
Marvel: The New Peter Parker

A man reincarnated in the body of Peter Parker with Superman's powers. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic, that is, a work of fiction created by a fan, based on characters and situations from other original works. I have no intention of profiting from third party content, nor to violate the copyright of the original creators. This fanfic is just a way to honor and express my admiration for the works that inspired me. All credits and acknowledgments are due to the original authors.

Hisoka999 · Movies
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15 Chs


Peter - He enters the living room of the mansion, accompanied by a real estate agent and a lawyer. He looks around, admiring the luxurious decor and sophisticated furniture.

Realtor - So, Peter, what do you think? This is one of the best properties in the city, with an area of 800 square meters, five bedrooms, six bathrooms, swimming pool, sauna, gym and a spectacular garden.

Peter - It's impressive, no doubt about it.

Broker - The furniture? Do you want to take the furniture too?

Peter - Yes, I do. They go perfectly with the mansion and I don't want to have to buy everything new.

Peter smiles and shakes the realtor's hand.

Broker - Congratulations on your purchase. You've just acquired an incredible property.

Peter - I know. And I can't wait to move in. Shall we sign the papers?

Broker - Yes, we will. Come with me to the office.

The two of them leave the living room, followed by the lawyer.

Pov Harry

Lawyer Thomas enters the small apartment, holding a folder full of papers. He glares at the young man sitting on the sofa with a defeated expression.

Lawyer - You were very stupid, you know that? You went out signing contracts without reading them, trusting people who only wanted to exploit you. Because of that, you lost everything your father left you.

Harry - But I didn't know he was like that. He seemed so nice.

Lawyer: Nice? He used you as a puppet, made you sign papers that transferred everything you were entitled to to someone else. You have no idea how complicated you've become.

Harry - What now? What am I going to do?

Lawyer - Now you'll have to manage. I managed to save some of your money, enough for you to pay for this apartment for a few months. And your father, before he died, had already left you money for college. The only thing you need to do is complete college and you'd better get a part-time job to support yourself.

Harry - And then what?

Lawyer - You'll see. But don't count on me. I've done my job, but I don't care about you anymore. You've let me down too much. You've thrown away the chance your father gave you to have a better life.

The lawyer gets up and walks towards the door. Harry sits paralyzed on the sofa, not knowing what to say.

Harry - Wait... Excuse me... please...

Lawyer - Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your father. He's probably turning over in his grave because of your blunders. And don't ever come to me again. You're on your own.

The lawyer leaves the apartment and slams the door. Harry is left alone, crying in silence. He looks around and sees the apartment empty and dirty. He feels lost and hopeless.

Pov Peter

Peter is in his new home, looking around with satisfaction. He takes out his cell phone and dials Jessica's number.

Peter - Hello, Jessica?

Jessica - Hi, love. How are you?

Peter - Fine. You won't believe where I am.

Jessica - Where?

Peter - In my new house!

Jessica - Really? How nice! Congratulations!

Peter - Thank you. It's a beautiful house, spacious, well located.

Jessica - Wow, what a dream. I want to see it.

Peter - Then come.

Jessica - Now?

Peter - Yes, now. And bring a suitcase.

Jessica - A suitcase? What's that for?

Peter - Because I want you to live with me.

Jessica - (surprised) What?

Peter - That's right. I want you to be my partner in this new phase of my life. I love you, Jessica. And I want you to be happy with me.

Jéssica - (emotional) Peter, I don't know what to say. I love you very much too. But this is a very important decision.

Peter - I know. But I'm sure how I feel about you. And I know that you feel the same way about me.

Jessica - Yes, I do. But I need to tell my mother and sister first. They'll be worried if I disappear like this.

Peter - Sure, sure. Tell them. But don't take too long, okay? I'm looking forward to seeing you.

Jessica - Okay, okay. I'll call them right now. And then I'll run over to your house.

Peter - Yes. I'll wait for you here. I love you, Jessica.

Jessica - I love you, Peter.

Pov Mary Jane

Mary Jane was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't relax as the sound of hammers and saws came from next door. She got up and went to the window, peering through the curtain. She saw the façade of the house next door, which was being painted a light blue. The windows had been replaced with modern glass and the doors with solid wood. The roof had been covered with new tiles and the garden was full of flowers and plants.

Mary Jane felt a pang of envy. She had lived in the same house for years, but her parents had never been able to afford to renovate it. Their house was old and simple, with peeling and cracked walls, jammed windows and creaking doors, and the garden was dry and lifeless. She wondered how her neighbors had found the money to make such a transformation.

Mary Jane sighed and went back to bed. She tried to convince herself that she had no reason to be jealous. She closed her eyes and tried to relax, but the noise of the renovation continued to disturb her. She turned to the side and picked up the pillow, covering her ears. She hoped that the renovation would be finished soon, so that she could have peace and quiet again.

Pov Wilson Fisk

A luxurious office. Fisk is sitting in a leather armchair, holding a glass of champagne. James Wesley is standing next to him with a briefcase in his hand.

Fisk - (smiling) You were brilliant, my friend. Your plan was a real success, the lawyer managed to convince that idiot to sign the papers without even reading the fine print.

James - (laughing) That was easy, boss. He was so desperate that he didn't even bother with the details. I don't think he even knows that he's just given us control of all the shares.

Fisk - (raising his glass) That's great. We now own a significant percentage of Oscorp.

James - (raising his glass) Yes, sir. To your victory.

Fisk - (clinking glasses) To my victory.

Pov Peter

Peter - Hi, love. You won't believe what I did today.

Gwen - What's wrong? Are you all right?

Peter - I'm fine. I've bought a house!

Gwen - Wow, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for you!

Peter - And there's more. I bought this house with both of us in mind. Now we can meet there and if you want you can live with me.

Gwen - Live with you? I'd love to, but you know I'm not 18 yet. My father will never accept that.

Peter - I know, I know. But don't worry, I'll wait as long as it takes.

Gwen - You're the best boyfriend in the world.

Peter - So at least you can visit me in my new house? I want to show you around and give you a kiss.

Gwen - Of course I can. When do you want me to come?

Peter - After Jessica moves in.

Gwen - Of course. I just have to make up an excuse for my dad.

Peter - Great. Then I'll call you.

Gwen - Deal. I'm looking forward to seeing your house and you.

Peter - Me too. I love you, my beauty.

Gwen - I love you, my love. See you later.

He got up from the leather armchair and walked to the luxury bedroom. He opened a drawer and took out a glass box, inside which was a spider. He wanted to give Gwen the spider venom, he thought it would make her strong.

But he was afraid of what might happen if he gave her this power. She'll be strong enough to defend herself, but she'll also want to become a superhero and put herself at risk.

He spoke in his thoughts:

Peter - What should I do?