
Marvel: The Ghost

Alexander, an average human, died in our modern world, as he floated in nothingness, he met an unknown being who sent him to the MCU as a Kryptonian without his consent. Join Alexander on his extraordinary journey, being the only Kryptonian in the universe as he unravels the secrets and wonders of this vast universe, navigating its intricate tapestry of heroes, villains, and cosmic forces. Prepare to be captivated as the mystery of the universe unfolds before your eyes, immersing you in a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Get your advanced chapters on: patreon.com/hairypotah

HairyPotah · Movies
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Chapter 2: Peter Parker

Earth, 2011.

In a house nestled in the neighborhood of Queens, a young man lay sprawled on the rooftop, basking in the warm embrace of sunlight.

His attire included a sleek black hoodie and light blue skinny jeans. With raven-black hair and piercing emerald green eyes, he was unmistakably Alexander Crowly.

It had been 14 years since he found himself in this unfamiliar universe.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Startled by the ringing of his phone, Alex muttered to himself, "It's time, huh."

He stood up, stretching his body and emitting a loud yawn. Casting a cautious glance around his surroundings, he assessed the situation and determined it was safe.

With a confident leap, he effortlessly descended from the rooftop as if defying gravity.

Had ordinary bystanders witnessed this spectacle, their mouths would have surely gaped in astonishment. The distance between the roof and the ground easily spanned 15 meters, a considerable height for any regular individual.

However, Alex possessed an extraordinary gift: super strength. The origins of this power remained a mystery to him as if he had been born with it.

Recalling his encounter with the enigmatic being who bestowed this power upon him, Alex had developed several theories about the nature of his extraordinary body.

However, uncertainty still lingered in his mind. He couldn't be entirely sure of his abilities' true extent and origin.

Alex also couldn't help but notice another peculiar aspect of his being. Whenever he basked in the radiant glow of sunlight, he felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and ease.

This discovery sparked a theory within him—an idea that he might belong to a particular race known for its affinity with sunlight.

However, doubt washed over him as he pondered this possibility.

After all, he was in the Marvel Universe, surrounded by iconic entities like Stark Industries. The race he contemplated was said to hail from a different universe altogether.

It seemed impossible...

...or so he believed.

As Alex gracefully touched the ground, he noticed a school bus approaching in his direction.

Swiftly, he dashed into his house to retrieve his school bag, ensuring he was fully prepared by the time the bus arrived at the front of his house.

"Hey, Granpa Lee! How are you doing?"

Alex greeted the school bus driver with genuine cheerfulness.

Grandpa Lee, a figure Alex had encountered numerous times in the Marvel movies, piqued his curiosity. The thought had crossed his mind that perhaps this grandpa held secrets beyond mortal limitations.

"I'm good as always, little guy," Grandpa Lee chuckled, his eyes sparkling warmly. "Get in!"

Entering the bus, Alex was immediately enveloped by the lively atmosphere of laughter and chatter emanating from his fellow passengers.

It was a familiar scene he had grown accustomed to during his daily bus rides.

"Alex! Here!"

A familiar voice called out from the back row of the bus, accompanied by a waving hand.

Alex made his way over and sat next to the young man who had called him.

"So, how was it?" the enthusiastic young man asked.

Confusion clouded Alex's face as he responded, "...What are you talking about?"

"No way!" James exclaimed, disbelief evident in his voice. "Don't you remember? I told you to try that game, and you agreed."

Alex raised an eyebrow, trying to jog his memory. "Did I?"

"YES, YOU DID!" James practically roared, his frustration pouring out.

"...James, I don't play console games at all. That PlayStation 3 was a gift from my parents' colleague. I'll try it next time, alright?"

Alex shook his head lightly with an awkward smile on his face, he kind of felt bad for it.

James Rodriguez was a longtime friend from the same school and class. They had known each other since they were children. Their shared school experiences had naturally forged a strong bond between them.

Looking out the window, seeing teenagers around his age had their parents sending them to school, also made him think about his parents.

His feelings toward his parents were a tangled web of emotions.

Alex was adopted, a fact he had always accepted without issue. He believed they could build a strong relationship regardless of his adoption status.

However, there was a problem with his circumstances.

His parents were hardly ever home.

In fact, they would spend a maximum of two times a year at home, leaving him to navigate his daily life mostly on his own.

To make things worse, his parents met an untimely and mysterious end eight years ago.

Alex received a phone call from a guardian he had never met, who informed him that his parents had passed away as heroes while serving the country.

The details were vague, and his parents had never revealed their actual occupation to him.

Feeling a mixture of confusion and loss, Alex could only sigh, accepting the unfortunate circumstances.

Despite their absence from his daily life, they were still his parents in this universe, and he longed to understand their sacrifices and the truth behind their heroic demise.

Back in the present,

James continued to express his frustration over not having a PlayStation 3 and lamented the world's unfairness.

The console seemed to have gained immense popularity, and James was eager to get his hands on one. In his family, only his cousin owned a PS3, so he had to rely on visiting his cousin's place to play.

"Ok ok, stop it. I'll lend it to you next time," Alex smiled wryly at his friend. "But except for the soccer games that come with the console, I have nothing else."

James' eyes lit up upon hearing Alex's offer.

He then, like a magician, suddenly brought up a bunch of different games from his bag. "Don't worry, I've got many of them here."

Alex became speechless, his surprise evident on his face. "Where did you even get all these games?"

James chuckled mischievously. "Let's just say I have my ways. You won't be disappointed, my friend."

Their conversation was abruptly cut short as the bus suddenly stopped, only five minutes into the journey.

"....Alright, alright, I know, Aunt May. The lunch is here in the bag, my school books, a pen, and all kinds of stuff that you said I should bring. Everything is here," a voice echoed through the bus entrance.

Standing right at the door, a young man younger than Alex showcased the contents of his bag to Aunt May, a middle-aged and strangely attractive lady.

After successfully passing Aunt May's meticulous inspections, the young man entered the bus, his face marked with exhaustion.

"Hey Alex, how are you doing?" Aunt May greeted him with a warm smile.

"I'm doing absolutely fantastic," Alex replied, his smile radiating with joy. "Don't worry, Aunt May. As long as I'm here, you don't need to worry about any bullies bothering Peter."

James struggled to stifle his laughter as they exchanged pleasantries, while Peter's expression grew as dark as charcoal.

The bus resumed its journey, and amidst the hum of conversation, Peter couldn't resist asking, "...Do you really need to do that every time?"

Alex chuckled in response, "Don't worry, Pete. I've memorized my script very well."

Laughter rippled through the bus as Alex, James, and Peter shared a lighthearted moment together.

The young man who had just entered the bus was none other than Peter Parker himself, the one and only Spider-Man.

Alex had discovered Peter's presence a few years ago, and it had taken him by surprise. As it turned out, Peter and his Aunt May were their neighbors in Queens.

Despite the age difference of four years, Alex and Peter had become quite familiar with each other.

Peter and his best friend Ned often visited Alex's house to hang out, playing games or tinkering with computers, while Alex relaxed and enjoyed some movies.

It was an unlikely friendship, given their contrasting backgrounds and extraordinary circumstances.

No way he's Kryptonian, right?? Gosh, no way right???

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