
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[The First Mutant Mayhem] - The Helm of Power - Erik and Shaw's Face-off

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[Aiden's Note: Sorry for not uploading yesterday. I woke up to the vilest headache I had ever experienced which ruined my whole day. I couldn't even focus on my studies. But, I'm alright now and the chapters would be uploaded as per schedule.]

Erik levitated the metallic fragments that surrounded him and orchestrated their flight toward his Shaw.

Resplendent in a helmet capable of thwarting telepathic advances, Shaw stood still, his demeanor a portrait of patience. He held his ground until the airborne metallic armada was almost upon him, then lashed out with a swift, powerful punch. The force of Shaw's blow disintegrated the makeshift weapons.

As the remnants of shattered metal fluttered to the ground, Shaw retracted his hand, casually brushing the lingering shards off his suit. His eyes never wavered from Erik's figure, now marked by an evident hint of disappointment.

With a voice layered with regret, Shaw began, "To see you like this... It's a letdown, Erik. You're teeming with potential, with power so raw and primal. It's screaming out, crying to break free... yet, you seem oblivious to its cries."

He evaded another onslaught of metallic debris flung towards him by Erik. Unruffled, he resumed his monologue, "It's truly unfortunate the war had to conclude. Given a few more years, Erik, you could have been molded into an unbeatable force."

Hearing Shaw's words, Erik's simmering fury broke free as he shouted, "Enough! You took my mother's life right before my eyes! You don't get to masquerade as a visionary. You are a murderer, a ruthless, unfeeling killer who can twist his heinous acts into a cause worth justifying."

Erik held out his hands and the metal railings around him were ripped free and, guided by him, hurtled towards Shaw.

Erik's eyes narrowed as he observed Shaw trying to halt the impending metallic wave with his bare hands. Subtly, he manipulated the course of the railings, causing them to evade Shaw's grasp and twirl around his figure instead.

Gradually, Erik amped up the pressure on the metal bindings, their grip on Shaw growing. Yet, despite the mounting restraint, a smirk played on Shaw's face. The sight only served to fuel Erik's rage.

* BOOM *

The smirk that adorned Shaw's face faded. Harnessing his incredible superhuman strength, he shattered the imprisoning metal bindings that entwined him, the fragments scattering wildly.

With a heavy stare locked on Erik, Shaw stomped his foot on the firm ground beneath him.

* BOOM *

From beneath Shaw's foot, a fissure sprung forth, spreading outwards like a spider's intricate web. A gaping crack snaked its way toward Erik, threatening to swallow him whole.

Erik quickly jumped to a safer spot just in time. He could only watch as the ground where he had been standing moments ago caved in, forming a gaping pit.

Regaining his footing, Erik's eyes met the yawning chasm before him. His gaze shifted, settling on the figure of Shaw, now calmly striding towards him, a triumphant smirk on his face.

The insidious smirk adorning Shaw's face was like a cruel trigger, igniting a chain of buried memories within Erik. They rushed back in an overwhelming tide: the confines of Auschwitz's concentration camp, his desperate pleas for his mother's safety. The echo of Shaw's order for him to manipulate a small metal coin resting on a table. The horrifying moment when his failed attempt was met with the chilling sound of a gunshot, and his mother's life was abruptly extinguished before his helpless gaze.

A shudder ran through Erik as he grappled with these resurfacing images, desperately trying to bury them once again in the farthest corners of his mind. In his struggle with the ghosts of the past, he failed to perceive Shaw's approach until it was too late.

Without warning, Shaw's hand shot out, ensnaring Erik's throat in a merciless grip. Lifting off the ground, Erik gasped for breath as his face flushed a deep red, each heartbeat echoing loudly in his ears under the tightening chokehold.

Shaw's eyes narrowed into dangerous slits as he sneered, "Why, Erik? Why choose to stand with them? Why fight for a race that's bound to crumble, a race that will turn on us the moment they sense their reign teetering on the edge?"

Out of the corner of his eye, Erik caught sight of two familiar figures. Hidden behind a distant crate were Charles and Val, crouching.

Erik's gaze swung back to Shaw, who continued, "I hold no remorse for what transpired in the camp. I never will. Because all my actions were taken with one purpose – to awaken your power, to coax you into accepting it. From merely bending gates, look at the progress you've made. It fills me with pride, Erik.

Yet, this is just the beginning. Imagine the heights we could reach together. It wasn't my intention to harm you, Erik. On the contrary, I wanted to be your guide, your mentor. This is our era, our dominion. We stand as the vanguard of a new evolutionary step for humankind. Together, Erik. We could make this world our own."


From his concealed position behind a crate, Charles strained to infiltrate Shaw's mind, his telepathic power pushing against the formidable barrier erected by the helmet. But each attempt met with an unnerving emptiness, as though Shaw's consciousness was lost in a void.

Frustrated, Charles tried once more, only to encounter the same outcome. "Damn it!" he muttered under his breath, "It's like I'm stepping into a void." His gaze flitted to Shaw's helmet, the potential source of his obstruction. He whispered to himself, "That helmet... It must be interfering."

Unexpectedly, a voice cut through his contemplation, affirming his theory with a simple, "Indeed."

Startled, Charles flinched, turning to discover the unexpected source of the voice: Val.

Recognizing him, Charles immediately attempted to probe Val's mind. But to his surprise, he was met with a similar emptiness as before, like descending into an abyss.

Val observed the strands of energy emanating from Charles' mind, snaking their way toward him. In response, he wove an energy barrier from the ambient forces around him, shielding his mind from Charles' probing strands.

Laying his hand on Charles' shoulder, Val's voice adopted a slightly menacing undertone as he advised, "Don't tread a path you might later wish to retreat from. We have greater concerns on our plate than your bitterness towards me for deceiving you."

Charles felt Val's grip tighten on his shoulder, a silent warning. Hesitantly, he ceased his futile attempts to penetrate Val's mind. As Val's hand slid off his shoulder, the pair turned their attention back to the grim tableau: Shaw, hoisting Erik high by the throat.

Surveying the dire predicament Erik was in, Val proposed, "It appears your friend could use a helping hand. Perhaps, I could lend one."

Charles' gaze flicked between Erik and Shaw, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. "Do what you must," he resignedly uttered.

A determined glint flashed in Val's eyes as he clenched his fists. "With pleasure," he replied, before propelling himself into action, darting towards the unfolding confrontation.


Struggling against Shaw's grip around his throat, Erik managed to find his voice. Each word was a labored rasp, "E-E-Each act...m-m-made me resilient, shaped me into the weapon I am today."

His eyes locked onto Shaw's, a defiant spark kindling in their depths. He continued, "I-I-It's undeniable. I've known it since the beginning. You were the architect of my power. But," Erik's lips curled into a wry smirk as he caught sight of Val closing in, then refocused on Shaw, "Y-You've misunderstood. I am not waging this battle for anyone else. This is my vendetta, one that will only be fulfilled when you are dead."

In the sudden silence that followed, Shaw's attention was yanked away by the oncoming threat. The sight that greeted him was Val's fist, hurtling straight toward his face.


A deafening boom echoed as Val's fist met Shaw's face, the force of the impact hurling Erik away. Skidding across the hardened surface, Erik eventually came to rest on the flight deck.

As Erik coughed, the taste of iron filled his mouth, yet when he managed to pry his eyes open, the sight before him wiped away the grimace of pain. There, lying discarded on the ground, was Shaw's helmet. A triumphant smirk spread across Erik's face, a glimmer of hope shining through the pain.