
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey ] - Becoming a Warrior - Hard Work and Potential in Under City

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Val's heart raced in anticipation as Sihing led him through the shadowy alleyways of K'un-Lun's Under City. The murky darkness swallowed their forms, save for the faint glimmer of torches that flickered in the distance. Sihing, the official ruler of this place, moved with a regal grace that belied the treacherous paths they walked.

Under City was a place of refuge for those who had lost their way in life. Here, they sought shelter from the harsh realities of the world above. Val had read that Sihing or Dog Brother #1 was the ruler of Under City, one of the seven cities of Heaven in the comics. He was excited when he wondered whether it would be the same or different from the comics.

He could feel the weight of centuries upon the walls that surrounded them, the memories of all those who had sought solace here lingering in the stale air.

At last, Sihing stopped before a nondescript door that blended seamlessly into the surrounding darkness. With a flick of his wrist, the door swung open, revealing a world of wonder and mystery beyond. And with a gentle smile, Sihing gestured for Val to enter.

As Val stepped through the doorway, his eyes widened in surprise. Under City was not the dismal, bleak place he had imagined it to be. In fact, it looked just like any other bustling metropolis, with streets teeming with people of all ages, colors, and creeds.

But as he watched the denizens of Under City go about their daily lives, Val began to realize that this place was unlike any other he had ever seen. Every person, young or old, seemed to bow in respect as they caught sight of Sihing, the official ruler of this subterranean realm. Some even kowtowed before him, as if he were a god among men.

Val couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the sight. He had hoped for something more mystical, more otherworldly. But as he looked into Sihing's eyes, he saw a depth of wisdom and understanding that went far beyond mortal comprehension. For the people of Under City, Sihing was more than just a ruler. He was a guardian, a protector, and a beacon of hope in a world that had long since lost its way.

Val approached the temple gates of Under City with a sense of trepidation. He knew that this was a place of great importance to the people who called this subterranean world their home, and he didn't want to offend them in any way.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the gates and stepped inside. Immediately, his senses were assaulted by the sights and sounds of a bustling martial arts dojo. Men and women of all ages were engaged in a flurry of activity, practicing their katas and sparring with one another using the ancient art of chi.

Val couldn't help but be impressed by the sheer skill and dedication of these warriors. Each movement was executed with precision and grace, as if they were dancing to an invisible tune that only they could hear. And yet, there was an undercurrent of fierce determination that ran through them all, as if they were preparing for a battle that could come at any moment.

As Val watched, a group of children caught his eye. They were young, no more than seven or eight years old, but they moved with a confidence and grace that belied their age. They laughed and played as they practiced their moves, their eyes alight with the joy of the art they were learning.

Val felt a reassuring pat on his shoulder and turned to see Sihing looking at him with a twinkle in his eye. "Be ready, kid," Sihing said, gesturing towards the skilled martial artists surrounding them. "You're going to be one of them."

Val's heart swelled with pride at Sihing's words and he took a deep breath, ready to immerse himself fully in their way of life.

But as he looked around, Val noticed the absence of Fat Cobra. Concerned, he turned to Sihing and asked, "Master Sihing, where is Master Cobra?"

Sihing strode forward, his steps sure and purposeful, leaving Val behind to take in his surroundings. The sounds of clashing swords and pounding fists filled the air, and Val could feel the energy of the warriors around him as they honed their skills.

As Val caught up to Sihing, he replied, "He went to his city, Peng Lai City," His eyes scanned the bustling training grounds. "But that is of little consequence now. What matters is that you are here, and ready to train."

Val nodded eagerly, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation. But Sihing's next words gave him pause. "Do you see how hard the students are practicing?" he asked, gesturing to the throng of martial artists around them. "You will be expected to work three times as hard as they do."

Val's brow furrowed in confusion. "But why me, Master?" he asked.

Sihing's eyes twinkled with a fierce determination. "Because, my boy," he said, his voice low and intense, "you have the potential to be something greater than you ever imagined. But to achieve that greatness, you must put in the work. Just as a blacksmith must hammer and shape the metal with accuracy and concentration to make a perfect weapon, so must you be honed and refined to become the warrior you are meant to be, just as I envisioned you to be."

With that, Sihing turned and led the way towards the main hall, his footsteps echoing in the dimly lit passageways. "Come, Val," he called over his shoulder. "Your training begins now." And with those words, Val knew that his life would never be the same again.

Sihing's training methods were unlike anything Val had ever experienced before. The first step, Sihing had explained, was to condition his body to withstand the rigors of the training that lay ahead.

Val had followed Sihing to a rocky mountainous top, where the air was thin and the wind whipped at their faces. There, Sihing had planted a thin trunk on the ground, and told Val to stand on it on one leg while his outstretched hands carried two huge boulders.

Val had done as he was told, gritting his teeth against the strain and the sweat that stung his eyes. Sihing had then told him to maintain that position for an entire week, promising to return to check on him.

Days had passed, and Val had felt his body screaming in protest, but he refused to give in. He dug deep, drawing on every ounce of strength and discipline he possessed, until the week was over and Sihing returned to find him still standing on that thin trunk.

Sihing had complimented him on his endurance, but Val knew there was more to come. "What's next, Master?" he had asked, his voice trembling with anticipation.

Sihing had looked at him sternly. "Your training, Val, will focus solely on the conditioning of your body," he had said, his voice grave. "Until your body is strong enough to withstand anything, you will not be ready for the true challenges that await you."

Sihing's training of Val continued with rigorous exercises that tested his body's adaptability to different environments. They ventured to various locations, including waterfalls, frigid mountain tops, and scorching hot surroundings to prepare Val for any climate he might encounter.

After months of body conditioning, Sihing deemed Val ready for the next phase of training. He began teaching Val the fundamental aspects of martial arts, such as balance, footwork, and timing. Sihing demonstrated precise execution of strikes and kicks and instructed Val on defensive techniques to fend off attacks.

As Val's skill level advanced, Sihing introduced him to more complex techniques like grappling and joint locks. Sihing also trained Val to use his surroundings as an advantage in combat. However, physical prowess was not enough for Sihing. He also instilled the importance of discipline and focus in Val's mind. Sihing taught him the art of meditation to soothe his thoughts and enhance concentration.

One day as Val continued with his training, his movements were fluid as he focused on the dummy in front of him. Meanwhile, Sihing and Fat Cobra sat on the sidelines, watching him intently. Suddenly, Fat Cobra spoke up, his eyes still trained on Val. "I've been observing this young apprentice for a while now, and I must say, I've noticed something rather intriguing about him," he said.

Sihing, knowing what was coming, glanced at Fat Cobra from the corner of his eyes and said, "It's about his body, right?"

Fat Cobra nodded and Sihing continued, "I first witnessed how his body healed itself rapidly without the use of chi when he was conditioning his body. At first, I suspected that he was using chi subconsciously, but when I used my own chi to check his body, my suspicions were proven wrong."

Fat Cobra observed Val's movements with great interest and after a while, he cleared his throat and addressed Sihing. "I've been keeping an eye on this kid for a while now, and I must say, I'm impressed."

Sihing asked, "Impressed with what, exactly?"

Fat Cobra rubbed his chin thoughtfully before replying, "His progress. The way he moves, how fast he's improving. I can't help but wonder what his potential is."

Sihing bristled at the suggestion that his student was up for grabs. "Don't you dare take my student!" he growled.

Fat Cobra shook his head. "Relax, I'm not here to steal him away from you." He flashed a broad grin and said, "But I have an idea. Since you can't give him your chi, why don't I give him mine instead?"