
Marvel: The Gene Collector

Alex, a seemingly ordinary guy, woke up one fateful day to find himself in a perplexing situation. He had been inexplicably transmigrated into the body of a teenager who shared his own name, Alex, but with a heart-wrenching twist – this Alex had perished in the unforgiving confines of a Nazi concentration camp. As the bewildered Alex tried to make sense of his surreal circumstances, a chance encounter with a boy known as Eric, who also bore the alias of Magneto, thrust him into a world beyond his wildest imagination. To Alex's astonishment, dormant within him was a unique genetic collection system, a latent power that had awakened with his newfound identity. It allowed him to wield an unparalleled advantage in his new world. As long as Alex could obtain a strand of the target's hair or any sample of their DNA, he possessed the uncanny ability to replicate and even enhance their extraordinary talents. With every strand of DNA he collected, Alex's powers grew, and the stakes soared ever higher. In this intricate dance of powers and principles, Alex's journey promised to be an electrifying tale of transformation, redemption, and the relentless pursuit of power and justice in the marvel universe where the extraordinary was the norm. But one profound question always troubled in his mind. "What will happen if I tie up Sebastian Shaw and throw him into an aquarium."

Midnight_Wonder · Movies
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129 Chs


"Since we're all here, let's watch the boxing match right here," Alex suggested, gently placing his hand on Anna's head.

Anna nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as she let go of the tension knotting her heart, allowing herself to relax both physically and mentally.

"Would you like something to drink?" Alex inquired, taking a seat beside Anna.

"I'm feeling a bit chilly," Anna confessed, rubbing her hands together. Despite the heating in the room, the lingering chill seemed to seep into her bones.

"Let me get you a cup of hot cocoa," Alex offered, giving Anna's head a reassuring pat before rising to fetch the comforting drink.

With the steaming cup of cocoa cradled in her hands, Anna felt a sense of warmth spreading not just through her palms, but also through her heart.

As the bell rang in the boxing ring, capturing their attention, a man in red found himself knocked down, unable to continue the fight.

"And look who's here," Alex muttered with a raised eyebrow. "Logan? What's he doing here, throwing punches in an underground match?"

"You know him?" Anna inquired, taking a sip of her hot cocoa.

"Of course. He's another Mutant, with a personality as fierce as a wolf, and a lifespan of over a century," Alex explained casually, knowing that Logan's destiny lay with the X-Men, even if it hadn't happened yet.

"Wow, that's quite a long life," Anna marveled, her surprise evident.

Meanwhile, in the ring, the man in red was being dragged away, defeated.

"Any volunteers to take him on?" the referee called out, sparking a wave of excitement among the spectators.

"I'll take him on!" a burly, bald man declared, rising to his feet with determination.

The announcement elicited cheers from the crowd as the unexpected challenger stepped into the spotlight.

"Ladies and gentlemen, looks like we have a contender!" the referee announced, his voice echoing through the arena. "Let the match begin!"

The burly challenger who stepped onto the field suddenly lunged at Logan, but the damage inflicted meant little to the unyielding Wolverine. Nonetheless, it was enough to stir his fury.

In a blur of motion, three punches and two kicks sent the strongman crashing to the ground.

Tonight's undisputed champion remained none other than Wolverine himself!

Watching the spectacle unfold, Alex smiled helplessly as he took Anna's hand and said softly, "Let's head back. Next time, you can't just rush out recklessly like that. Ordinary people can be very hostile towards mutants, and it can be dangerous. Promise me you won't do something like this again."

"Alright, Alex," Anna nodded, adopting a contrite expression.

After witnessing Logan's triumph in the underground boxing match, Alex escorted Anna back to his manor.

"Give me a drop of your blood. I'll use it to help counteract your genetic anomaly, but it will take some time to develop the remedy," Alex requested.

Anna silently complied, offering Alex a drop of her blood, which he promptly handed over to the system.

Before long, a series of potions were synthesized. These served as temporary measures to suppress Anna's ability, as per Alex's instructions.

However, the time wasn't ripe yet for a permanent solution. It was crucial for Anna to understand and appreciate the remedy's value.

Alex's intentions extended beyond mere gratitude.

After administering the potion to Anna, she eagerly consumed it. Post-experiment, her ability was successfully suppressed, bringing immense relief to Anna.

Later, Alex teleported to Charles' office.

"How did it go?" Charles inquired.

"The issue is solved," Alex remarked, relief evident in his voice. "But can't you sense Anna's mood? She's distant because of her unique ability – she absorbs memories and skills upon physical contact. She's isolated here."

"Bullying persists, even at Charles' school," Alex continued, shaking his head at the universal problem.

"Anna's ability is a challenge to manage. She can't control it unless she's completely covered," he explained, concern lacing his words. "Anyone who touches her gets hurt, so naturally, people keep their distance."

"I respect people's privacy," Charles assured, his tone serious.

"Anna will stay with me from now on. I've crafted a temporary potion to suppress her ability, but it's not a long-term solution. I need to develop something to address her genetic condition," Alex explained, his expression troubled.

"With you looking out for her, Anna will thrive," Charles reassured, then shifted the conversation to a more pressing matter. "I've discovered that Sabretooth has joined Eric's Mutant Brotherhood and is targeting Logan. It's unclear if it's personal vendetta or Eric's orders."

"Then what's your plan?" Alex inquired, turning to Charles.

"I need to determine if Eric's behind this. Scott and the others might not be his opponents," Charles replied with determination.

"I'll teleport you there, but you owe me for ruining my plans," Alex said with a playful shrug, hinting at a favor owed.

(End of chapter)


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