
Marvel: The Journey

What happens when a man is allowed to ask for anything he wants and all he replies is - "Nothing!" How would he survive in the Marvel universe without any cheats, without any system, without any... help? While others clamor for cheats, powers, systems, etc. Valexis Haller embraces the chaos with only his peak human intelligence to guide him. Follow along on his story of determination and the will to succeed against all odds. ======= Bonus Chapter Schedule : 100 power stones - 1 bonus chapter 250 power stones - 2 bonus chapters 500 power stones - 3 bonus chapters  1000 power stones - 4 bonus chapters ============= Check out my Patreon if you want to read ahead. patreon.com/aidenusmani ========= Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership over any of the Marvel characters appearing in this novel, which has been created solely as a work of fan fiction. I must clarify that the cover art featured in this publication is the property of its original creators and all associated rights remain with them.

AidenUsmani · Movies
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247 Chs

[A Duodecade Of Nomadic Journey] - Inhuman Alliance - A Meeting in Secrecy

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Val observed the crowd of men and women surrounding Jiaying and couldn't help but notice the significant growth of her Inhuman Community. It had expanded impressively, attracting a considerable number of people.

As Val noticed Jiaying's unwavering gaze fixed upon him, patiently awaiting his reply, he felt a lump in his throat. Gathering his courage, albeit with a hint of vulnerability, he stuttered, "Um, are you Jiaying? I... I was hoping to have a conversation with you."

Jiaying's brows furrowed, a hint of caution etched upon her face as she responded, "If you have something to discuss, we can do it right here," her gaze sweeping the surroundings, underlining her emphasis.

Val's nerves intensified, but he persisted, his voice quivering, "I-I simply wish to have a private conversation with you. It's something I can't discuss in front of so many people." He adopted a pleading expression, his words laced with desperation, "C-Can't we speak alone, please?"

Observing Val's expression and his disheveled attire, Jiaying's initial suspicion wavered, and she thought, 'Perhaps I am being overly cautious. He appears to be an ordinary child. But what could he want to talk to me about? Could it be that he has discovered his own uniqueness?'

Jiaying's thoughts were interrupted when the little girl, who had guided Val to her, grasped Jiaying's hand, drawing her attention. Their eyes locked, conveying unspoken communication within a fleeting moment. Breaking the silence, Jiaying turned her gaze towards Val and relented, "Very well, kid. We can talk, but only in private. However," she gestured towards the little girl, asserting, "She accompanies me."

Acknowledging the little girl's presence, Val nodded in understanding. Jiaying, assuming the lead, ascended the stairs, her voice firm as she instructed, "Follow me."

Aware of the unsettling gazes piercing his back from the basement, Val trailed closely behind Jiaying.

Jiaying guided Val to a room on the ground floor of the building, featuring a window that overlooked the bustling street outside. Within the room, a bed, a closet, a table, and a few chairs were neatly arranged.

Taking her seat in one of the chairs, Jiaying gestured towards another, silently indicating for Val to join her. Entering the room alongside Jiaying and the little girl, Val witnessed a flicker of the girl's hand, causing the door to seamlessly close behind them.

Inwardly smiling at the little girl's display of her Inhuman abilities, Val turned his attention to Jiaying.

Now alone in the room, Jiaying inquired, her tone filled with a mix of curiosity and caution, "We have privacy. What did you wish to discuss?"

Val, returning to his true demeanor, seated himself in the chair indicated by Jiaying. Taking a breath, he revealed his intent, "Reinhardt."

At the mention of the name, Jiaying's fists clenched tightly, her knuckles turning white. She pounded her fists against the table, rising to her feet as she exclaimed, "Who are you? How do you know that name?"

Val observed as the little girl instinctively positioned herself in front of Jiaying, her palms emanating a luminous glow, ready to defend against any perceived threat. In response, a golden radiance briefly ignited in Val's eyes before swiftly dissipating. Noticing the vibrant energy swirling within the little girl's body and hands, Val discerned, 'Yes! The energy she wields remains volatile in this universe as well.'

Val remained composed, maintaining his seat in the chair, and spoke with a serious tone, his gaze fixed on Jiaying. "Reinhardt is still alive."

Upon hearing these words, the anger that had engulfed Jiaying dissipated instantly, replaced by a raw horror that etched itself onto her features. Her breathing quickened, and her trembling intensified. Sensing her distress, the little girl ceased channeling her energy, the glow in her palms fading away, and reached out to hold Jiaying's hand, concern etched upon her face.

Jiaying, struggling to regain her composure, took deep breaths, attempting to steady herself. She sat back down in the chair, patting the little girl's hands gently, and reassured her, "I am okay, Kora. Mommy is okay."

Turning her attention back to Val, her hands still trembling, Jiaying inquired, "What? How is this possible?"

Val let out a sigh and began to explain, "The individuals who apprehended Reinhardt, S.H.I.E.L.D., imprisoned him and his loyal soldiers in a specialized facility after sentencing him to death. However, they underestimated the extent of the disease that fuels his conviction. The disease has gradually infected those in positions of power, leading to the inevitable release of Reinhardt."

Continuing, Val cautioned, "I am here to warn you, to urge you to remain vigilant. Once released, Reinhardt will resume his nefarious experiments, but under a new identity—Daniel Whitehall."

Jiaying took a deep breath, processing the weight of the revelation, and regarded Val with newfound curiosity. Her voice tinged with intrigue, she inquired, "How did you come to possess this knowledge? And who are you, exactly?"

Val's smile remained, carrying an air of mystery. "I am merely a self-interested individual. I ventured here solely to deliver this information to you, in exchange for something you possess."

Jiaying furrowed her brow, puzzled. "Something I have? What could that be?"

Val's grin broadened, and he responded, his voice brimming with anticipation, "The Diviner."

Jiaying's reaction was immediate and resolute. She vehemently shook her head, her voice firm, "Absolutely not. I would never give you the Diviner."

Val reassured her, his tone calming, "Relax. I did not come to request that you give me the Diviner." As Jiaying's tension eased upon hearing Val's words, he continued, "Surely, there must be more than one Diviner in your possession?"

Jiaying's hesitation lingered, uncertainty etched across her face. Sensing her reluctance, Val proposed an alternative. He met Jiaying's gaze and suggested, "How about this? If I can cure Kora of whatever affliction she is suffering from, would you then be willing to share the information?"

The shock of Val's proposition reverberated through Jiaying, leaving her momentarily speechless. However, before she could gather her thoughts, she watched in disbelief as Kora rushed towards Val, standing before him with a pleading expression. Panic surged within Jiaying, and she swiftly rose to her feet, calling out, "Stop, Kora! Stay away!"

Val gently patted Kora's head, his voice filled with reassurance as he looked towards Jiaying, "I mean no harm." His gaze shifted back to Kora, and with focused intent, he channeled his Chi into her body. A strand of vibrant purple Chi extended from Val's palm, merging with the volatile energy within Kora.

Retracting his hand from Kora's head, Val declared, "There! All done!"

Confusion flickered across Kora's innocent eyes as she blinked, gazing at Val in bewilderment. Offering her a warm smile, Val affirmed, "I assure you, it's done. You can check for yourself if you still have doubts."

Kora turned around and as she harnessed her energy in her palms, her eyes widened in astonishment as she harnessed her energy, marveling at how effortlessly she could control it now. The once daunting force within her had transformed into a calm and manageable power, flowing like tranquil water. Fear of losing control and harming others had plagued her since her Terrigenesis, but now, a stranger had effortlessly alleviated her greatest anxiety.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Kora swiftly turned around, tears streaming down her face, and ran towards Val, embracing him tightly as she sobbed uncontrollably.

Val reciprocated the hug, gently rubbing Kora's back to provide comfort. His gaze shifted to Jiaying, who wore an expression of shock. Val spoke with conviction, "My part of the deal is done. Now, it's time for you to uphold yours."

Jiaying, still processing the sight of her daughter finding solace in a stranger's arms, settled back into her chair. She gazed at Kora, her heart filled with gratitude for the healing that had taken place. Looking at Val, she expressed her heartfelt appreciation, "Firstly, I want to thank you for curing my daughter. I am genuinely grateful for what you have done."

Jiaying paused for a moment, then continued, "I will honor my part of the agreement. While I possess only one Diviner, I am aware that another Diviner is located in Austria, near the vicinity of Reinhardt's former base."

Val's smile widened, gratitude evident in his eyes, preparing to express his thanks when his acute senses detected faint sounds—footsteps and the clinking of rifles—emanating from outside.

Without a moment's hesitation, he swiftly disentangled himself from Kora's embrace, knocking the table aside. Positioning himself protectively in front of Jiaying, who now held Kora in her arms, Val urgently shouted, "Watch out!"