
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[The First Mutant Mayhem] - A Sinister Plot Unveiled - Mutant Supremacy and the Nuclear Threat

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Assuming a position in one of the chairs, Val set the stage for Charles and Raven to occupy the remaining two, creating a circular arrangement.

Sensing their curiosity, Val acknowledged their unasked questions, encouraging, "I can tell you both have questions you want to pose. Feel free to ask."

Charles was the first to break the silence, asking, "Years ago, when we first encountered each other, I had limited control over my telepathic abilities, mainly picking up on surface thoughts. However, as time has passed, I have significantly improved my control and understanding of my powers. I've discovered they extend beyond simply reading thoughts; I can delve into individuals' minds and access their memories."

Noting Val's furrowed brow, Charles hurriedly clarified, "I understand, it may not seem ethically right, but my main question is, why is it that I can access other people's minds but fail to penetrate yours?"

With a thoughtful expression, Val rubbed his chin and smiled before replying after a few moments of silence, "It's actually been over a decade, Charles. Many events have transpired since then." He sighed, murmuring almost to himself, "So many events..."

Interjecting, Raven scrutinized Val and asked, "Indeed, it's been more than ten years. So why do you appear unchanged, just as we first met, as if not a single day has passed?"

Sporting a smirk, Val responded to Raven, "I've discovered the secret to maintaining my current appearance. Is that something you desire?"

Taken aback by the abrupt question, Raven could only stutter, "W-What? Excuse me?"

Nonchalantly, Val dismissed her reaction, clarifying, "I was merely joking. My mutant power affords me the ability to retain my youthful appearance regardless of my true age."

Raven murmured, a hint of envy lacing her words, "That's remarkably convenient."

Shifting his demeanor, Val ceased his joviality and adopted a more serious expression. He looked at Charles and Raven, stating, "Now, let's proceed to more pressing matters."

Val produced a file from within his suit, offering it to Charles as he began to elaborate, "The world is becoming increasingly volatile due to our kind, Charles."

Accepting the file, Charles, with a curious Raven at his side, proceeded to open it. Inside, they found various documents and photos depicting several individuals, including Riptide, Azazel, and others. Among the images, one stood out: a photograph capturing Sebastian Shaw and Adrienne Frost locked in a passionate embrace within a club.

As Charles immersed himself in the documents, Raven queried Val, "Who are these individuals?" She pointed towards Azazel's image and inquired further, "Particularly, the red one; he appears quite demonic."

Responding to her questions, Val affirmed, "They are individuals like us." Catching Charles's attention as he looked up from the documents, Val continued, "They are mutants."

Yet, he added a crucial detail as he gestured towards the photos, "However, these mutants harbor malevolent intentions. They're orchestrating a nuclear war."

Raven gasped, "What?"

The severity of Val's revelation left Charles in a state of shock. He quickly rummaged through the documents and, upon confirming the appalling truth, he handed back the file to Val. He was aghast, "How could they consider such an act?! The devastation, the loss of countless lives... Don't they possess any empathy?"

Val, taking the file back and tucking it neatly into his suit, nonchalantly shrugged, "The gentleman sporting the luxurious suit, with the striking lady at his side in the picture, is Sebastian Shaw. He is a Nazi war criminal who now freely traverses the globe."

Charles echoed, bewildered, "What?"

Val nodded, elaborating, "What else can one expect from such a character? Shaw was born a mutant, with the capacity to absorb energy. He was conducting," Val air-quoted the word for emphasis, "experiments during his time in Auschwitz."

Raven crinkled her nose in distaste, uttering, "Disgusting!"

Seeking to understand the larger picture, Charles asked, "What is his endgame with this nuclear war?"

Val replied, "He's a zealous proponent of mutant supremacy. He plans to thrust the world into anarchy, leaving only mutants to survive and evolve."


In another part of Oxford University's campus,

Moira and her colleague, Bob, exited their vehicle. As Bob secured the car door, he cast a worried glance at Moira, "Are you doing alright?"

Releasing a weary sigh, Moira looked back at Bob and admitted, "No, Bob. I'm far from alright. I've exhausted myself trying to persuade the chief about the Hellfire Club and the presence of mutants. Yet," she tightened her grip, frustration evident in her actions as she directed a kick towards a clump of grass, "he is such a fucking imbecile! I wouldn't be surprised if he was daydreaming about the pie they'll serve at the commissary during my entire presentation! A fucking fatass brain-dead man!"

A little alarmed, Bob cautioned, "Keep your voice down, Moira."

Moira inhaled deeply, then exhaled slowly. She turned to Bob and declared, "Merely words aren't going to convince him. I need to present concrete proof of what a mutant truly is."

With determination lighting her eyes, Moira instructed, "Come with me, Bob."

Quickening his pace to match hers, Bob queried as they walked shoulder to shoulder, "Who are we off to see?"

As they ascended the stairs, Moira responded, "We're visiting Professor Charles Xavier."


Back in the classroom,

Raven queried, "And how exactly do we fit into this picture?"

Displaying a smile, Val folded his arms and answered, "You both possess remarkable abilities. Abilities that could prove instrumental in thwarting these unhinged individuals." His gaze focused on Raven as he added, "Only then can you truly embody 'Mutant and Proud'."

Raven found Val's words resonating deeply within her, igniting a desire to rise beyond her mundane existence as a waitress. As she prepared to respond, a rhythmic knock echoed from the classroom door, breaking their conversation.

The joviality drained from Val's face. As Charles and Raven turned their attention towards the door, he advised, "Think carefully about my proposal."

The door creaked open, revealing Moira and Bob. They walked into the room with determined steps, their gaze fixed on Charles and Raven.

Turning to check on Val, Charles and Raven were taken aback to find him gone, as if he had vanished into thin air. When they turned back, Moira and Bob were holding up their badges, introducing themselves, "Agent MacTaggert and Agent Smith from the C.I.A."

With a steely gaze directed at Charles, Moira declared, "We need to discuss something with you, Professor Charles."

Charles raised an eyebrow, "And what exactly would we be discussing?"

Moira quickly brandished a photo of Sebastian Shaw and responded simply, "Mutants."

She glanced at Raven and added, "Your sister can join us too. This concerns both of you."

Exchanging a quick look with Raven, Charles noted her nod of agreement, and they both rose to their feet to follow Moira and Bob out of the classroom. However, Charles stole one last wary glance back at the now-empty classroom before exiting.

In a hidden spot, tucked away above the room's chairs, Val let out a quiet sigh. 'Well, there goes my Plan A,' he thought regretfully.