
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Sentinel Situation] - Conflicting Morality - Charles and Val's Clash of Perspectives

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Charles and Mystique directed their attention towards Val as he spoke those words. They understood that he was about to reveal the truth about himself, his actions, and the deception he had carried out, including taking Charles' blood and pretending to be affiliated with a government agency.

Charles gestured to Mystique, indicating that they should proceed. Understanding his intention, Mystique positioned herself behind him and pushed his wheelchair forward.

Charles faced Val and instructed, "Come with us." He then turned his attention back ahead as Mystique pushed his wheelchair toward the school.

Val nodded and nonchalantly trailed behind them, observing the ongoing transformation of the mansion into a school.

As they continued, he entered a section of the school that had already been completed, and he couldn't help but take in his surroundings with a quick glance.

The school was designed exactly as he had seen in the movies, bringing a smile to his face.

While walking down a corridor, something caught his attention, causing him to halt in front of an open classroom door and he quickly glanced inside.

What caused him to halt? Havok and Angel kissing!

In the empty classroom, Havok and Angel were locked in a passionate kiss. This sight surprised Val, causing his eyebrows to rise, and he let out a light cough.

The sudden noise startled both of them. Angel, who had been sitting on Havok's lap, quickly pushed herself away and stood up, hastily adjusting her skirt. Havok hurriedly wiped the lipstick from his face.

Val glanced at their startled expressions and grinned, saying, "Remember to close the door next time."

Havok, attempting to act casual, responded, "Y-Yeah, I'll remember to close it next time."

Upon hearing his response, Val erupted into laughter, quickly muffling it with his hand. Angel blushed deeply, feeling utterly embarrassed, and stepped on Havok's shoe, causing him to yelp in pain.

Val shook his head, reached for the door handle, and closed the door. Before shutting it completely, he gave Havok a thumbs up, indicating his approval of Angel.

Havok smiled awkwardly and scratched his head, feeling a bit embarrassed, while Angel blushed, understanding that Val was implying that she was a good match for Havok.

With the door closed, Val smiled and hurriedly caught up with Mystique and Charles, who were entering a door leading to Charles' office.

Val stepped into Charles' office and noticed Mystique assisting Charles in settling into his chair. Val took a seat in his own chair and Mystique sat beside him. Both Charles and Mystique looked at Val with different expressions on their faces.

Charles wore an expression similar to that of a judge waiting to hear a criminal confess to heinous acts, while Mystique's expression was one of curiosity, neither more nor less.

Her perception of Val underwent a shift when she obeyed his command and assumed the guise of a Navy Vice-Admiral, successfully infiltrating a top-level C.I.A. gathering.

Although she couldn't prevent the missile launch, she gained insight into how mutants were perceived and learned about the existence of aliens.

This experience caused a transformation in her mindset, and she began to feel a sense of pride in herself and her extraordinary abilities.

No longer considering herself just a waitress, she embraced her identity - mutant and proud!

Val looked at both of them and thought, 'There are many things I could say, but the best way to get out of this messy situation is to combine some truth with a few lies.' He said, "All those years ago, when you both found me sitting in the chair in your room and I took Charles' blood, you thought maybe I was right. Maybe I was from a secret government agency. Maybe I was a good cop. But the truth is…I lied."

Ignoring Charles clenching his fists, Val continued, "I lied about being from a secret government agency. I lied about the woman who could find mutants with special abilities. But…", he added seriously, "I didn't lie about the guy who would try to kill everyone. I didn't lie about why I took Charles' blood. I didn't lie about my goal to help those in need."

Val sighed and said, "The truth is…", he looked at both of them and continued, "I am Margaret Carter's brother."

"What?", Mystique yelled when she heard Val's statement. With a surprised look on her face, she pointed at him and asked, "Y-You are C-Captain Carter's b-brother?!"

"Yes, I am," Val nodded and replied.

"That's incredible!", Mystique shouted excitedly and looked at Val differently than before. With a big smile on her face, she said, "Oh my gosh! Captain Carter - The world's first female superhero! She's my idol!"

But unlike Mystique, Charles looked at Val with suspicion and asked sarcastically, "Oh, really? Is that another lie? Because you two don't look alike at all."

Mystique calmed down when she heard Charles and also looked at Val suspiciously.

Val saw both of them looking at him suspiciously and just rolled his eyes, saying, "Adopted siblings, idiots." Then, he took out his wallet and showed them a photograph of him and Peggy together, proudly displaying it.

Val put the photo back in his wallet and asked with a smirk, "Now tell me, am I lying?"

Charles scoffed at Val and said, "That still doesn't explain why you lied to us."

Val sighed and explained, "This is secret information. My sister is actually the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., a very secretive government organization. S.H.I.E.L.D. deals with things that regular law enforcement can't handle, like aliens, superheroes, and…", he pointed at them and himself, "mutants."

Seeing that Charles and Mystique were listening carefully, Val continued, "Through her, I got access to top-secret files. These files were about mutants, their powers, their weaknesses, and people who were different from the rest. When I read these files, I was scared about the future, my future, and the future of those I care about. I saw how powerful and dangerous some of them were. I wanted to protect my own and my loved ones' future. So, I tracked you down, hoping to get your blood."

He smiled a little and went on, "The abilities you saw before on the Navy ship. I didn't have them when we first met. Your blood helped me get these powers."

"How did you do that?", Mystique asked.

Val grinned at her and said, "You know, I'm something of a scientist myself."

Val then leaned back in his chair and said, "Well, that's about it."

Mystique nodded, thinking to herself, 'He didn't want to hurt us. He was just trying to keep his loved ones safe. I respect that. Plus, he's Captain Carter's brother. I forgive him.'

But Charles looked at Val and laughed, saying, "That's it? You wanted to protect yourself, so you tricked someone innocent into giving you their blood. You are a selfish man!" He pointed at Val and asked, "Where is your morality? Where is your decency?"

Val laughed at Charles and said, "It's funny how you accuse me of being bad when you go into people's minds and look at their memories and thoughts without feeling guilty. Where's your sense of morality then? From the moment I sat here, you've been trying to get into my mind. And…", his eyes glowed gold, "you can't even hide it, Charles. I can see the waves coming from your head towards me. Don't you have any decency?"

Charles clenched his teeth and stopped trying to read Val's mind. Then, he coldly said to Val, "If you ever need help, just know you won't find it here."

Val nodded, stood up from his chair, and said, "Well then, Charles, it seems you've made your choice. But before I leave, let me remind you of something." Val looked into Charles' eyes and said, "There's no black and white in this world. Everyone has different shades of gray in them. You haven't seen as much of the world as I have. You've seen a small part and think you know it all, but that's very, very wrong."

Val sighed and turned to Mystique, suddenly grabbing her.

"What-?" Mystique yelled as she was lifted over Val's shoulders.

Val quickly made an energy shield around him and Mystique, feeling Charles try to stop him.

Ignoring Charles' shouts of "What are you doing? Let her go! Stop!" Val walked towards the door and opened it.

Before leaving the office, Val looked back at Charles and said, "Keep being a hypocrite, and you'll find yourself all alone, dead in the back of a truck."

Val sighed and said, "Goodbye, kid." Then, with a sudden blast, Val flew out the door and away from the mansion.

While flying, Val noticed Mystique was unusually quiet and asked, "What? Why are you so silent? Are you scared I might be kidnapping you?"

Mystique held on tight to Val, looking down at the small houses below, and answered, "No! I've forgiven you. I don't think you're kidnapping me. You probably want my help, so you're taking me with you."

Val seemed impressed, looked at her jiggling butt, and playfully patted it, saying, "Smart girl."

"Kyaa--", Mystique shirked and shouted, "Don't touch my ass, fucker!!"

Val laughed and flew faster as they continued through the sky.

A few minutes later,

Mystique sat on a luxurious chair in a fancy bedroom, looking around with a fascinated expression.

Val sat across from her, smiling as he watched her excitement. Mystique asked him again, "This is my room?!"

"How many times do I have to say yes?" Val laughed.

Mystique felt a little embarrassed and said, "It's just…I've never had such an amazing room for myself before."

Val responded, "There's a first time for everything, right?"

Mystique nodded and looked at the large garden through the window beside her, asking, "This is your mansion?"

Val nodded and replied without shame, "Yup, my sister bought it for me."

Mystique stared at him with disgust and said, "Leech!"

Val raised his eyebrows and pointed at himself, asking, "Me? A leech? Aren't you one too? You lived off the Xavier family!"

Seeing Mystique glaring at him, Val added, "Look, we both have something in common. We were both adopted."

Mystique sighed and smiled at him, as did Val.

After talking for a few more minutes, Val said to Mystique, "Now, let me explain why I brought you here and why I need your help."

Seeing that Mystique was listening seriously, Val became serious too and said, "We're going to have a big problem in the coming months. A problem named Trask…Bolivar Trask."