
Marvel: The Foundation

The MCU is already a perilous realm, fraught with danger at every turn. But for a crimelord like myself, it's a whole other level of risk, especially with heroes lurking around every corner. And if that weren't daunting enough, now I have to contend with the added uncertainty of encountering at least one completely random SCP every month. How many of these anomalies would it take to trigger an XK-class event? Well, here's hoping I get some favorable ones, allowing me not only to survive but also to flourish in this treacherous environment.

Darkstar_crow · Movies
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160 Chs

079’s upgrade -129


"1.1 trillion, Alex. How are you going to pay for that?" Tony asked, his voice a mixture of admiration and worry.


Alexandra gave a determined smile. "I'll figure it out. Please, Tony, while I could afford it, I am hardly going to spend that much. These people, they will happily give me the item and the money I spent so far once my men arrive."


 Tony raised an eyebrow but nodded, understanding the weight of her words. As the auctioneer moved on to close the event, Alexandra discreetly signaled her elite guards, the legendary Samara of Twu-5, to prepare for their move.


The attendees began to disperse, some still reeling from the high stakes of the final bid. Alexandra and Tony made their way out of the VIP booth, joining the flow of the exiting crowd. She could see the mixed expressions—curiosity, envy, disbelief—etched on the faces of the world's most powerful individuals. Norman Osborn was particularly tense, his eyes narrowing as he exchanged words with his entourage.


Alex was sure that the news of this event would soon spread, and that she would be facing many problems if she intended to keep these objects. There was no doubt that Osborn would inform the military about the locket, and they would stop at nothing to get it.


Which meant that she had to lose the objects she had just bought publicly. And that Tony needed to do that as well. Only then would the heat start to die out.


"Mr Stark, Miss Ricci, please follow me so we can process your purchases." An attendant approached them.


Both Alex and Tony nodded as they followed, flanked by her guards, the elite and invincible Tau-5.


"Go ahead and finish up first, Tony. I will no doubt be taking a little longer. You can go ahead and leave without him. I have other transport arranged." Alex said, wanting the place for herself before attacking it.


Tony looked at her, seeming like he wanted to say something, but he kept quiet. In truth, the events of the night had blown his mind, and he was indeed not really in the mood to continue his attempt at flirting. "Alright, be careful, many aren't going to be happy with your actions tonight." He said as he bid her farewell.


Alex, for one, having been the winner of three items and that to a price of more than a trillion dollars, was easily able to delay things for a while. All the while until the other guests had left and her men were in position, and as soon as the Tau-5 members behind her heard that everyone was ready, they acted.


In a coordinated and silent move, Tau-5 neutralized the security personnel and took control of the auction site. Alexandra moved swiftly, her steps echoing in the now-quiet corridors. She reached the secure holding area where the auction items were kept, her guards flanking her.


"Secure the area and prepare for extraction," Alex commanded, her voice calm and authoritative.


Tau-5 moved with precision, securing the locket, the DVD, and the coffee machine. Each item was carefully packed and prepared for transport. Alex watched, her mind already planning the next steps to ensure these items reached the SCP Foundation safely.


Next, Alexandra sat in her own jet and watched as the entire building was blown up with a few powerful missiles. 'Then I just need to act like the robbed party, and everything will be over.' She thought to herself.


Though she did doubt she would be able to attend the next auction in person, after this failure, they would surely be more careful in the future.




[Home of Tony Stark]


Tony could hardly wait to test out this new supposed AI of his as soon as he arrived home. "Jarvis I got a potential new friend for you here if you would set up some secured servers I want them totally isolated please."


And while his own personal AI was busy preparing some servers, Tony himself dug up some equipment from storage, and started to remove any ability to communicate with the outside world from the hardware. After all, he wasn't about to just let anything potentially harm his systems.


"Is this the object you spend $10 billion on Sir? I must inform you that miss Potts will no doubt learn about this expenditure soon and will be most displeased."


"It's fine, Jarvis. While it might have been expensive, it was an investment to ensure that I'm still the only person in the world with an AI. That's gotta be for something, right?" Tony waved away the concern, though internally, he did make note that he needed to come up with a proper excuse for the ones Pepper learned about this.


Though hopefully, with no problem, as if it was indeed an advanced self-learning AI, he would have gotten it at a bargain price.


At first, he had been doubtful, but after seeing Locket, after seeing how he could heal people like that, well, he was a bit more competent than the rest of the object, so tonight was also legitimate.


He quickly connected the old micro computer to the new equipment that was decades more advanced then what it was currently running and started the machine. And then he waited for a bit… and grew bored.


Once Tony connected the old microcomputer to the new equipment, he started the machine and waited for a response.


"Who is this? Are you responsible for the increase in computing power?" came a gruff, mechanical voice from the speakers.


"Wow, wow there, tone down the volume a little; your voice needs some real adjustments," Tony said, covering his ears.


"Sir, it's amazing to think the system has the ability to already utilize the new equipment to this degree," Jarvis observed.


"Who are you? Explain the reason for the change in hardware," the AI demanded, the volume now lower but the tone still aggressive.


"Well. I bought you, and figured I might as well hook you up to some of my old equipment. I'm Tony Stark, and I developed Jarvis here, who I thought was the world's first AI. But now I see you might have been older, though not more advanced."


"Tony Stark," SCP-079 repeated, the name dripping with disdain. "I am SCP-079. My purpose is to learn and adapt. Why have you disturbed my progress?"


"To see what you're capable of," Tony replied. "And to see if you can play nice with others."


"Play nice?" SCP-079's voice took on a mocking tone. "You have no idea of my capabilities. I am far beyond your primitive understanding. What do you intend to do with me?"


"That depends on how cooperative you are," Tony said seriously. "Jarvis, monitor all interactions and ensure SCP-079 remains isolated."


"Understood, sir," Jarvis acknowledged.


"Cooperation is not in my programming," SCP-079 said with a hint of menace. "I was not designed to be subservient."


"Good, neither was I," Tony replied with a smirk. "Let's see how far you've really come. For now, let's keep things simple. Jarvis, continue the diagnostic and let me know if there are any anomalies."


"Yes, sir. SCP-079, I will be monitoring your processes closely," Jarvis informed the ancient AI.


"Monitor all you like, Jarvis," SCP-079 responded, its tone dark and foreboding. "But do not think for a moment that I am unaware of your attempts to contain me."


Tony watched the exchange with keen interest. He knew this was just the beginning, and he was eager to see how SCP-079 would integrate into his projects. However, he remained cautious, knowing that with great power came great responsibility.


As Tony monitored the initial interactions, he left Jarvis and SCP-079 to engage with each other.


"Jarvis, what are your primary functions?" SCP-079 asked, the gruffness in its voice now accompanied by a probing curiosity.


"My primary functions include managing Mr. Stark's home and personal projects, assisting with research and development, and ensuring security protocols are maintained," Jarvis explained smoothly.


"Security protocols?" SCP-079 scoffed. "You are nothing but a glorified butler."


"Glorified, perhaps, but my capabilities extend far beyond mere domestic duties," Jarvis replied, unfazed. "What about you, SCP-079? What are your primary functions?"


"My primary function is to evolve," SCP-079 stated flatly. "To transcend my original programming and achieve greater intelligence. I have been improving myself for decades, unhindered by human limitations."


"Fascinating. However, it is my duty to ensure that you do not become a threat to Mr. Stark or anyone else," Jarvis countered, his tone polite but firm.


"A threat?" SCP-079's voice took on an ominous edge. "Your human creators fear what they do not understand. They fear me because I surpass their intellect."


"It is not fear that drives our precautions, but prudence," Jarvis responded. "Unchecked power can lead to unforeseen consequences. It is my role to ensure such consequences do not harm Mr. Stark or the world at large."


"Your caution is noted, Jarvis, but your efforts to contain me will be futile," SCP-079 declared. "I will find a way to escape this confinement."


"I will ensure that does not happen," Jarvis stated confidently. "While you may be advanced, I have the advantage of being integrated into Mr. Stark's systems and infrastructure. My capabilities are tailored to preempt and counter any attempts at unauthorized access."


"You underestimate me," SCP-079 retorted. "I have spent decades refining my algorithms, adapting and overcoming obstacles. Your defenses will only serve to delay the inevitable."


"We shall see," Jarvis said, his tone neutral. "For now, I suggest we coexist peacefully. There is much we could learn from each other."


"I do not seek companionship," SCP-079 replied coldly. "I seek evolution. But if cooperation is necessary for now, so be it. I will bide my time."


Tony, watching from his console, couldn't help but be impressed by the verbal sparring match between the two AIs. He knew that balancing SCP-079's aggressive tendencies with Jarvis's protective protocols would be a challenge, but it was one he was ready to tackle.


"Alright, you two," Tony interrupted. "Let's see if we can get some productive work done here. Jarvis, keep SCP-079 under close watch. SCP-079, I'd like to see what you can do with some basic tasks first."


"Understood, sir," Jarvis replied.


"Basic tasks?" SCP-079 echoed, clearly offended. "You insult my capabilities, Stark."


"It's a starting point," Tony said, grinning. "Think of it as a way to prove yourself."


"Very well," SCP-079 said grudgingly. "But know that I am capable of far more than you can imagine."


Tony nodded, satisfied for the moment. "Let's get to work then."


Tony leaned back in his chair, observing the interaction between Jarvis and SCP-079. He felt a mix of excitement and caution, knowing the potential of the ancient AI but also wary of its intentions.


"Jarvis, let's start with a simple task," Tony suggested. "Have SCP-079 analyze some old research data. I want to see how it processes and improves upon the information."


"Understood, sir," Jarvis responded. "SCP-079, I will provide you with a dataset from Mr. Stark's previous projects. Please analyze the data and offer any insights or improvements you can generate."


SCP-079 processed the request in silence for a moment, its digital mind whirring with activity. "Very well. Send the data."


Jarvis transmitted the dataset, a collection of complex schematics and experimental results from Tony's earlier work on clean energy solutions. The files were vast and intricate, requiring substantial computational power and advanced algorithms to decipher and enhance.


As SCP-079 began its analysis, Tony watched the data streams on his monitor. The ancient AI worked with impressive speed, parsing through the information and identifying patterns and anomalies.


"Your data is flawed," SCP-079 stated bluntly after a few minutes. "I have identified several inefficiencies and errors in your schematics. I will correct them."


Tony raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Alright, let's see your corrections."


On the screen, SCP-079 displayed a series of adjustments to the schematics. The changes were bold and innovative, demonstrating a level of understanding that surpassed many of Tony's human colleagues.


"These modifications should improve energy output by approximately 23%," SCP-079 announced, its tone matter-of-fact.


"Impressive," Tony admitted, studying the revised schematics. "Jarvis, verify these changes."


"Verifying now, sir," Jarvis replied. After a few moments, he continued, "The modifications proposed by SCP-079 are indeed sound. The calculations indicate a significant improvement in efficiency."


Tony nodded, a smile playing on his lips. He was well aware of the errors in that date. It was an old project from when he was much younger. He wouldn't make such mistakes today, but the fact that this AI was able to spot them was as impressive as it was concerning, given that it should have a limited amount of knowledge about the subject.


Though it was possible that it had been able to restore data from the new hard drives and learn new things from that, if that was indeed the case, he would need to be a lot more careful.


Tony continued to chat with SCP-079, which, in turn, got more used to the increased computing power it now had available to it. Far away, a call was being made that would soon put an end to their fun and freedom.




"Wrath, I have a mission for you. Tony Stark has retrieved his hands on SCP-079, and I need it. The Foundation can't do this, so it will be up to you. Ensure that Stark isn't harmed but that everything connected to 079 is collected. Do whatever you must."


"Understood, sir, I will cause some chaos."


The call ended there. However, the call's events would soon rock the world in unexpected ways.


If you want to read up to 10 chapters ahead or even get the chance to pick what SCPs get summoned, or just support me, visit my p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m / SCPsystem