
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[The First Mutant Mayhem] - Starlance Rises - The Birth of a New Superhero

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As the countdown concluded, Val's body in the chamber, pierced with numerous needles, began receiving a stream of red fluid through the tubes connected to the needles. Val maintained his composure throughout the process as the red fluid was successfully infused into him. Next, the Hybridisation Chamber discharged Terrigen Mist - derived from the Terrigen Crystals within the Obelisk that he had procured from Austria - filling the entire chamber.

Then came the crucial component - the hybrid cells that Val had reproduced and cultivated in large quantities. These hybrid cells were introduced into his body, into his veins and blood through the needles. Val's fists clenched as pain surged the instant the hybrid cells interacted with his blood.

Moments later, Val's eyes snapped open, and he let out a violent scream, "AAAAHHH!", a response to the intense pain he was experiencing. The hybrid cells were proliferating at an extremely rapid pace. This process gave Val the sensation of transformation, of his DNA undergoing a metamorphosis. It felt as though his entire existence was being rewritten right from the cellular level.

The pain escalated relentlessly, intensifying to such an extent that Val was on the brink of yanking out the needles. However, he had already anticipated and planned for this.

Val continued to shriek as his hair began to fall out, his nails detached themselves, and his skin peeled off, leaving him essentially as a mass of raw flesh, devoid of any skin on his body.

Subsequently, the GHIM harnessed the QEH to discharge the stored quantum energy intended for the infusion process in a meticulously controlled burst, concentrating it on Val's bare flesh. The energy was administered in such a way that it pervaded Val's cellular structure without inflicting any damage.

The quantum energy penetrated Val's new hybrid cells, interacting with the particular genetic sequences that were synthesized from the mutant and inhuman genes. The unique properties of the quantum energy triggered these genes, leading them to express themselves and thus their distinct abilities started to materialize.

As Val's newfound powers started to activate, new flesh, organs, and skin emerged, which only served to heighten Val's suffering.

As Val's body was effectively reconstructed, his rejuvenated form started to emit a glow and peculiar patterns appeared on his skin. His eyes too began to glow, and the increasing intensity of the light threatened to shatter the confines of the chamber.

Following this, the quantum energy being injected intensified, causing the glow to start to fade as Val's new powers began to stabilize.

Eventually, after what seemed like forever, the procedure was finally completed, and the chamber opened as the needles were retracted from Val's body.

Val, completely worn out and teetering on the edge of unconsciousness, managed to climb out of the chamber and stood feebly on the floor.

His breaths were heavy and he could feel his consciousness slipping away. However, just as he was about to succumb to unconsciousness, Val blinked and sensed that all his exhaustion had suddenly disappeared as though it was swept away.

Val blinked and as his vision adjusted, he observed his basement differently. He saw myriad colors of glowing strings suspended in the air all around.

Rubbing his eyes, he took another look around, but the strings were still there. Val thought, 'I initially assumed I was hallucinating, but I truly can see these strings.' As a light yellow glowing string drifted past him, he wondered, 'What are these?' and reached out to touch the string.

The moment his finger made contact with the string, it spiraled around his arm and disappeared as it integrated into his skin.

Val groaned as the string entered his body. His eyes wide with astonishment, he clenched his fists, a broad smile spread across his face as he thought, 'I absorbed it! I can feel the power coursing through my veins right now!'

He glanced around at the strings floating in the air and thought, 'Could it be?! Are these what I suspect they are?!'

To validate his hypothesis, he touched another string, observing as it too coiled around his arm and was absorbed. Grinning widely, he reached for every string present in the basement, assimilating them into himself. He noted that the strings didn't cease to appear, but kept materializing out of thin air endlessly.

Pausing, he broke into wild laughter, "HaHaHaHa!" After a few seconds, he halted and thought, 'These aren't mere strings! They are strands of energy! Different types of energy! I can absorb various kinds of energies! And, then I can harness that energy to enhance myself!' With that, he gazed at his hands, started running forward, focused on absorbing the energy around him, and then jumped, directing all the absorbed energy towards his feet.


With a single leap, Val burst through the basement, shattered the ceiling of his mansion, and soared into the sky.

"HaHaHa!", Val chortled as he absorbed the energy around him, utilizing it to propel himself further upwards as he continued his upward flight.

Val continued his upward trajectory, intrigued by the altitude limit achievable with his newfound abilities. After several minutes of ascension, he found himself on the brink of the Earth's atmosphere, his body cloaked in a sheen of ice. Recognizing the warning, he understood that he had reached his limit.

Maintaining his position suspended in space, he reveled in the splendid panorama surrounding him. Then, he drew a deep breath and plunged downwards.

Val allowed himself to freefall towards the ground, a faint layer of fire beginning to envelop him due to the atmospheric re-entry. Just moments before hitting the ground, Val absorbed all of his body's kinetic energy, resulting in a gentle landing.

Sighing contentedly, he surveyed his surroundings, finding himself amidst a picturesque field adorned with golden flowers. As a breeze stirred, he closed his eyes and drew a slow breath, taking in the pure air around him.

Upon opening his eyes, Val's gaze drifted downward, and he noticed an intricate pattern adorning his arms. Looking further, he discovered similar black and golden designs spreading across his chest and back. Positioned prominently above his sternum was a large golden-white circle. As he touched the circle, he contemplated, 'This sensation is peculiar! It feels as if it is a mark. It resembles a tattoo but it isn't. It...feels like an inseparable part of me.'

Caressing the unique patterns, he pondered, 'I must discern their purpose.'

He looked at the sky, his smile returning as he thought, 'I must experience the thrill of flight again.' With that, Val absorbed all the kinetic energy from the passing wind and harnessed it to elevate himself from the ground.


The field resonated with a thunderous sound as Val launched into the sky. He spent several hours soaring over various cities and states, before ultimately returning to his mansion.


In a farmhouse located in South Dakota,

Sprite was outside, busy attending to the horses when she picked up the sound of an approaching figure.

Turning towards the source of the noise, she spotted Ajak galloping towards her on horseback. As the horse neared Sprite, it skidded to a halt, allowing Ajak to dismount gracefully. With a loving pat on its flank, Ajak acknowledged the horse's service.

Ajak walked towards Sprite, who greeted her with a warm smile. "Have the horses been well cared for?", Ajak asked.

Sprite affirmed with a nod, turning her gaze back to the horses, her eyes reflecting deep affection, "Yes, I've been tending to them diligently."

Scanning the horses, Ajak nodded in approval. "I can see that very well.", she remarked.

A sudden sonic boom resonated in the skies above, diverting the attention of both Sprite and Ajak to the spectacle unfolding in the sky. A streak of light was punctuating the clouds.

Blinking in surprise, Sprite pointed upwards. "Is that... a person?", she questioned.

Ajak confirmed with a nod, her gaze following the high-speed entity, "Indeed, it appears so."

Sprite turned towards Ajak, her expression filled with concern, "Should we intervene? There's something familiar about the energy that person is radiating, and it's quite substantial."

Ajak's eyes remained locked on the fast-moving silhouette of Val, slicing through the clouds. She made her decision with a firm shake of her head, "No, Sprite. We don't meddle with human matters, nor with those of... cosmic entities."


Val positioned himself before a mirror in his mansion, scrutinizing the transformation his body had undergone. He reflected, 'I can't bring my new abilities into the public eye under the guise of The Phantom Reaper. If the world were to discover that The Phantom Reaper had acquired powers beyond superhuman strength, even the heroes would be on my tail. I require a fresh identity for this new role. This hero will embody justice and the public mustn't perceive this superhero as a threat to authority.'

With an air of finality, Val declared, "I've got it!" His hands met in a celebratory clap and his face brightened with a satisfied smile. "I'll be known as Starlance," he announced confidently.


In the alternate dimension, as Val completed the transformation into a mutant-Inhuman hybrid, the being observed the entire sequence of events. It watched as a minuscule rift in its dimension materialized on Val's chest.

The being smiled as it witnessed this. It could feel Val's link with this alternate dimension intensifying. Looking at the burgeoning connection, the being carefully set another piece in the cosmic puzzle, whispering, "In a few more years, we shall finally meet, Valexis Haller."


[A/N: I've created a basic power tier classification with which I can easily describe Val's powers.

1. Normal Human Level:

Ex- Aunt May, Pepper Potts, Mary Jane Watson, etc.

2. Peak Human Level:

Ex - Punisher, Crossbones, Kingpin, etc.

3. Enhanced Human Level:

Ex- Captain America, Black Widow, Taskmaster, Patriot, Black Panther, etc.

4. Superhuman Level (Low Tier):

Ex - Iron Fist, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, etc.

5. Superhuman Level (Mid Tier):

Ex - Spider-Man, Ice-Man, Storm, etc.

6. Superhuman Level (High Tier):

Ex - Hulk (angry state), Thor(at the beginning of MCU), Professor X, Jean Grey (without Pheonix Force), etc.

7. Superhuman Level (Extreme Tier) :

Ex - Wanda Maximoff (during Endgame), Vulcan, Elixir, Apocalypse, Magik, etc.

8. Low-Level Cosmic Powers:

Ex - Ajak, Ikarus, Thena, Sprite, Hyperion, etc.

9. Mid-Level Cosmic Powers:

Ex - Captain Marvel, Silver Surfer, Firelord, Stardust, Nova Prime, etc.

10. High-Level Cosmic Powers:

Ex - Quasar, Adam Warlock, Thanos (with Infinity Gauntlet), Mephisto, Dormammu, Thor (with Odinforce), Molecule Man, Captain Universe, etc.

11. Cosmic Entity Powers:

Ex - Jean Grey (with Pheonix Force), Galactus, Celestials, etc.

Keep in mind, this power tier is about as flexible as a high-quality yoga mat. After several days of mental gymnastics, I finally managed to land on this classification. Now, I know some of you may raise an eyebrow at the sorting, but remember, when it comes to Marvel characters, power tiers are as changeable as a superhero's costume, thanks to the occasional plot-driven power inconsistencies. Plus, this setup is tailor-made for the unique spice of the alternate universe we're dealing with in our story. So buckle up and enjoy the story!

Val's power level through his journey:

1. Before being reincarnated :

- Normal Human Strength, Speed, etc

- Peak Human Intelligence

2. At the time of being rescued by Yggdrasil at Auschwitz :

- Peak Human Strength, Speed, etc

- Peak Human Intelligence

3. After taking SSS V2.0 :

- Enhanced Human Strength, Speed, etc

- Enhanced Human Intelligence

4. After eating Peaches Of Immortality :

- Superhuman Level (Low Tier) Strength, Speed, etc

- Superhuman Level (Mid Tier) Intelligence

5. After becoming Mutant-Inhuman Hybrid :

- Superhuman Level (Mid Tier) Strength, Speed, etc

- Superhuman Level (High Tier) Intelligence

A detailed description of Val's powers as of the latest chapter:

- Energy Manipulation: Val can manipulate, control, and absorb vast amounts of energy as he sees fit.

- Energy Absorption: Val can absorb virtually any type of energy, proportionality augmenting all his physical parameters until finally metabolizing it.

- Energy Detection: Capable of detecting energy signatures.

- Superhuman Physical Stats: By absorbing energy, he can enhance his physical strength to insane levels, to the point where no amount of strength could harm or faze him. This ability can allow him to overpower people with only his hand, send them flying through the air at great speed and effortlessly smash metal constructs. This also proportionately increases his natural resilience and durability, unaffected by falling debris.

- Kinetikinesis: Once Val has the energy, he can produce and release it in powerful and destructive ways. He can focus it in various ways, including simple bursts, and stretching shockwaves.

- Flight: Val can fly and levitate using his powers.

- Immortal Body: Due to the consumption of P'an-T'ao, Val has an immortal body, meaning that he will live forever unless killed.

- Regenerative Healing Factor: Val can heal and regenerate all physical and mental harm to himself instantly. Any damaged area or lost anatomy will be completely restored with no lingering side effects in seconds, even forcing objects embedded out to heal properly. Val can rapidly regenerate from virtually anything and everything such as, gunshots to the head or body, stabbings, bombs, fire explosions, poisonings, and clear bombs among many other things.

- Telepathic Resistance: Val can use the energy around him and manipulate it, creating an energy barrier around his mind, shielding him from psychic attacks and invasions.

- Chi Manipulation

- Chi Augmentation