
Marvel This Superman is 100 Million Points Strong

Story of: American Comics: This Superman is 100 million points strong Lin Feng accidentally traveled to the Marvel Universe and gained superhuman abilities. Um? Why are my superhuman abilities only one percent of those of the Man of Steel? It seems that there is less sun. So outside the earth, a handsome figure was suspended in the air in the form of large characters. Nick Fury: Damn it, why does this guy keep sunbathing in outer space? Iron Overlord: What kind of thing can kill me with one punch? Tony Stark: It seems that the Anti-Superman suit will be studied in advance. Ancient One Supreme: Are you interested in replacing Strange and becoming my disciple? Hulk: I won’t dare to fight with Lin Feng anymore! Loki: Superman is coming! Run! Clark: No, man, why aren't you afraid of kryptonite?

Gold_D_Dragneel · Movies
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160 Chs

Chapter 38

I suddenly feel like I'm eighteen years old again, and my whole body is full of energy!

"Walter, how is this possible!".

Tony was also stunned.

The effect is so remarkable?

"It's true! My skin has changed a lot!".

Pepper hurriedly took out the makeup mirror from her bag, looked at herself in the mirror, and couldn't help but sigh.


Seeing the magical effect of this cup of tea, Tony drank his cup of tea without saying a word.

In an instant, a warm current flowed from his throat to his limbs, filling his whole body with vitality!

And the uncomfortable feeling of palladium poisoning at the beginning has faded like a tide!

Tony immediately lifted his T-shirt to check the state of his chest.

The black blood vessels that had been turned into poisoning have completely faded!

He hurriedly took out the palladium element measuring device he had just used to measure again.

"Palladium element content 0%, sir. "

The instrument shows that all palladium is now eliminated from Tony's body!

"My God!".

Tony's eyes widened in disbelief.

Then he shouted in ecstasy.

I won't die at last!

"How the hell is this done! It's impossible!".

Tony hurriedly asked Lin Feng.

"Anyway, this tea is very precious, and it can cure all diseases. "

Lin Feng smiled.

"Lin, that's great, where did you get it, where can you buy it?".

Tony has been bothered by palladium for a long time, and he can't find a replacement.

But now the miraculous tea brought by Lin Feng perfectly solves the body's toxin problem!

If you can get more tea, then you don't have to worry about poisoning.

"Tony, tea is just a palliative treatment. "

Lin Feng responded.

"I know. "

Tony said distressedly.

"I also wanted to find an alternative to palladium, but I tried everything and it didn't work. "

"It's the only one that can keep me alive, but at the same time it's going to keep my life counting down. "

"What if it's an unknown element?".

"What unknown element?".

"Like something your father left for you?"


Tony asked, confused.

"He died when I was a child, and although he created Stark Industries, he couldn't have created a new element, right?"

Tony expressed helplessness.

"Not necessarily, Tony. "

Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Your father is not simple, he is one of the founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. "

Lin Feng broke out the shocking facts.


Tony was shocked again.

"You mean the organization of the black braised egg?".

Because Lin Feng had been talking about Nick Fury behind his back before, Tony couldn't stop laughing when he first heard this flower name, so he simply named it like this.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. should have what your father left you. "

Lin Feng continued.

"I guess they'll be looking for you in a few days. "

"Of course, they won't give up on convincing you to join that Avengers program. "

"You can listen to their opinions. "

Lin Feng put down the teacup and handed the remaining box of tea leaves to Tony.

"Just in case, these teas are for you. "

"And you can't drink it often, otherwise it will have serious side effects. "

"Drinking once a week, one tablet at a time is enough. "

"Thank you so much this time!

Tony said movingly.

You must know that these teas will cause a shocking sensation when they are placed on the market!

The rich are the most desperate for their lives!

If Lin Feng sells this thing, the price of tens of billions of dollars will be robbed!

However, Lin Feng, who has always been greedy for money, was unusually generous to give such a precious tea to Tony this time, which had to move him and be grateful.

"By the way, one more thing. "

Lin Feng remembered.

"About May… Uh, Peter Parker's kid thing. "

He said a little embarrassed.

"You know I'm a bit busy and may not be able to take care of them sometimes, so I need to put in place security measures at their home and try not to let them know. "

"Oh, this one, it's a trifle!".

Tony smirked.

He actually knew that Lin Feng was chasing that beautiful big sister for a long time.

Tony also knew that sometimes Lin Feng was very busy, he needed to go to outer space to bask in the sun, and he had to be a messenger of justice at night, and he couldn't completely protect Parker's family in 24 hours.

That's why he found himself to help.

Actually, it didn't help at all.

This time, I owe Lin Feng a life-saving feeling again.

But seeing Lin Feng's embarrassed appearance, Tony, who had regained his life, couldn't help but let go of his mood and showed a lewd smile.

"Where are you at this point, do you need me to help you prepare a little umbrella?"

Make an OK gesture with your left hand, give your right thumb and forefinger and put it in the circle of your left hand.