
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Sentinel Situation] - Sentinel - The Menace Behind Trask Industries

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[Aiden's Note: After three long and tiring years, I'm finally going on a trip with my family. Yayyy!

But, this means that I won't be able to write. So, no chapters would be uploaded on 7th, 8th and 9th. After that it continues as usual.

Oh! Also, I would upload the extra chapter of the week.

Now, go ahead and read Val's plan!!!]

In Val's mansion,

Mystique repeated the name Val mentioned, "Bolivar... Trask?" and contemplated for a moment.

She remarked, "This name rings a bell."

Val responded, "Of course it does. You may have heard it on TV - the man who developed artificial limbs using DNA technology."

Mystique snapped her fingers as her memory resurfaced and exclaimed, "Ah! Yes! That's it! I recall hearing that name recently. There was a lot of talk about it."

She nodded, but confusion clouded her face as she asked, "But isn't he supposed to be a philanthropist? Every news channel portrayed him as someone who made a significant impact for people in need of prosthetics. How can someone who appears to be so good become a problem?"

Val smiled and responded, "He's not a good person, Mystique. He paid the news channels to create a positive image of himself, to make people think he's nice and kind. But deep down," he pointed to his heart, "he's completely rotten."

"What do you mean?", Mystique asked.

Val explained, "Bolivar Trask is the founder of Trask Industries. And he's using his company to fulfill his dark desires."

"How does that affect us?", Mystique wondered.

Val clarified, "Bolivar Trask secretly hates mutants."

"What?", Mystique exclaimed in shock.

"Let me explain," Val continued, "He hates mutants with a strong passion. He wants to eliminate every mutant on this planet. He believes that mutants are the root cause of all the world's problems. He thinks their existence leads to more wars, instability, and so on. That's why he wants to eradicate all mutants."

Mystique's face twisted in disgust as she angrily exclaimed, "What the fuck? How can he believe such nonsense? So, according to him, mutant children and even unborn mutant babies should be killed?"

Val nodded in agreement, "Yes, that's what he believes. According to him, every mutant is a potential threat, regardless of their age or gender."

"Absolutely disgusting!", Mystique remarked.

Val let out a sigh and continued, "Because he firmly believes in his own righteousness and is extremely racist to the mutants, he is constructing a weapon."

"A weapon?", Mystique questioned, her voice filled with concern.

Val explained, "You see, Trask isn't just a lucky guy who stumbled upon success in the business world. He is highly intelligent and he is using that intelligence to create a weapon - a weapon designed specifically to eliminate mutants. It's called Sentinel."

"Sentinel?", Mystique asked.

Val nodded and continued, "Yes, Sentinels are robots programmed to hunt down mutants and exterminate them."

Mystique's face displayed shock as she exclaimed, "H-How is this possible?"

Val smiled and replied, "Mystique, in this world, anything is possible."

Collecting herself, Mystique stated, "We need to stop Trask immediately!"

Val responded, "Yes, we must. But we need a plan. We can't simply storm into his company and disrupt his plans. If we did, he would have the perfect opportunity to paint us as criminals and himself as the innocent victim. He could use it to deceive the public, making them believe that all mutants are dangerous criminals who need to be stopped."

Mystique nodded in agreement and asked, "So, what is our plan then?"

Val smiled and said, "This is where your abilities come in. You have the power to change your appearance, right?"

Mystique nodded again, curious about his suggestion.

Val continued, "Using your natural appearance, you will infiltrate a specific place."

"Infiltrate where?", Mystique asked.

"Hollywood," Val replied with a determined look in his eyes.

Mystique's face filled with panic, and she quickly responded, "Hollywood? How is that going to make a difference? I can't go to Hollywood."

Val reassured her, "Trust me, it's crucial."

Mystique clutched her skirt tightly, hesitating as she muttered, "I'm not attractive enough. No one would like me. I don't think I'm right for this plan."

Val let out a sigh and gazed at her with warmth in his eyes, saying, "Listen, Raven. You are a beautiful girl, don't doubt that. Hear the entire plan first, then make your decision."

Mystique managed a small smile and nodded in agreement.

Val explained, "You'll use your natural appearance and I'll assist you from behind the scenes. You'll debut as an actress, and I'll fully support you in every way. I'll provide all the money and resources you need. But the most important thing is to maintain a flawless public image. People must see you and think, 'She's an angel, incapable of wrongdoing.' It's crucial."

Mystique listened carefully and interrupted, "Hold on! I have a couple of concerns. First, I don't know how to act. Second, I have no idea how to manage a celebrity image for the public."

Val reassured her, "Don't worry about that. I'll help you learn acting and teach you everything you need to know."

Mystique looked at him skeptically and questioned, "You?"

Val rolled his eyes and replied, "It's not rocket science, Mystique. I'll teach you various fighting styles and acting techniques. At least you won't appear completely inexperienced when you make your debut."

Mystique nodded reluctantly and then asked, "Alright, but what should be my stage name? I don't want my real name to be known."

Val smirked mischievously and suggested, "How about... Jennifer Lawrence?"

Mystique replied, "Jennifer... Lawrence?"

Val asked, "You're not a fan?"

Mystique hesitated and said, "Well, it's okay, I guess."

Val thought, 'You look like the real Jennifer Lawrence, and now you share the same name.'

Val cautioned, "I need to be honest with you, Mystique. It won't be an easy journey. You'll have to star in 3-5 movies every year to quickly establish yourself. I'll teach you fighting techniques so you can protect yourself from anyone who might try to harm you."

Mystique nodded and asked, "Once I become a successful actress, what's next?"

Val responded, "Then, we'll create Lawrence Industries. This company will confront Trask Industries, secretly undermining their operations. By doing this, we can attack Trask without giving him the chance to portray himself as a victim. To the public, it will appear as a business rivalry. With your impeccable image, nobody will suspect you of being involved or being a mutant."

He sighed and asked, "Are you ready for this? I must warn you, every day will be challenging if you agree to this plan. But it will be worth it, I promise."

Mystique replied, "Since I was a child, I've dreamed of becoming one of those beautiful ladies on television. Now, I have the opportunity to fulfill my dream as a Hollywood actress while also defending mutants from wicked individuals. Why wouldn't I agree?"

Val smiled and said, "Welcome aboard, Jennifer Lawrence."