for many more fearful days

For what can man hope to accomplish when the monster on the other side has slain Gods


I laid waste to a nearby village among countless other that I had led to ruin, the tip of finger permeating with power as it drew an incision across the humans that laid their bodies in lines as if they wanted their to be a massacre 

Tears flowed down their cheeks as the fear that emanated from their bodies did not fail to make their flavours all too delightful

They begged. They sacrificed their young, their old, wives, sons, daughters all in hopes to appease a calamity that had no ears. To make a disaster see reason even if it's natural purpose was to bring absolute destruction and reap the lives of many

"Hoh, look at me getting presumptuous, already calling myself a calamity" I chuckled knowing that foolish words were ignorant for I knew I had barely even come to scratch the surface of what this world had to offer - call it intuition or instinct but I knew there was more to come, "Shouldn't I remain silent on the titles received in my wake and allow my actions to stand as testament for my many names...

...Not that my actions lacked in the slightest" I mused gazing upon the scene I had caused with the villagers bodies desecrated and mutilated, toyed and played with to display wretched abhorred horrors that would drive the sane into madness 

Heads mounted on the every same spears they wielded against me, bloodbaths staining the body of Gaia in an unholy scarlet

What a glorius sight indeed! The sheer wickedness of this collage spoke stories that the Gods have foresaken man

I scaled the mountain of corpses of my creations before sitting down and spinning a spear that was expertly used to grab the head of one of the villagers cleanly

Ever since I had eaten Amatarasu, my body has grown stronger, the bear limitless amounts of negative energy in my reserves has grown to new heights, Shrine had grown more ferocious and the flames that perpetually burned within [◾️] burn more scorching than before - they had transformed into something greater - the white flame

I was no fool to believe that this was all a coincidence, however with no evidence to go by I could only assume that it was doing of her being a divine meal that it led to my empowerment

Could it be that a Gods body acts as a catalyst to one's growth?…hmmm that would heed further field testing and if the Godesses' word still held true then this world certainly didn't lack a surplus of deities to dine on

My formidable silver canines held firm as they bit through skin, flesh, muscle of the head as if it were a mere mango - picked and eaten as soon as it ripened

However what I truly find to be irritating is the fact that no one of decent strength has come to challenge me

It's like they've avoided my presence like a plague

It was different in that era wasnt it? Warriors of strength and will worthy of praise that came from every crevice of those lands to challenge me whether for a false sense of justice or to test their power against mine

And like a Sovereign who reigned with an iron fist i quelled their attempts by slaughtering them all

I swivelled my head, scanning the area around me and all I was met with was destruction

"It seems the hunt must continue… I've heard rumours of this worlds Yamato No Orochi causing chaos in the northern parts of Japan," I clutched my chin with wonder in my eyes, "I've also heard in my conquest that a lone God of Storms has set out to vanquish it"

My oh my. The chessboard has been set. The pawns, rooks, pawns, bishops kings and Queens have been layed out before my very eyes

I smirked until all of my eyes contorted upwards in distastefulness

… this is becoming vexing

My gaze tracing along the iridescent hue of the Moon that seemed to be the sole reminder that balance still remained - if only slightly to give the zealous fools hopes

However today it seemed to littered with pervous eyes that watched my every movement like a silent observer

"Come out I find your prying to be distasteful," i spoke which to an outside audience it would seem like words to the wind but they knew I was speaking to them

Moonlight dripped obnoxiously into the plane before and wistfully a man of untold grace materialised before me

"Hm… so the counterpart to the Sun finally showed itself," I mused my interest piqued a little enough to descend from the mountain

I crossed my arms grinning as I did so, "But don't you feel your head is too high?"

A sharp slash ripped through the air however to my amusement it's intent and direction were deflected with the draw of a blade

"Why would I bow my head to someone lower than me?" Arrogance dripping from his voice that it even brought back memories of my battle with Satoru Gojo

The air grew thinner and heavier with an unknown weight that forced my muscles to tense and buckle under the gravity forcing me down

That bravado of his… nothing but a facade, he doubts whether he can defeat me or not so why is he here? What is he waiting for ? Who is he waiting for?

I folded my arms with refreshing exhale accompanying my actions, "Impressive. Tell me what do you want"

"..To slay a curse that has grown to arrogant in its wake," He spoke, the shine of the moons ribbons curled around him as of blessing with strength

"And what makes your believe you ahve the strength to do so if your sister failed," I spread my arms out, "What makes you think you'll do any better?"

"My sister whilst powerful was too compassionate, too naive," Tsukiyomi drew his blade once more, allwoing its piercing point to face my heart, "I am not my sister. I am more elegant than she could ever be. More smarter and more cunning

I am the God of the Moon, Tsukiyomi! Now come Raijin! Hachiman!"

The world shook and lightning crackled and ripped through the air at his declaration and the drums of war played in background

A divine scene beheld itself before me

A demon of untold power and ecstasy and a warrior who upheld the craftsmanship and righteousness of all soldiers who fought for their land

Raijin, The God of Thunder, Lightning and Rain!

Hachiman, The God of War!

"You look strong! Don't you dare disappoint!" The demon with orbs of electricity circling around him spoke with fervour lacing his tongue

"Vile being who disgraced Lords Izanamis and Izanagis gravewax! Die before my blade!" A warrior veiled by armour that spoke volumes of his dominance over the battlefield

My smile widening to lengths even I could not believe

"To be met with such worthy opponents, it's difficult not to meet your expectations wiyh something as grand! So I'll oblige just this once!" Clasping my fingers together and interolocking to weave a hand sign I spoke, "Domain Expansion:…