
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[World War II] - Captain America - Capturing Arnim Zola

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During the height of World War II, Captain America and his loyal Howling Commandos were on a mission to infiltrate and take down the nefarious organization known as HYDRA. While they risked their lives on the front lines, Peggy Carter and Chester Phillips remained at the Strategic Scientific Reserve Headquarters, meticulously tracking their progress.

As the Howling Commandos successfully raided and destroyed HYDRA facilities, Carter and Phillips would remove them from a large map that sat on a table in the center of the room. Despite not being in the thick of the action, Carter felt a sense of pride and accomplishment with each successful mission.

And while she wasn't out in the field with Captain America, Carter found herself drawn to him in other ways. As she watched footage of the Howling Commandos in action, she couldn't help but notice her photograph in Rogers' compass. It was a small, but significant reminder of the bond that had formed between them.

Captain America and his fearless Howling Commandos had just wrapped up yet another successful raid on a HYDRA facility. But their victory was short-lived as Red Skull, the leader of HYDRA, arrived on the scene to find Arnim Zola in a state of panic.

Fuming with anger, Red Skull berated Zola for his repeated failures to stop Captain America and his team. "You are failing us," he bellowed, his voice echoing through the halls of the facility. "We are on the brink of an offensive that will shake the very planet, yet we are continually delayed because you cannot outwit a simpleton with a shield!"

Zola, trembling with fear, attempted to defend himself. "This is hardly my area of expertise," he stammered. "I merely develop weapons. I cannot fire them."

But Red Skull was having none of it. He issued a stern warning to Zola, insisting that he complete his mission before Captain America could get the upper hand. "Finish your mission, Doctor, before the American finishes his," he hissed, his eyes burning with fury.

With that, Zola knew what he had to do. He quickly gathered his things and made his way to HYDRA Headquarters via train, determined to salvage his reputation and prove his worth to Red Skull once and for all.

The Strategic Scientific Reserve had achieved a breakthrough in its battle against HYDRA. They had successfully cracked HYDRA's encryption codes, giving them the ability to eavesdrop on their radio communications.

Through careful analysis and cross-referencing with other intelligence, the SSR was able to confirm that Arnim Zola, one of HYDRA's top scientists, was aboard a Schnellzug EB912 train that was winding its way through the treacherous Central Eastern Alps, along the Danube River.

Recognizing the importance of capturing Zola and gaining valuable intel, the SSR assembled their elite team of operatives, the Howling Commandos. Under the leadership of the indomitable Captain America, the team was tasked with the perilous mission of infiltrating the train and recovering Zola.

It was a mission that would require all their skills, courage, and resourcefulness. But failure was not an option, and the fate of the world hung in the balance.

Gabe Jones had confirmed that Zola was true aboard an armored train that would be passing through a nearby mountain range.

The Commandos quickly sprang into action, making their way to a nearby cliff that overlooked the tracks. With a steady hand and unwavering focus, they set up a zip line that would allow them to safely travel over a deep valley and land on top of the moving train.

One by one, Captain America, Bucky Barnes, and James expertly slid over the valley and landed on the train as it hurtled by. Jacques Dernier, the team's skilled tactician, called out each member's jump timing, ensuring that they landed on the right part of the train.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Howling Commandos stayed behind, providing cover and acting as overwatch for the daring operation.

As the train thundered through the rugged mountain terrain, Captain America, Bucky Barnes, and James sprang into action. With precision and grace, they landed on top of the armored train, their hearts racing with excitement and anticipation.

Quickly, they made their way to their designated positions. Captain America and Barnes worked together as a distraction and infiltration team, expertly navigating through the carriages and drawing Zola's guards away from their target. Meanwhile, James continued his solitary journey along the top of the train, his eyes fixed on his objective: capturing Arnim Zola.

It was a dangerous game of cat and mouse, as the Howling Commandos evaded HYDRA's elite guards and fought their way closer to Zola.

As the HYDRA guards poured out of the pilot and into the middle cars of the train, Barnes and Captain America sprang into action. With precision and speed, they engaged the enemy in a tense firefight, taking cover behind anything they could find.

But the situation quickly became dire when the mechanical doors separated the duo, leaving them vulnerable to attack. Undeterred, Captain America quickly assessed the situation and took decisive action. He dispatched his assailant, a skilled soldier wielding a deadly HYDRA cannon, and used it to blast open the first of the doors, allowing him to manually open the second.

With the doors now open, Captain America tossed a spare M1911 pistol to Barnes, who had run dry of ammunition, and the two worked in tandem to eliminate the remaining HYDRA guard in the room.

After the commotion died down, a civilian suddenly emerged from the room, his face twisted in intense hatred as he fixed his gaze on Captain America and Barnes. The duo cautiously approached him, readying their weapons as they tried to assess the situation.

Captain America took a step forward and asked, "Who are you?" His shield was at the ready, and Barnes aimed his pistol at the stranger, wary of any sudden movements.

But the man did not respond. Instead, he bellowed, "Hail Hydra!" and his palms began to glow with a strange, fiery energy that danced atop them.

Captain America and Barnes barely had time to react as the man hurled a blazing fireball in their direction. With lightning-fast reflexes, the duo leaped out of the way, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile.


The fireball struck the wall behind them with a thunderous explosion, ripping open a gaping hole in the side of the train. The sudden blast sent debris flying in all directions as the cold winter air rushed in, whipping through the now-exposed interior of the train.

As James made his way toward Zola, he suddenly came face to face with Victor, who stood before him, his claws at the ready. James recognized him and remarked, "So, you've finally shown your true colors," as his claws extended from the back of his hand.

Victor growled and launched himself at James, swiping at his face with his razor-sharp claws.


James managed to dodge the attack and retaliated, striking Victor in the stomach.

"Ugh!" Victor recoiled and held his bleeding stomach as he glared at James. "I've found others like us who aren't constrained by human morals and ideologies. We should not be bound by their rules when we are not even humans."

He charged forward, dodging James' attack on his stomach, and sliced a piece of flesh out of James' hand.

"Aah!" James grimaced and looked down at his bleeding hand, which quickly stopped bleeding and began to heal itself.

James and Victor's fight continued to escalate, with each of them delivering powerful blows to the other. The wounds they inflicted on each other were healing quickly due to their rapid healing abilities. James gasped for breath as he tried to reason with his brother, "You don't have to be like this, Victor."

Victor's eyes blazed with anger as he replied, "No, I won't be constrained by anyone's rules. We're not like them; we're superior."

He then kicked James hard, sending him tumbling off the train's roof. James managed to grab hold of the edge with his claws just in time, hanging on for dear life.

Victor approached him menacingly and raised his leg to stomp on James's claws and send him plummeting to his death. "Farewell, brother," he sneered.


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