
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - The Great Xiang Yao - Val's Encounter with the Serpent Dragon

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One year had passed since Val embarked on his training to unlock the power of chi. Standing amidst the resplendent field of pink flowers, Val's hands radiated a vibrant glow as he seamlessly channeled the energy within him. His movements, akin to the fluidity of water, wove a mesmerizing tapestry of grace and precision. With closed eyes, Val became one with the essence of the field, an embodiment of harmony and mastery.

Observing Val's remarkable display, Fat Cobra stood in awe, his gaze transfixed upon the young apprentice. The chi that enveloped Val appeared to possess a sentient spirit, a vibrant aura that seemed to dance and frolic with unadulterated joy. A knowing smile tugged at the corners of Fat Cobra's lips, for it was clear to him that Val was not merely a student but a chosen vessel, destined to be graced with the blessings of chi.

As Val gracefully landed on the ground, the echoes of his jump reverberated through the air. With a deep inhalation, he opened his eyes, the brilliance of the chi-infused glow gradually subsiding as he ceased its flow. Casting a glance at his hands Val couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction surge within him.

In that moment, Fat Cobra approached with an infectious grin, his hand landing warmly on Val's shoulder. "Well done, Val," he praised, his voice laced with genuine admiration. "To master the art of chi in a mere year is truly remarkable. I had anticipated a journey of at least three years, but it seems the affection of chi for you expedited the process."

Fat Cobra's gaze briefly swept across the horizon, a flicker of contemplation crossing his features. Turning back to Val, a weighty seriousness settled upon his countenance. "You have completed the initial path of harnessing chi, my young prodigy," he announced, his voice carrying a solemn tone. "However, for one blessed with the abundant favor of chi like yourself, a greater challenge lies ahead—the second path."

With a resolute gesture, Fat Cobra extended his arm, pointing toward the distant emerald expanse of the jungle. "Behold," he declared, his eyes gleaming with both anticipation and caution, "the Serpent Guardian of Peng Lai City, Xiang Yao! It is upon this formidable creature that your mettle shall be tested."

A few hours later,

Amidst the verdant foliage, Val's mind wandered, his thoughts swirling with reflection. 'Three years,' he mused, the weight of his martial arts journey settling upon his shoulders. 'In this arduous pilgrimage, I have gleaned immeasurable knowledge and honed my skills to their finest edge.', and a sense of accomplishment blossomed within him.

Glancing at his fists, remnants of the vibrant chi still flickering within them, Val's contemplation deepened. "But the true treasure lies within the harnessing of chi," he whispered to himself, the words carried away by the whispering leaves. The profound benefits of chi unfurled in his mind, like enhanced strength, heightened senses, and unwavering resilience.

Lost in thought, Val continued his relentless pursuit through the jungle, determined to discover the fabled cave of the Great Xiang Yao. With each step, he felt the presence of chi coursing through his veins, a wellspring of power and potential that propelled him forward. The jungle whispered secrets, the rustling leaves urging him onward, as if the very forest conspired to guide him toward his destiny.

His thoughts were abruptly silenced as an otherworldly presence tugged at Val's senses, a peculiar strand of chi beckoning to him with an irresistible allure. A surge of anticipation coursed through his veins, propelling him into a swift sprint, his instincts guiding him unerringly towards the enigmatic call. Overcoming treacherous swamps and braving the onslaught of colossal underbrush, Val pressed on, unwavering in his pursuit.

Finally, after an arduous journey , Val stood before a colossal cave, its imposing facade looming before him like a gateway into the unknown. Undeterred by the ominous aura emanating from its depths, he gazed into the abyss and stepped across the threshold, vanishing into the cavern's mysterious embrace.

Navigating through the labyrinthine twists and turns, Val could feel the pulse of ancient power growing ever stronger, resonating with a resonance that set his heart ablaze. At long last, he arrived at the heart of the cavern, where an overwhelming surge of chi engulfed him, confirming his arrival at the long-sought destination.

As if in response to his presence, a thunderous roar erupted from the depths, reverberating through the chamber and rattling Val's very core.


The sound threatened to overwhelm his senses, a primal force that tested his mettle. But he stood firm, his eyes alight with a mixture of awe and determination.

And then, as the ground quaked beneath his feet, Val witnessed an imposing figure emerge from the shadows, its form bathed in an ethereal glow. The true countenance of the Great Xiang Yao materialized before him.

Before him stood Xiang Yao, a colossal serpent dragon whose magnificence was unparalleled. Its multiple heads, elongated and serpentine, bore a crown of razor-sharp horns, adding an air of dangerous beauty to its form. Scales of regal purple adorned its immense body, displaying a mesmerizing spectrum that transitioned from deep, velvety hues to shimmering, iridescent shades. Every inch of the creature's sinuous frame exuded power and grace, its coiled muscles ready to unleash an ancient might.

In that fleeting moment, Val and Xiang Yao locked eyes, a silent exchange of determination and respect. It was as if the world around them ceased to exist, leaving only the clash of their unwavering gazes—a prelude to the imminent clash that would test their mettle.

Val focused his chi, feeling its vibrant energy surge through his being as the luminous glow enveloped his clenched fists and he propelled himself toward Xiang Yao.


Amidst the bustling city of K'un-Lun, there existed an opulent restaurant on its uppermost floor—a haven reserved for the elite and influential.

Within the refined confines of this establishment, a table occupied by two figures commanded attention. Fat Cobra and Sihing sat in silence, their chairs gently cradling their forms. Fragrant tea filled their cups, the steam swirling in elegant tendrils as they contemplated the weight of their decisions.

Sihing, placing his empty teacup delicately on the table, broke the silence with a probing question, "So, you have finally dispatched him to face the formidable Xiang Yao, haven't you?"

Fat Cobra met Sihing's gaze and with a solemn nod, he acknowledged the truth, "Indeed, he has shown an extraordinary aptitude for harnessing the power of Chi. His progression has been swift and remarkable, compelling me to guide him towards this ultimate trial—the culmination of his arduous training."

Sihing released a weary sigh, his voice laced with uncertainty. "Do you truly believe our plan holds the key to success?"

Fat Cobra paused, his tea momentarily forgotten, as he regarded Sihing with an intensity that mirrored the weight of their endeavor. With measured deliberation, he replied, "Should Val emerge triumphant in his clash against the formidable Xiang Yao, and should the threads of fate align as we envision, then our plan will unfold seamlessly."

Before Sihing could respond, an unexpected interruption shattered their conversation. A voice pierced the air, demanding attention. "Hmm? And what clandestine matters are being discussed here?"

Turning toward the source, Sihing and Fat Cobra beheld a striking woman adorned with a sleek ponytail of ebony tresses and eyes that exuded an unwavering intensity. Her attire, a form-fitting suit of protective armor, bared her determination to the world. In her hand, a fan adorned with lethal blades spoke of her skill and purpose.

Li Hua, a formidable Immortal Weapon, met their gaze, relishing in their discomfort. With an arched brow, she leaned forward, her voice brimming with curiosity. "What covert whispers occupy your thoughts, my dear comrades?"

Realizing their reticence, she shook her head, her disappointment palpable. Taking a seat at the table, her fan laid before her, Li Hua crossed her arms. "I am not oblivious to the significance of the man bestowed with the Thunderer's blessing, who has ventured into K'un-Lun. Rest assured, I am not so naive as to ignore the weight of such a presence."

Her tone hardened, demanding their unreserved disclosure. "I am aware of your shared guidance and the covert machinations you now conspire. Stop this secrecy and tell me or else!!"

Sighing in resignation, Sihing leaned in and revealed their intricate plan to Li Hua.


Within the foreboding depths of Xiang Yao's cavernous abode,

Val sought refuge behind a colossal rock, crimson droplets staining his lips as he clung to his injured left arm. His gaze drifted toward the wounded limb, witnessing its mending, the hole closing before his very eyes.

Grim determination etched across his face, he ground his teeth in silent realization. 'Fuck! Xiang Yao is too strong! It is no wonder that even Fat Cobra barely managed to kill this creature, nearly succumbing to its on two previous encounters.'

Sensing Xiang Yao's looming presence behind him, readying yet another surge of chi energy to be unleashed, Val's mind raced, meticulously crafting a stratagem to conquer it.

Bursting forth from the rcok, he halted before one of the colossal serpent dragon's imposing legs, his voice resounding with purpose. "Sumo Thunder Stomp!"


With the thunderous impact of Val's feet upon the earth, a seismic tremor reverberated through the surroundings, its force unleashing a torrent of chaos. The ground quivered under the weight of his strike, unable to withstand the sheer power. Cracks spiderwebbed across the terrain, their jagged lines extending with ominous determination, until finally, beneath one of Xiang Yao's colossal legs, the earth tore asunder.

A gaping chasm materialized, an abyss hungry for the serpent dragon's appendage. The ground hungrily swallowed the leg, ensnaring it within its ravenous maw. Yet Val's relentless onslaught did not cease. He pivoted and set his sights on the remaining legs and he sprinted towards them, repeating the same process, devouring the serpent dragon's support, one limb at a time.

In the midst of this tumultuous dance, Val deftly evaded the thrashing of Xiang Yao's multiple heads, their malevolent gazes fixed upon him. Undeterred, he harnessed the essence of Chi, summoning ethereal beams of energy and targeted the writhing heads.


* THUD *

As Val looked upon Xiang Yao, trapped and furious, he saw all of its heads open their gaping maws, spewing forth a torrent of energy that coalesced into a single beam of devastating force. Not one to back down, Val channeled his own chi, concentrating it into his fists, feeling its power surge within him. Between his hands, a brilliant light began to form as he screamed out a challenge to the monstrous creature before him. With a roar, the two beams of energy clashed, colliding with a deafening explosion that echoed throughout the massive cavern.


Thrown backward by the immense force, Val soared through the air, crashing against the unforgiving cave wall before collapsing onto the ground. Agonizing pain seared through his body, his dislocated shoulder aching as he fought to regain his footing. Gritting his teeth, he realigned his shoulder joint, wincing at the sharp pain, while his wounds mended and bruises faded through the potent healing properties of his chi and regenerative power.

As the settling dust revealed the aftermath, Val's weary eyes beheld Xiang Yao, lifeless and defeated, its multiple heads severed. A surge of relief washed over him, and he mustered the strength to drag himself towards the fallen creature. Standing before it, he raised his hand and struck where its heart would be. Blow after blow landed until at last, his fist connected with Xiang Yao's heart. In that instant, a surge of chi, the essence of the vanquished serpent dragon, coursed through Val's hands, absorbed into his very being.

Overwhelmed by the tremendous power now flowing within him, Val felt his body pulsate with an ominous golden glow that radiated from his eyes, a result due to the merging of his own chi with that of the defeated Xiang Yao.


In the vast expanse of the cosmos, within a separate dimension,

Amidst the celestial tapestry, a genderless entity of pure luminosity gracefully floated. Its ethereal form glowed with radiant light, harmonizing with the surroundings of immaculate gold and white. Every living creature, adorned in hues of gilded splendor, danced amidst the golden landscape. Trees, reaching towards the sky, bore branches of pristine white, blending seamlessly with the celestial panorama. The very air itself seemed alive, resonating with melodic whispers that enchanted all who breathed it. Such ethereal beauty enveloped the realm, bestowing a serene and tranquil ambiance upon every corner.

Abruptly, the being's serene countenance transformed, its eyes opening wide to behold Val absorbing Xiang Yao's chi. A smile graced its features as it summoned forth an intricate puzzle, materializing with a wave of its radiant hand. The being's gaze fixated upon a single puzzle piece, studying it intently. Within the piece, the scene played out—the sight of Val absorbing the essence of Xiang Yao.

The being meticulously placed the puzzle piece, its puzzle board shimmering with the unfolding narrative. Adjacent pieces revealed glimpses of Val's journey, from his martial arts training to encounters with Iron Fist and trials in the Himalayas. Each fragment contributed to the moments of Val's life, leading back to the first piece—the moment he awakened in the bar.

Tracing its glowing fingers along the board, the being's gaze rested upon the remaining puzzle pieces, their contents obscured and enigmatic. Yet, one piece depicting Val during the Chitauri Invasion drew its attention, evoking a profound yearning. In a voice imbued with longing, the being whispered, "Just a few more years until you become what I seek."