
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

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Chapter 5: Maria Hill

It had been two weeks since the accident had taken place. Alex and his classmates found themselves attending therapy sessions at Queens Hospital Center to address the PTSD symptoms some were experiencing.

However, much to Alex's disappointment, Gwen's parents had chosen to seek treatment elsewhere.

The separation only added to the weight on his shoulders. Even his teammates were prohibited from meeting one another, and the doctor's explanation for this restriction left him puzzled and unable to comprehend its reasoning.

Though he struggled to grasp the doctor's words, he had a general sense that witnessing the suffering of others while grappling with his own distress wouldn't lead to any improvement.

A somber funeral had been held a week ago to honor those who had tragically passed away, including his closest friend, James.

The event was attended by grieving families, friends, and teachers. Alex encountered Mr. and Mrs. Rodriguez at the funeral, their sorrowful silence speaking volumes. As they embraced each other, tears streamed down their faces, deepening the burden of guilt that weighed heavily on Alex's heart.

"Cherish your best friend while he is still alive..." Alex murmured, the words echoing in his mind. Memories of a long-ago trip to a theme park with James and their parents resurfaced, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of familiarity tied to those words.

"Who was that guy?"

There was a complete stranger sitting right beside him during the visit saying those exact same words.

Lost in his thoughts, Alex was jolted back to reality by a gentle yet concerned voice calling out to him. He turned to find his nurse, Melody, looking at him with worry etched on her face. Her shoulder-length black hair framed her kind features, and Alex appreciated her genuine care.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me," Alex reassured her, though his smile felt forced.

Melody shook her head, wrapping her arms around him tightly.

But their moment was interrupted when the door swung open, revealing a middle-aged man entering the room. After exchanging greetings with Melody, he turned his attention to Alex.

"Alex, your guardian is waiting for you in the guest room," the man informed him.

"Guardian?" Alex's confusion was evident.

If it were truly his guardian, then it would be their first meeting. The middle-aged man smiled kindly and motioned for Alex to follow him. Alex hesitated, uncertain about what awaited him in the guest room.

Melody, noticing Alex's hesitation, offered him an encouraging smile and silently mouthed, "That's fine, go ahead and meet your guardian."

Grateful for her support, Alex mouthed a heartfelt "Thank you, Melody!" before following the middle-aged man out of the room.

As they walked through the hospital corridors, an eerie feeling crept over Alex. Memories of a horror movie he had watched, featuring a ghost haunting a hospital, sent shivers down his spine. The dimly lit corridors only added to the unsettling atmosphere.

"No wonder they made a horror story out of this place," Alex thought.

After a brief walk, the middle-aged man declared, "Okay, we've arrived," stopping in front of a guest room.

He opened the door and gestured for Alex to enter. "Mr. Crowley, you can go in by yourself."

Alex regarded the man perplexedly, wondering about the strange formality. However, he brushed it off and entered the room, curiosity tinged with a hint of apprehension.

Inside the room, Alex found himself in a rather ordinary guest room. He couldn't help but hope for a comfortable sofa during their conversation.

As he entered, his attention was immediately drawn to a woman in her late twenties. While her appearance seemed familiar, Alex couldn't quite place where he had seen her before. He took a seat across from her, silently contemplating her presence.

'...A beautiful lady, huh--'

"Did you just think something impolite?" she abruptly interrupted his thoughts. Alex looked at her, feeling a sense of unease from her scrutinizing gaze.

"Absolutely not. I was merely admiring the presence of such a beautiful lady before me," Alex responded, trying to lighten the mood with a charming smile...

...well, a rather forced one.

Although he felt a strange discomfort in her presence, he maintained his usual facade.

"Well, it seems you've inherited one of Arthur's traits," she remarked, rubbing her forehead as if recalling something unpleasant.

"You know my father?" Alex asked, surprised by the mention of his father's name. The woman's reaction to his question seemed peculiar, prompting a realization in Alex's mind.

"Oh! Right, you're my guardian. My apologies," he quickly corrected himself, emphasizing the word "guardian" as he acknowledged her role.

The woman clearly sensed the sarcasm in Alex's tone but chose to disregard it completely as she bombarded him with a barrage of orders.

"Alright, won't beat around the bush, here's the deal," she began, taking a deep breath.

Having just reviewed the doctor's report, she had devised a plan to address the excessive guilt and regrets Alex harbored from the accident. It was crucial to prioritize his mental well-being, especially considering his young age.

"You'll be moving to a new city, a new school, and a fresh environment. I'll ensure you're placed in the best possible setting to aid your healing process. I've made all the necessary arrangements, so all you need to do is pack your things and follow my instructions."

As she spoke, Alex couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in curiosity. She continued dictating what he should do and what he shouldn't.

"Is everything clear so far, Alex? Any objections?" she asked, having laid out her plans, which Alex hadn't bothered to commit to memory.

Taking a deep breath to calm his irritation towards this assertive woman he had just met, Alex couldn't help but voice his annoyance.

"Actually, I don't have a problem with anything, except for the fact that I have no idea who the hell you are," he retorted with frustration. It was absurd to expect him to comply with her wishes when they barely exchanged introductions blindly. "I mean, seriously? We hardly know each other, so why should I do whatever you tell me to do?"

Who did she think she was kidding?

"This is for your own good, Alex. Can't you understand that?" The woman's frown deepened as she attempted to reason with him, emphasizing her role as his guardian.

Alex scoffed, his frustration reaching its peak. "Listen here, Lady. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but your arrangements, plans, and you can all go to hell."

He abruptly stood up, determined to leave the room. However, as he tried to open the door, he encountered an unexpected obstacle. It simply wouldn't budge. He turned back to the woman, exhaustion evident in his expression.

"Are you kidding me?"

It seemed that the woman had somehow locked the door in a manner that even someone with his superhuman abilities couldn't detect. The most logical explanation he could come up with was that the door had an automatic locking mechanism or something similar.

"Pfttt... my bad."

The woman chuckled, enjoying Alex's struggle to open the door. As he brainstormed various escape plans, her laughter interrupted his thoughts.

Rolling his eyes, Alex regarded her with annoyance.

Unable to contain herself any longer, the woman burst into uncontrollable laughter, filling the room with mirth.

"...Alex, you know..." she managed to say between fits of laughter, gesturing to demonstrate the correct way to open the door.

Suddenly, a wave of realization washed over Alex, leaving him embarrassed and flushed. He had been attempting to open the door in the wrong direction. He silently thanked his lucky stars for not breaking it forcefully, as that would have been disastrous.

"Anyway, don't call me Alex. I don't even know who you are!" he exclaimed, trying to mask his embarrassment as he stormed out of the room in frustration.

"Oh, that's true. My name is Maria Hill. You can call me Mary if you want," the woman called out to him from inside the room as he left.

"...I don't give a damn about who you are," Alex muttered to himself. However, just as he took a few steps forward, he abruptly halted and turned around, swiftly reentering the room.

"Wait, what's your name again?"

The woman appeared baffled by his sudden change of demeanor, eyeing him with curiosity.

"...Maria Hill."

Alex's expression transformed into one of concern as he muttered, "Oh shit, I might be in trouble soon."


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