
Marvel: The Silent Mad Dog

English is not my first language, so expect some bad grammar. I own nothing. But let me warn you, there will only be one chapter ahead. ________________________________________________________________ Rain can cause floods which can wash away the entire village. A single bolt of lightning can cause a large forest fire. A slight tremor of the earth can cause a tsunami that can reshape the whole coastline. Cruelty is just another aspect of human beings; using it to cause harm will lead to further cruelty. Human understands what cruelty means, but they also don't. They don't understand it. If they don't understand it, then they will act on it. Born in a world as a mutant, the mad dog will show its teeth and bite down at the cruel world.

Galatea1o1 · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

The Black Beast (6)



Also author notes at the end.


~Ryu POV~

A month had passed since I gave Mia to that old woman shop. To this day, I still have no idea what the name of that old woman is, and I never care to learn what her name really is. I would occasionally go to the shop to buy food, but it's not as frequent as before.

From what I can see, Mia seem to be happy working and living with that old woman, and she seems to try to know me better; I don't know why, but I don't want her to get close to me. It isn't very pleasant.

The old woman said that if I save someone, I might feel something wonderful, but on the contradictory, I didn't feel a single thing when I saved her. The only time I felt something would be when I was killing people.

So that is why I would never try to save someone again; it's nothing more than a nuisance, and I would simply continue my lifestyle, which just means killing, stealing and more killing.

Spending a month doing the exact same thing over and over again, kill, steal, eat and sleep. Doing the exact same thing over and over again.

Huh, maybe I am indeed truly insane.

But why would that even matter, insane or sane? We are all human in the end.

Looking up at the clear blue sky, I am sitting in one of the rooms of the abandoned apartment, and I wonder what will I do with my life.

Having no purpose, having no goal, I am nothing more than a husk of a human being. I thought saving people might give me some sort of purpose, but it did not give me one. Right now, why am I even living at this point?

Maybe I could try to achieve my dream again? A dream of becoming a writer, a novelist? But can I really do it?

Writing novels is writing people. You cannot write about someone's life after you rob them of it, and I already have so many lives out of this world. I could hold pen and papers with my hand that had been soaked with blood. No matter how many times I would try to clean it, the blood will never go away.

Besides, even if I want to achieve my dream, I really have no way to start my dream anyway. Who would accept work from this homeless brat?

Maybe these are nothing more than an excuse? But I don't care.

Sitting there, watching the street, just like every day, the sound of people on the street can be heard from where I am sitting.

While sitting, I heard a loud bang, a sound of a gunshot, but unlike most of the time, where the sound would come from the distance, this time, the sound of the gunshot sounded like it was next to me.

The next thing I know is the sound of my Rashomon coming out of my cloth, and in a blink of an eye, my Rashomon cut something in half mid-air. Immediately I knew, someone was trying to shoot me, and I immediately jumped away from the window.

But the moment I jumped away from the window, the front door from downstairs was broken with a loud bang. It's was clear someone was coming into my building, and they didn't even seem to try and hide it either.

Immediately putting up my guard, readying to activate my Rashomon any moment, I stay silent and listen to the footsteps.

'Ten? No, there are more than that.' I thought

There are many sounds of footsteps inside the building, and it sounds organised. It was clear that they were here to kill me because I was the only one inside the building, and with someone trying to shoot me from afar, I could confirm that they would not take me alive.

After a couple of seconds, those footsteps finally stop at the door of my room, It seems like they are ready to barge inside any moment, but I would never give them a chance to begin with.

Rashomon bear its fangs, and many heads of it come out of my clothes, and they immediately breakthrough, not only the door but also the wall as well. The next thing I can hear is the sound off, of gunshots, screams, and fresh getting tearing apart, with the sound of blood splattering on the floor being covered by the sound of screaming.

Finally, when the sound stops, I immediately go out of the room and to see my work. There are no dead bodies because the only thing that is left of them are some bodies part and blood. Some are splatter on the wall like it's some sort of twisted version of Jackson Pollock art, while some are hanging from the roof.

But even with that, I can identify the cloth they are wearing and put it simply. It looks like the police and those gang decide to work together and try to take me down finally.

Pathetic, working together to take me down, and yet still failing, how pathetic.

But what does this truly mean for me? It's just mean that they will now start to hunt me down like a dog from here on out. After all, no matter how strong I am, I'm still just a single thirteen year old with strong power, with enough numbers they can easily take me down. But they seem to forget one thing.

When a dog is cornered, it will become more dangerous than before. Of course, some dogs might not fight back when they are cornered, but I am not just some random dog.

If they are going to hunt me like a dog, that is fine, but if they think I will not fight back, they are wrong. I'm going to bear my claws and fangs, and I'm going to kill them all. I'm not going to run away, and I'm going to go after them myself.

I can hear more footsteps sound from downstairs, and it looks like they have some reinforcement.

With a single mental command, Rashomon immediate pierce the floor beneath me and attack those people downstairs, but due to that, I also fall downstairs, but that does not matter to me.

When I land, I can see that I am in the middle hallway while also standing in the middle of a group of polices that seem to arm the teeth while there are also some gangsters in the group, but that will not stop me from killing them.

They immediately screamed and tried to shoot me with all of their weapons. I was expecting my Rashomon to block all of the bullets by cutting them down, but it looks like there are too many bullets for my Rashomon to cut down; that is why it's starting to do something else.

Before those bullets could hit me, it got stopped mid-air by some sort of red barrier before all of those bullets fell to the ground. My mind quickly raised on what had just happened while my Rashomon was doing all the work of slaughtering all of the people inside the building.

'That red barrier clearly, it's the work of Rashomon, but how? I saw this before, but most of the time, I was never in a big danger in the first place.'

Trying to use it again, I summoned my Rashomon and tried to activate that ability again. When the barrier appears, I immediately try to touch it, but when my hand touch the barrier, it feels like it has touched a wall, making me stop.

'I see, my Rashomon did not create a barrier, but it's did something else. It's eating the ''space'' between me and the attack so that when anything tries to attack me, it would simply stop because technically there is no ''space'' between me and the attack making it stop right on its track.' I thought.

Look like my Rashomon can do a lot of things.

Cutting out from my thought, I can hear many cars arriving outside the building. I would try to sneak outside the building, but I know that those guys would probably already surround the building.

So without a care in the world, I stepped outside the building and was greeted with many polices cars, and I also seem many normal looking cars probably owned by those gangsters.

''You have some guts, kid, or should I say the Black Best? For you going out the front door, not even trying to run away from us.'' One of the police said, which I would assume to be the leader.

''Why would I run away? I would never run away from something like this.'' I answer back

''You sem confidant brat, but let me tell you, we have you surrounded, so give up and turn yourself in, and your sentence might be reduced.''

''Me? Giving up? Don't make me laugh! You, cops who could never stop those gangsters who are nothing more than trash in my eyes and me, think that you can capture me or even kill me!? Don't be stupid! You weakling are all going to die here.'' I responded.

''Weakiling!? So, what?! We might be weakling, but with our numbers, we could easily take you down!!''

Take me down with numbers? That might work, but they seem to forget something.

''Oh, please... Just because you weaklings decide to work together, that doesn't mean any you are stronger, right?''

With that, the slaughter begins.










Hello, the author here. I just want to make a quick statement about Akutagawa or the MC personality because I'm pretty sure some of you would think this is a story of ''what if Akutagawa is in the Marvel universe.''

This is a fair thing to assume, but let me tell you, technically, this story is about that and not at the same time. I know, confusing but let me explain.

When I made the MC, I was not thinking about making just a pure Akutagawa character type but instead a mix of characters.

His appearance, name and power are that of Akutagawa; his dream is that he has is that of Oda Sakunosuke, if that wasn't obvious enough; as for his personality, I want a mix of the OG Akutagawa and Gogol Nikolai.

As for his ideal?

Well, I will give more detail about his character after I finish this story arc. So please wait for fo that if you are interested.