
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Sentinel Situation] - Voices Of Protest And A Rising Star

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[ Aiden's Note: I am back, bitches!!! Muahahaha!! ]

* BEEP *

Val started flipping through other channels, then he stopped and just looked at the TV.

Ominous music was playing softly while the news anchor spoke. "Good evening, everyone.

I'm your news anchor, talking to you live from our studios.

Today, we have an important story about something very dangerous happening in our society.

There's a group of people, a menace, causing trouble, threatening our world.

I'm talking, of course, about the ones we call mutants."

Val listened as the news anchor kept talking, "These mutants, these demons, have powers that go against everything we understand about the world.

They can change things, control what people think, and have powers that are hard to believe.

Them showing up is a bad sign, telling us that evil is trying to take over our world."

Suddenly, the screen filled with images of mutants showcasing their remarkable abilities.

Meanwhile, the faces of the public around the mutants mirrored the shock and fear these images invoked.

Their reactions were caught in raw moments of surprise and terror.

Eyes wide, mouths agape, they bore witness to this new reality, where the lines between the ordinary and the extraordinary had blurred.

The screen switched back to the news anchor, who said, "These mutants, these creatures, are a real danger to all of us.

We can't let them trick us with their clever lies.

They're trying to fool us.

We need to come together and stand up against these creatures before we run out of time."

The screen then flickered to a montage of scenes that looked like they were pulled straight from an action movie.

Only this wasn't fiction.

These were the chaotic results reportedly caused by the mutants.

Each clip was a showcase of chaos and destruction.

Buildings were crumbling, cars were overturned, and streets were filled with panic.

The once familiar landscapes were morphing into scenes of devastation under the extraordinary might of the mutants.

The screen switched back to the anchor, who said, "Take a good look around you, everyone.

See the damage caused by their wild powers.

Do we want our towns to look like battlefields?

Do we want our kids to be scared all the time, not knowing when these creatures might attack?"

Then, the screen shifted to capture close-up images of families, etching a vivid picture of their fear.

Parents held their children a bit tighter and their faces filled with fear.

The screen switched back to the news anchor who loudly said, "It's time to do something.

We're asking you, good people, to stand up against this danger.

Talk to the people you voted into office, speak up, and ask for the mutants to be dealt with.

They need to be found out, and removed from our lives, for the good of our future and to keep our country safe."

Next, the screen flashed with scenes from demonstrations, captured in vivid detail.

It was a sea of faces, unified by a shared fear.

They were ordinary folks who had taken to the streets, their protests echoing loudly through the signs they held high above their heads.

The placards bore simple messages - "No Mutants" and "Protect Our Children".

The screen switched back to the news anchor who said, "Don't forget, my fellow citizens, these mutants are different from us.

They aren't humans like us and they have dangerous powers that want to destroy our society.

We can't let them get into our schools, our jobs, or our government."

Val's attention was captured by footage showing mutants performing acts of heroism, saving lives, and being displayed on the screen.

But just as he was drawn into their extraordinary deeds, the screen switched back to the news anchor, who warned, "Don't let their occasional acts of kindness deceive you.

They're just trying to trick us into feeling safe.

Behind their false appearance of being heroes lies a dangerous plan to control and overpower us all."

Val could feel the weight of the moment as the music grew more intense, adding to the gravity of the situation. The news anchor declared, "It's up to us, everyone.

We have to say no to these mutants, these demons who look like us.

We must uphold our role as protectors of humanity.

Join us, stand together with your fellow citizens, and together we will eliminate this serious threat from our world, forever."

Val frowned and switched the channel as he thought, 'The discrimination against mutants has begun. This was inevitable. Magneto and his Brotherhood Of Mutants have been quite vocal and are constantly doing petty crimes as they shout for mutant supremacy while Charles and his X-Men are trying to save people's lives but they are getting ignored.'

He then, switched to another channel and this channel unlike the rest was talking about the latest Hollywood news.

A black-and-white backdrop with a Hollywood sign and movie cameras. The anchor was dressed in a classic suit, and the studio set resembled a vintage newsroom with movie posters in the background.

The news anchor greeted the viewers with a warm smile, saying, "Good evening, everyone. I'm David Roberts, and I have some exciting updates from the glamorous world of Hollywood.

Tonight, we have an intriguing story to share about a talented and rising star, Jennifer Lawrence, who has been making quite a splash in the entertainment industry."

As soon as Val realized that the news was focusing on Mystique, he couldn't help but fixate on the television screen.

The anticipation grew within him as he listened attentively to every word.

The news anchor continued, "Hollywood has always been a place where dreams come true, where fresh talents emerge and capture our hearts with their performances.

And today, we have someone special who has caught the industry's attention—Jennifer Lawrence.

This young actress is leaving her mark with her undeniable talent and captivating presence on the silver screen."

Val's eyes were glued to the television screen as a captivating montage was played on the screen.

It showcased Jennifer Lawrence's remarkable talent through various film roles and her confident presence on glamorous red carpets.

The screen flickered with magazine covers and newspaper clippings, each one proudly bearing Lawrence's name.

It was evident that her stardom was on the rise.

Val smiled as he looked at the montage and thought, 'It's been a year since the plan was put in motion. Mystique has already starred in 4 movies as lead roles and supporting roles in 3 other movies. Let's see how the plan is going.'

The news anchor said, "Jennifer Lawrence, born and raised in Westchester County, burst onto the scene with her breakout role in the independent film "A Day Left To Cry."

Her portrayal of Anne Brandt earned critical acclaim, propelling her career to new heights.

Val's attention was captivated by clips from "A Day Left To Cry," showcasing Jennifer Lawrence's impressive portrayal of Anne Brandt.

Her performance resonated with depth and maturity, displaying her talent as a versatile actress.

The screen transitioned to glimpses of award ceremonies, capturing the moments when Lawrence gracefully accepted well-deserved accolades for her early achievements.

The screen cut back to the news anchor who said, "Since her impressive debut, Lawrence has captivated audiences in a variety of genres.

From dramatic roles to action-packed blockbusters, she has showcased her versatility and range, leaving audiences in awe of her talent.

Jennifer Lawrence's magnetic personality and relatable charm have endeared her to fans worldwide.

With her infectious laughter and down-to-earth demeanor, she has become not just a celebrated actress but also an adored celebrity."

Val observed snippets of Lawrence's interviews and public appearances, which highlighted her quick wit and natural charm.

The sight of fans gathering outside movie premieres, shouting with excitement, emphasized the growing adoration for the young actress.

The news anchor commented, "As Jennifer Lawrence continues to leave her mark on the big screen, renowned directors and producers in Hollywood are eager to collaborate with this emerging talent.

Her remarkable skills and captivating presence guarantee that we'll be seeing much more of her in the years ahead."

Val caught glimpses of Jennifer Lawrence striking poses for fashion shoots and attending glamorous events, showcasing her unique style and graceful demeanor.

Bold headlines proclaiming her as the "next big thing" and praising her outstanding performances fueled anticipation.

With a satisfied smile, Val switched off the television, leaned back on the couch, and thought to himself, 'Looks like everything is going according to plan.'