
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[World War II] - Super Soldier Serum Obtained!!

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As the smoke cleared, Kruger emerged from the twisted metal wreckage of the car. Despite his injuries, he summoned all his strength and pulled himself to his feet. With gritted teeth and determination etched on his face, he sprinted towards the nearest taxi parked on the curb.

Kruger's heart raced as he yanked open the door and climbed into the driver's seat. The startled cabbie stared at him in shock as Kruger slammed his foot down on the accelerator, causing the car to lurch forward with a roar. The wind whipped through Kruger's hair as he weaved through the congested city streets, his adrenaline pumping as he left the wreckage behind and raced toward his destination.

Despite the chaos and confusion surrounding him, Kruger remained focused and determined, his eyes locked on the road ahead. He knew that time was of the essence and that every second counted. With every passing moment, he pushed the car harder, his heart pounding in his chest as he willed the vehicle to go faster.

Peggy's heart was pounding as she stood in the middle of the road, her gun steady in her hand. She could hear the sound of her breathing and the blood rushing in her ears as she took aim and fired at Kruger, who was hurtling towards her in the taxi.


The sound of the gunshot echoed through the streets, followed by another and another.




Despite the danger, Peggy stood her ground, her eyes fixed on her target. But just as Kruger's taxi was about to strike her, Steve appeared out of nowhere and tackled Peggy out of harm's way.

The sound of screeching tires filled the air as the taxi zoomed past them, narrowly missing Peggy and Steve. Kruger clicked his tongue in annoyance, regretting the missed opportunity of running her over.

Peggy's adrenaline was still pumping as she watched Kruger disappear into the distance. She turned to Steve, her voice trembling with excitement and frustration. "I had him!" she exclaimed.

Steve struggled to get back on his feet, his body feeling foreign and unfamiliar after taking the serum. He stumbled and fell, gasping for breath as he tried to adjust to the new sensations and abilities that coursed through his veins.

But as he watched Kruger's cab speeding away, Steve's fury surged within him. With newfound strength and agility, he rose to his feet and charged after the vehicle, his muscles bulging and his determination unbreakable.

The sound of his heavy footfalls echoed through the streets as he sprinted after the taxi, his eyes locked on his prey. The wind whipped through his hair as he closed the distance between them, his heart pounding with excitement and adrenaline.

With each passing moment, Steve's anger grew stronger, his resolve unshakable as he vowed to bring Kruger to justice. He would not let him get away, no matter what it took.

Kruger's heart was racing as he gripped the steering wheel tightly, his mind focused on the vial of serum that was rolling dangerously back and forth on the seat beside him. The streets were slick with rain, and the cab skidded dangerously around a sharp corner, causing Kruger to grit his teeth and grip the wheel even tighter.

As the serum rolled wildly on the seat, Kruger glanced at it out of the corner of his eye. With a quick and calculated move, he snatched the vial and shoved it into his front pocket, making sure that it was secure and out of harm's way.

The cab rattled and shook as Kruger pushed it to its limits, his eyes scanning the road ahead for any signs of danger or pursuit. He knew that the serum was the key to his success and that he had to protect it at all costs.

Steve veered down a dark alleyway, his bare feet pounding against the damp pavement.

As he sprinted down the alley, Steve caught a glimpse of Kruger's taxi racing past the mouth of the alley. Without hesitation, he pushed himself even harder, his muscles burning as he broke out onto the street.

But as he careened out of control, Steve realized too late that he was going too fast. He crashed through the glass window of a nearby shop, sending shards of glass flying in all directions.

Hurriedly apologizing to the startled shop owner, Steve raced out the door and back onto the street, his eyes scanning the road for any sign of Kruger's cab. He passed a speeding car and caught a glimpse of Kruger swerving past a parked truck.

With a renewed sense of determination, Steve picked up his pace, his feet pounding against the pavement as he closed in on his target.

Steve weaved his way through the dense traffic, his eyes scanning the road for any sign of Kruger's cab as he passed by the other cars on the road.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Kruger swerving off the sidewalk, smashing into a fire hydrant with a loud crash. Without hesitation, Steve followed him, tearing down the street with all the strength and speed he could muster.

As the distance between them closed, Steve leaped onto the hood of a nearby car, his powerful muscles propelling him forward with incredible force. With a glance at Kruger in front of him, Steve backed up slightly, building momentum for the leap.

With a mighty roar, Steve launched himself into the air, soaring through the air with grace and power. He felt the wind rushing past him as he aimed to land on the cab, his eyes fixed on Kruger in front of him.

Neither of them noticed Ian, who stood on the sidewalk nearby, a sly smile on his face as he munched on sweet bread. He held a gun in his hand, its cold metal glinting in the sunlight.

"Sorry, Cap," Ian muttered to himself, his finger tightening around the trigger. "But you can't stop me from obtaining the serum." With a steady hand, he aimed the gun at a nearby parked car's fuel tank and fired.


The sound of the gunshot echoed through the street, followed by a deafening explosion as the bullet pierced the fuel tank.


Car parts and debris went flying in all directions as the explosion rocked the street. Steve, who was in the air beside the parked car, was thrown violently through the air, crashing into the side of a nearby shop.

Kruger ducked in surprise as the explosion rocked the street, but when he saw Steve being thrown through the air and crashing into a shop, he couldn't help but grin in satisfaction. However, his satisfaction quickly turned to horror as he looked back at the road and saw a car hurtling straight toward him.

In a split second, Kruger realized he didn't have time to swerve. He tried to hit the brakes, but it was too late. The car collided with his taxi in a sickening crunch, and Kruger's head slammed into the steering wheel with a bone-crunching impact.

As the dust settled and the chaos of the explosion died down, the street fell into an eerie silence.

Ian rushed over to the wreckage, faking a shocked expression as he surveyed the scene. It was a grim sight - the cab was mangled beyond recognition, and Kruger lay slumped over the steering wheel, blood trickling from his ears and mouth. He approached Kruger's cab and pulled his face away from the steering wheel, pretending to be concerned.

"Are you okay?" Ian asked, feigning worry as he reached into Kruger's front pocket and retrieved the vial. With a sly grin, he slipped the vial into his pocket, feeling a surge of triumph.

As concerned bystanders gathered around, Ian began to shout for help. "Somebody, call the police! Is anyone here a doctor? Help!" He put on a convincing show of concern, but in reality, he was already planning his escape.

As the crowd swelled and the sirens of approaching emergency services grew louder, Ian slipped away unnoticed, blending into the chaos of the street as he made his escape.

Steve emerged from the shop, his face, and body covered in cuts and bruises. As he scanned the chaotic scene, his eyes locked on Kruger, who was pushing past bystanders in a desperate attempt to escape.

Without hesitation, he charged after Kruger, weaving through the crowded streets and alleys in hot pursuit. He watched as Kruger stumbled and struggled to run, his stamina failing him.

With a burst of adrenaline, he launched himself forward, tackling Kruger with all his might. The two men rolled over each other, their bodies slamming against the hard pavement as they fought for dominance.

Finally, Steve gained the upper hand, pinning Kruger down and delivering a crushing blow to his chest with his knee. Kruger's breath escaped him in a painful gasp as he lay defeated, unable to move or escape.

Steve grabbed Kruger's collar, his eyes burning with fury. "Who are the hell are you ?" he demanded.

Kruger sneered, his eyes filled with malice as he replied, "The first of many. Cut off..."

He pressed his tongue against a fake tooth and spoke in a cold, calculated voice. "And two more shall take its place."

Steve's grip tightened as Kruger bit down on a hidden cyanide pill. "HAIL HYDRA," he hissed, before collapsing to the ground.

Steve's heart was racing as he looked down at Kruger's lifeless body. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. He looked down at his new body in awe and wonder, feeling its power coursing through his veins. But he had little time to contemplate his new state as he heard the screeching of a sedan pulling up beside him. Peggy stepped out of the car and rushed towards him.

The sound of more vehicles full of agents echoed through the alleyway, and Steve knew that he was not alone anymore. The weight of his newfound responsibility settled heavily on his shoulders.

As Ian walked through the dimly lit alley, he held a small vial containing a mysterious blue liquid in his palm. His face twisted into an obsessive smile as he gazed at the vial with intense fascination. "Finally," he whispered, "I have got my hands on you." The memories of collecting blood samples from James and Victor flooded his mind, and he chuckled to himself with excitement. "Oh, the fun I'm going to have with both of you after the war," he muttered, his eyes glinting with anticipation.


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