
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - The Hand's Revelation - Iron Fist's Departure Unveiled

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High atop the majestic peak of Mt. Everest, nestled within a concealed cavern, a pair of formidable eyes, glowing a fiery crimson, slowly awakened, casting an eerie glow that pierced the darkness. With each deliberate blink, the creature emerged from its slumber, its massive form rumbling in harmony with the trembling earth beneath.

Taking deliberate steps forward, the creature strode towards the entrance of the cavern, a foreboding presence in the midst of this sacred domain. As it approached the threshold, the veil of obscurity lifted, unveiling a remarkable sight. Bathed in the brilliant sunlight, the creature's immense body, stretching an astonishing length of 100 feet, displayed a vivid hue of viridian. It was none other than Chiantang, the formidable brother of the revered Dragon King.

As Chiantang surveyed the vast expanse of the horizon, a brooding anticipation filled the air. A whisper of intuition danced through his mind, foretelling the imminent arrival of a figure known only as The Destiny Weaver.

A mix of determination and defiance etched across his formidable countenance, Chiantang uttered in a voice tinged with menace, "No mere script shall dictate the course of my existence. I will kill the Destiny Weaver before he lays claim to my life. And then, with his lifeless form in my possession, I will make a triumphant journey to the city of dragons, relishing in the mockery of those ancient, feeble creatures."

With a resolute motion, Chiantang unfurled his colossal wings, their immense span casting a shadow over the ground below. As he ascended into the skies, the wind roared in his ears. A vow whispered to himself amidst the rush of the air, "Your fate is sealed, O'Destiny Weaver. I pledge it with unwavering conviction."


In the heart of Hell's Kitchen, amidst the bustling metropolis of New York City, a man surged through the crowded streets with a sense of urgency that propelled him forward. Oblivious to the throngs of people in his path, he forcefully cleared a path, his determination overriding any consideration for those he brushed aside.

Upon reaching his destination, a gathering encircled a table, the man abruptly halted, his demeanor transforming into one of deference. With a deep bow, a gesture both respectful and reverent, he acknowledged the presence of those seated before him.

Slowly rising, he directed his steps toward a particular woman within the assembly, a figure who commanded his attention above all others. Leaning in close, his voice hushed, he whispered confidentially into her ear, delivering words laden with significance and intrigue.

Eyes fixated upon the enigmatic woman, a hushed sense of intrigue permeated the gathering as the messenger delivered his tidings. Each person encircling the table hung onto his every word, their gazes locked upon the woman as she absorbed the information. Respectfully acknowledging the woman with a final bow, he gracefully retreated from the scene.

Amidst the expectant silence, a voice broke through the air, its tone laden with curiosity and anticipation. "Pray tell, Reid, what transpired?" inquired one of the individuals seated around the table, their inquisitiveness palpable.

Alexandra Reid, an esteemed member of the clandestine organization known as the Hand, locked eyes with Madame Gao. A subtle smile played upon her lips as she savored the weight of the news she had just received.

With an air of calculated poise, she addressed the assembled individuals, the Hand's esteemed leaders known as the five fingers, who awaited her words with bated breath. "I have been bestowed with truly intriguing tidings," she revealed, casting a knowing glance around the table. "Iron Fist, the renowned guardian of K'un-Lun, has severed his ties with his sacred home."

A jarring cacophony reverberated throughout the room as Sowande, consumed by a surge of astonishment and frustration, pounded his fists upon the table. His booming voice cut through the air, resonating with incredulity, "What?!"

In stark contrast, Murakami's calm retained a sense of tranquility amidst the upheaval. With measured composure, he sought clarification, "Can we ascertain the veracity of this claim?"

Alexandra Reid reclined in her chair, her countenance reflecting a calculated calmness. "My covert agents, stationed in the depths of Nepal, have made a startling discovery," she revealed, her voice tinged with a touch of mystery. "Orson Randall, the Orphan of K'un-Lun, was sighted in a bustling bazaar, mingling effortlessly with the commoners. However, we are all well-versed in the binding edicts governing the Iron Fist. Such an audacious departure from K'un-Lun's hallowed grounds, coupled with his nonchalant behavior, strongly implies an act of desertion."

Sowande exclaimed, "Excellent! Now, I have the opportunity to seek revenge for what he inflicted upon me during our previous encounter," gesturing towards the scar on his face.

Madame Gao, who had remained silent until then, stated, "I believe he could be more useful to us than merely being a vessel for your personal vendetta."

Sowande turned to her, his voice filled with rage, and demanded, "What did you just say?"

Wearing a sinister smirk, Madame Gao responded, "I meant that his blood holds the potential to serve us in creating the perfect Resurrection Elixir we have all envisioned."

Upon hearing Madame Gao's elaborate scheme involving Iron Fist, the other members of the Hand nodded in agreement, eagerly embracing her plan.


In the bustling province of Hunan, China, Val strolled through a vibrant vegetable market, blending in among the ordinary townsfolk. Though some curious eyes glanced his way, he paid them no mind. His gaze, sharpened by an astute perception, roamed from one face to another, searching intently.

As he continued his search, Val's thoughts echoed with urgency, 'Please, Jiaying, be safe! I cannot bear the thought of losing you, not before you give me the Obelisk.'

His heart skipped a beat as he caught a glimpse of a familiar side profile among the bustling crowd. However, upon closer inspection, his hopes were dashed as he realized it wasn't Jiaying after all.

Determined to locate her before she underwent Terrigenesis and discovered the true significance of the Obelisk, Val felt the weight of time pressing upon him. It had been only a few years since the end of World War II, and Jiaying remained oblivious to her own identity and origins.

If he arrived too late, attempting to claim the Obelisk for himself, she would undoubtedly refuse to surrender it. Moreover, should he dare to steal it from her, he risked becoming an enemy not just to Jiaying but to Afterlife itself—the Inhuman community she had established on Earth.

Contemplating the nature of the Afterlife, Val thought, 'Afterlife is a sanctuary for Inhumans who are still unaware of their true potential. It serves as a refuge where they seek understanding and connection with others like them. Unfortunately, even in their quest for peaceful coexistence, they find themselves pursued relentlessly by organizations such as Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., inevitably entangled in conflicts they strive to avoid.'

With a heavy heart, he came to a halt, finding solace beside a modest local stall. Frustration washed over him, and he couldn't help but lament inwardly, 'Weeks have passed, yet I have not caught even a glimpse of her. According to my recollection, she should be here in Hunan. I have scoured every corner of this province, leaving no stone unturned.'

Surveying his surroundings, a realization struck him. 'This suggests that she has chosen to conceal herself, still haunted by the horrors inflicted upon her by Reinhardt,' he pondered, his brow furrowing.

Rubbing his chin contemplatively, a new plan formed in his mind. 'However, I can gather information discreetly from the vendors and locals. If she has indeed begun constructing a haven for Inhumans, she must have left subtle indications for others to find her. Moreover, I must present myself as non-threatening and vulnerable. That way, should anyone from her community lay eyes upon me, they would perceive me as harmless rather than an enemy.'

As he solidified his strategy to locate Jiaying, a resolute nod affirmed his determination. Adjusting his posture and demeanor, he approached a vendor a few meters away and, with impeccable fluency, inquired, "D-Do you happen to know anyone by the name of... J-Jia-Jiaying?"