
Marvel: The Son of Odin

At dawn within the grand halls of Asgard, a storm was brewing. The second prince, Caesar, along with his sister Hela, found themselves ensnared in the cold chains of imprisonment. Yet, amidst the cold grip of their confinement, Caesar's heart burned with a fiery resentment towards his father, Odin. Right then a voice sounded in his mind. [Option 1: Unleash your fury towards Odin. Reward: Awaken the fearsome power of the Sun.] [Option 2: Hold back your rage, for now. Opt for a more cunning response to Odin's inquiries. Reward: increase in magical power.] [Option 3: Play the game of submission and swear loyalty to Odin. Reward: a precious treasure from Asgard's vast vaults.] With a grin, Caesar made his choice. For he knew that with the power of the Sun at his command, he would shake the very foundations of the cosmos.

Mystic_Verse · Movies
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41 Chs

True Power

As, Supreme Intelligence found itself temporarily sidelined, unable to join the fray, as Caesar and D'ken clashed fiercely.

The battlefield crackled with intensity as Caesar and D'ken clashed relentlessly, their bodies enveloped in radiant energy. Caesar, drawing power from the sun and the vastness of space, shimmered with a golden aura, while a deep blue cloak of spatial energy swirled around him. His presence was imposing, a testament to his mastery over cosmic forces.

Their showdown was a display of raw power and skill, each strike landing with thunderous force. It was a primal dance of combat, where every move spoke of determination and resolve.

D'ken, fueled by the unyielding spirit of the Shi'ar people, fought with unwavering confidence. Despite sustaining occasional injuries, his resolve remained unshaken, his combat skills unmatched.

Meanwhile, Caesar wielded the incredible might of the Space gem, tapping into the essence of the universe itself. His energy, though vast, flowed continuously, bolstered by the rapid regeneration granted by the sun's divine power.

As the battle raged on, the clash between Caesar and D'ken reached a stalemate, neither willing to give ground. Even as Supreme Intelligence struggled to break free from spatial exile, discussions brewed within the Supreme Conference, pondering the unfolding events.

Amidst the chaos, the forces around Luminara Prime found themselves caught in the turmoil. With the unlocking of the divine weapon from the reincarnation pool by Kabriel, Caesar ascended to the rank of Archangel.

He stood as the sole possessor of fourth-level standard combat power among the Angels, leading a formidable legion of newly promoted comrades.

In recognition of their valor and contributions, Kabriel and her First Angel Legion were poised for promotion, their prowess unmatched on the battlefield.

However, the best of the best within the Kree Empire assembled, and the elite Shia Imperial Guards proved to be formidable foes. Even the esteemed First Angel Legion, under the leadership of the revered Holy Kabriel, struggled to completely turn the tide of battle.

The sheer might of the Kerry Empire was overwhelming.

It was a raid, with hordes of Caesar's raiders and subsidiary civilizations staunchly guarding numerous space jump points.

The Second Angel Legion, led by Azrael, faced a tough situation alongside elite predators and Valkyrie Valina.

Countless Angels, having taken out many fighters and spacecraft, now became targets for the Kree Empire's heavy artillery, suffering heavy damage or destruction.

The air filled with drifting feathers of Angels, their numbers growing, each a vibrant crimson.

Kabriel and the senior Angels burned with anger, while Valina's once carefree attitude turned serious after her companion was blasted by a cannon.

Unlike divine beings, Valina lacked a divine body, relying on her tough physical defense.

The Shi'ar Imperial Guards and Kree Empire's Troops proved formidable opponents.

Valina's comrades sacrificed themselves to protect her.

After the brutal battle, the Kree soldiers feared what would come next. All factions suffered losses, yet the fighting continued fiercely.

Caesar's heart sank at the sight of numerous Angels succumbing, each embodying unwavering faith in him.

How could he endure such staggering loss?

Fueled by fury, Caesar unleashed his power to its utmost. With the Space gem, he, along with D'ken and the majority of the enemy forces, vanished into the void.

Kabriel, radiating celestial splendor alongside the other Angels, proved more than capable of overcoming the remaining soldiers. Since Caesar had abandoned the notion of banishing the Supreme Intelligence, there lingered a possibility of her emergence, but she is powerless to inflict significant harm.


On one of the myriad Kree colony planets, a labyrinth of advanced technology and formidable power sprawled across the vast expanse of space, sudden chaos erupted like a tempest unleashed. From all corners of the cosmos, Kree and Shi'ar soldiers descended upon the planet in an overwhelming torrent, their ships blotting out the stars like a darkened sky under the deluge of a torrential rainstorm.

Caesar and D'Ken materialized above the planet, catching the attention of the Kree forces.

"What's your game plan? You think you can evade your fate with these cheap tricks?" D'Ken's voice dripped with arrogance.

"I never intended to evade it. I was holding back to protect my base, but now, I'll show you my full might," Caesar declared, determination etched on his face.

In an instant, he unleashed his power, tapping into the boundless energy of the space gem. With a focused mind and steady hand, he channelled its immense power, pushing it to its limits. The gem glowed brilliantly as he called upon its energies, weaving them into a spell of cosmic magnitude.

The air crackled with power; a surge of energy erupted from Caesar's fingertips. With a gesture, he commanded the fabric of space itself to bend to his will. And then, in a dazzling display of raw power, a colossal blue star materialized before him, its radiant light flooding the chamber with an ethereal glow.

The star, immense and majestic, hovered in space, its brilliance rivalling even that of the mighty Sun. Its azure flames danced and flickered with otherworldly beauty, casting shimmering reflections across the room. It pulsed with an otherworldly energy, a testament to the incredible power Caesar now wielded.

Yet, as awe-inspiring as it was, this creation was not his original intent. Caesar had sought to summon the Sun itself, the celestial embodiment of fire and light. But as beads of sweat formed on his brow, he realized the Sun's resistance was beyond his current grasp. He realized that in the Marvel universe the Sun was a not any ordinary star, but a divine existence shrouded in mysteries, beyond even the power of a god.

Undeterred, Caesar adjusted his focus, his determination unyielding. With a subtle shift in his concentration, he redirected his energies, settling for the next best option—a brilliant blue star, its majesty a testament to his mastery over the cosmic forces at his command.

"Do you really think this can harm me?" D'Ken scoffed, his voice dripping with arrogance.

His confidence shattered like fragile glass against the unyielding force of reality as he bore witness to Caesar's resolute gaze, his expression etched with grim determination. With a flick of his wrist, Caesar hurled the star, its surface pulsating with the pulsing energy of the space gem, directly towards the unsuspecting base planet.

No clash of blades or exchange of words ensued; instead, the star tore through the very fabric of space itself, leaving behind a tumultuous trail of devastation. It blazed a path of ruin, its fiery descent obliterating everything in its wake with an unrelenting ferocity. The impact was deafening, a thunderous roar echoing through the cosmos as it collided with the unsuspecting Kree colony.

In its wake, planet fractured and ignited, it's once-beautiful surfaces now marred by the scorching touch of destruction. What had once been vibrant and full of life was now reduced to smoldering ruins, engulfed in the merciless flames of annihilation. Amidst the chaos, the anguished cries of the innocent were drowned out by the overwhelming cacophony of devastation, their pleas lost amidst the roar of destruction.

Amidst the chaos and devastation, Caesar's gaze remained fixed on D'Ken, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity. "Your bases will suffer the same fate," he warned, his voice carrying the weight of a thousand suns.

With that ominous proclamation, Caesar and the blue star vanished into the unfathomable depths of the void, leaving behind a trail of destruction and despair that would haunt the Kree for generations to come.


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