
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Sentinel Situation] - Lawrence Industries Is Here

May 1972,


Outside the huge iron gate of Val's mansion, a group of paparazzi had gathered.


They were sitting on the ground with their cameras ready.


There were two guards guarding the gate with rifles firmly gripped in their hands.


One of the guards took a drag from his cigarette, exhaling a plume of smoke that curled into the air.


He casted a sidelong glance at the restless paparazzi sitting on the ground and turned to his companion and asked, "Hey, Mark?"


Mark yawned lazily and responded, "Hmm?"


The guard's gaze wandered to the paparazzi and he asked, "Don't you think their asses must be numb by now? I mean, they've been squatting here since yesterday evening."


Mark lazily shifted his gaze to the paparazzi.


"These bunch of numbnuts have been here since yesterday, all because someone tipped them off about Miss Lawrence's arrival.", he replied with annoyance, "They're hoping to capture a photo and make a quick buck, Jason."


Jason nodded in agreement and he asked, "Hey, didn't Miss Lawrence start her own company recently? What was it called? Larensh... Lawen..."


Mark rolled his eyes at Jason.


He retorted exasperatedly, "Lawrence Industries. It's not that hard to remember."


A triumphant expression formed on Jason's face as he exclaimed, "Yes! Lawrence Industries! Now I remember. Word on the street is that she's making a fortune since she started it. There are even rumors swirling that she's planning to leave Hollywood."


"Bah!", Mark scoffed dismissively, "Those rumors are just idle chatter. No way she's leaving. Not a chance."


Jason couldn't help but smirk knowingly when he observed Mark quickly denying it.


"You're a fan, aren't you?", he teased.


Mark was caught off guard and his cheeks flushed in embarrassment.


He stammered, "Y-Yeah... I'm a fan."


Jason nodded and asked, "Besides her acting, what is it about her that you like?"


A delighted spark lit up Mark's eyes as he responded enthusiastically, "She's fucking beautiful! Like a goddess, you know? But the best part about her, hands down, is her...well, that huge ass!"


Jason was surprised by Mark's statement and thought, 'He likes ass? He looks a boob person.'


He asked, "You're an 'ass man'? I thought you were more into her huge boobs."


Mark chuckled hearing Jason and replied, "Nah! While she does have a huge bust, I've always loved that voluptuous ass of hers."


Suddenly, a third guard appeared between them and reprimanded them as he threatened them, "The fuck are y'all doing talking about the ass and boobs of our employer?! If she fucking hears, none of you will be here! Shut your cakeholes and focus on your fucking jobs!"


Both Jason and Mark quickly straightened their posture and shouted in unison, "Yes, Sir!"


The third guard turned around and walked away muttering under his breath, "Fucking horny idiots!"


A few minutes later,


The ringing of a phone caught the attention of one of the paparazzi, who hastily fumbled for his device and answered the call.


A few seconds later, he excitedly blurted out, "She's on her way? Are you absolutely sure? Thanks a million, man! I'll make it worth your while with some exclusive shots!"


He sprang up from the ground and shouted, "She's arriving, everybody!"


The paparazzi quickly rose to their feet.


They held their cameras steady and focused on the road.


In a matter of seconds, a sleek car pulled up at the gate.


It was immediately encircled by a swarm of relentless photographers.


Flashes erupted like fireworks as they captured the coveted snapshots, their voices overlapping as they shouted.


"What's your next movie, Miss Lawrence?", "Why did you open your own company?", "Who are you dating?", "Are you pregnant?", "Are the rumors true, are you gay?" and many more outrageous questions.


Jason and Mark quickly removed them and cleared a path for the car.


They opened the gates and watched as the car roared inside.


The gates closed behind with a thud and the car disappeared from view, leaving behind a chorus of clicking shutters.


The car came to a halt before the grand entrance of the mansion.


The driver stepped out from the car and opened the rear door.


Mystique gracefully stepped out from the car and a sigh of relief escaped her lips as she looked at the mansion.


She adjusted her elegant blue dress and walked forward after ordering the driver, "Take the car away, Manny. I don't want these idiots to squat outside the house."


Manny nodded and respectfully said, "As you wish, Ma'am."


Mystique entered the door and closed it behind her.


She sighed and massaged her tired shoulders.


She glanced ahead and noticed Val walking out of the hall.


Val approached her and asked, "Well, how did it go?"


Mystique responded tiredly, "Boring. Useless. Exhausting."


A hearty laugh escaped Val's lips as he patted her on the back.


"You'll have to endure more of these meetings, my dear. After all, you're the founder and President of Lawrence Industries. Board meetings are unavoidable.", he said.


Mystique groaned and said, "Ugh.. don't remind me. Sometimes, I regret ever opening that company."


Val reached for a glass of water and handed it to her.


She gratefully accepted it, taking a sip to quench her parched throat.


Val asked her, "So, what was the important thing that you wanted to talk about?"


Mystique set the glass down and looked at Val.


"Let's find a quiet spot. I have something crucial to share.", she replied.


Check out my Patr-éon if you want to read ahead.
