
Marvel: The Gene Collector

Alex, a seemingly ordinary guy, woke up one fateful day to find himself in a perplexing situation. He had been inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a teenager who shared his own name, Alex, but with a heart-wrenching twist – this Alex had perished in the unforgiving confines of a Nazi concentration camp. As the bewildered Alex tried to make sense of his surreal circumstances, a chance encounter with a boy known as Eric, who also bore the alias of Magneto, thrust him into a world beyond his wildest imagination. To Alex's astonishment, dormant within him was a unique genetic collection system, a latent power that had awakened with his newfound identity. It allowed him to wield an unparalleled advantage in his new world. As long as Alex could obtain a strand of the target's hair or any sample of their DNA, he possessed the uncanny ability to replicate and even enhance their extraordinary talents. With every strand of DNA he collected, Alex's powers grew, and the stakes soared ever higher. In this intricate dance of powers and principles, Alex's journey promised to be an electrifying tale of transformation, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power and justice in the marvel universe where the extraordinary was the norm. But one profound question always troubled in his mind. "What will happen if I tie up Sebastian Shaw and throw him into an aquarium."

Midnight_Wonder · Movies
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130 Chs

Make Him Disappear

Emma interrupted sharply, her icy demeanor cutting through the tension in the room. "Congressman, expressing your opinion is one thing, but can't you show a bit of decorum? Wait for Ms. Grey to finish speaking before interjecting. We have a room full of people here, not a circus."

Emma, the outspoken leader of the pro-Mutant faction, couldn't hide her frustration at Congressman Kelly's behavior. As she exchanged a knowing glance with Jean, a sense of solidarity washed over her.

"Please, Ms. Grey, continue," Emma urged, her voice tinged with subtle encouragement.

Emma's patience wore thin as Senator Kelly disregarded Jean's ongoing speech, his actions drawing a look of disdain from the elegant Mutant advocate.

"Senator Kelly, while I respect your concerns about Mutants, fear-mongering won't solve anything," Emma retorted, her tone laced with frustration. "Just because a person is different doesn't mean they're a threat."

Emma's rebuttal hit a nerve, and Senator Kelly's face flushed with anger at her defiance. Undeterred, Emma pressed on, her determination unwavering.

"Madam, I understand your perspective," Senator Kelly began, his voice dripping with condescension. "But I have evidence here that highlights the potential dangers posed by Mutants."

With a dismissive wave, Senator Kelly produced a list of supposed Mutant individuals, his skepticism evident in every word.

Emma's eyes narrowed as Senator Kelly scanned the list, his derisive tone fueling her resolve. "Let's not jump to conclusions, Senator," she countered sharply. "These are just ordinary people with extraordinary abilities. There's no need for alarm."

Emma's defense of the Mutant community struck a chord with those present, her unwavering conviction earning her a measure of respect even from her opponents.

"Exactly," Emma affirmed, her voice cutting through the tension in the room. "We can't let fear dictate our actions. We must strive for understanding and acceptance, not division and mistrust."

Senator Kelly's retort only fueled Emma's resolve, her determination to bridge the gap between mutants and humans stronger than ever.

"I've also heard of a mutant from Mississippi. Her ability can absorb other people's memories and physical abilities, even fatal ones, and she can absorb more than one person's power," Kelly continued, his tone laced with concern.

"I've also heard that this mutant can sense and control human thoughts, depriving us of our freedom to choose. We have the right to decide whether children want mutants to be their teachers or classmates, or to keep their distance from them. What do you say, Senator Frost?" He glanced at Emma, pressing on with his argument.

Emma's expression soured at the congressman's words.

Suddenly, warm applause erupted around them, cutting him off. But he wasn't finished yet.

Jean on the podium seemed to echo the tension.

"Ladies and gentlemen, mutants do indeed exist and are among us. We need to identify them, study them thoroughly, and understand their abilities," Senator Kelly proclaimed, casting a speculative glance at Emma and Jean, suspecting one of them to be a mutant.

Thunderous applause and cheers filled the room.

Jean let out two heavy breaths, struggling to contain her anger. She was now itching to confront the congressman head-on.

Meanwhile, standing on the elevated platform, Alex swiftly dialed his cellphone, his voice low as he spoke, "That Kelly guy, the cancerous rotter, let him lose in the upcoming election. Then, make him disappear. Use any means necessary."

"Alex, you're being short-sighted. If Senator Kelly were to disappear, everyone would assume it was the work of mutants," Charles interjected, attempting to reason with him.

"That's good! Make it look like an accident, everything is an accident, got it?! It's an accident!" Alex hung up the phone, giving orders someone would naturally handle everything for him.

"Alex, you really hold a grudge," Charles helplessly raised his forehead. "Didn't he just countered? This is normal in parliament."

"This is not called holding grudges; it is called taking out future problems in advance," Alex said coldly.

"Haha, I believe Emma and the others will be very happy to hear it." Charles half-joked.

"Come on, this is already very good. Isn't he going to study it? I believe Eric is also paying attention to this speech. I will make sure that this Councillor Kelly will be the first test subject," Alex smirked.

"It's inhumane." Charles frowned and couldn't help saying.

"Inhumane? Charles, this bastard Kelly is going to use Mutant as experiment rats. Why can't we use him instead? After all it's just Karma. This guy asked for it himself," Alex said coldly.

(End of this chapter)


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