
Marvel: The Father of Superheroes (TL)

That night, when a Kryptonian ship with a baby crashed on Mike Kent’s family farm, and when he decided to adopt that child the cheat of every isekai'd dude was thus activated, he understood that his life was about to change. Superman Clark Kent, Professor X Charles Kent, Magneto, Eric Kent.. When he became the father of these men, the strongest family was born! Raw Link: https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=147010 ///***/// I don't own anything. I'm just translating because I'm bored.

Moziel · Movies
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189 Chs

Chapter 146: Fox

(/League of Assassins >> The Fraternity... )


Nick Fury was in a much better mood than the New York Police Commissioner.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, he walked towards the window with a smile on his face and looked up at the lake outside the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters in a very pleasant mood.

Although he had been prepared for Eric's powers, he was still startled when he read the report.

"Even that's not the full power of that kid."

He whispered, sure of his suspicions.

Then a happy look came over him.

They were in this together, much more reliable than this S.H.I.E.L.D. crap.

He, Nick Fury, was going to fight for the safety of the entire world, not for a bloody Hydra.

When he thought of all the years of hard work he had put in, running around for S.H.I.E.L.D., he couldn't help but curse his mother.

Taking a deep breath and collecting himself, he made a phone call and when it rang he began, "Did you see the news today?"

"Yeah, it's that mutant."

"The police? With them? Ho!"

Nick Fury laughed and said, "We at S.H.I.E.L.D. are following up, yes, send me any information about this mutant as soon as possible, and all actions must be approved by me!"

"The other side is very strong, avoid causing heavy casualties."

With those words, he hung up his phone, then took out his other classified phone and edited a message for Eric to send.

'S.H.I.E.L.D. is on the move, stay in touch and be safe'


While Eric was getting things done and Charles was getting ready for school, Mike, who had nothing better to do, arrived in New York.

He had nothing to do at home, so he came to New York.

Well, he just wanted to be close to the two kids, even if it made no difference to him.

Looking at Eric in the headlines, he couldn't help smiling.

The boy, he's always making a big show of it.

I wonder how well the two of them are planning.

Putting down the newspaper in his hand, Mike stretched out and walked outside.

He had a number of properties in New York and had chosen one in Manhattan, bought some furniture and moved in.

He wondered if he was going to sell the farm.

After all, the family was now past their prime.

But the thought of Clark still being out there, even with Clark's ship still on the farm, put him off for a while.

Locking the door, Mike drove his car towards a restaurant where he had eaten regularly for many years.

He smiled when he arrived and found the restaurant was still there.

He walked in, ordered a pork chop and a beer, and waited for a taste he hadn't had in years.

While Mike waited, a woman sitting in the corner, quietly eating a pork chop, was quietly looking at Mike with a look of surprise in her eyes.

She didn't withdraw her gaze when she saw Mike noticing her, but instead she looked at him more boldly.

Mike frowned, the woman's face seemed familiar, but he couldn't put a name to it.

But soon, his attention was drawn to the grilled pork chop in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, Mike gave a smile, it still tasted the same.

He sliced a piece into his mouth and it was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

Mike said he was very satisfied.

At the sight of this, the woman wiped the oil off her mouth and walked over with a sultry step, but did so squarely in front of Mike's face and then said, "Mr Kent."

Without looking up, Mike said, "You've got the wrong man."

"No, I'm not mistaken."

The woman shook her head and said, "I've been coming here once a week for ten years to wait for you, and I'm not mistaken."

When Mike heard that, he shook his head even more firmly and said, "Beauty, you're mistaken."

After waiting for him for so many years ...

The first thing you can think is that you have done something wrong to the other person.

"Mike Kent, the king of assassins in The Fraternity, codenamed Wolf, has carried out four hundred and seventy-three missions without fail, and disappeared after finally killing the previous leader and king of assassins, Kutcher."

The woman's face was calm as she spoke of Mike's previous exploits.

Mike's expression remained the same, but the woman felt that Mike's aura had changed, becoming murderous, like an invisible knife was being held to her neck.

There was no room for resistance.

The woman was horrified, this was the most powerful assassin of the last generation?

Then she took a deep breath and smiled as she continued, "In his last year on a mission, Mike Kent killed a man named Max Petridge."

Mike was still slowly eating his grilled pork chop, a smile on his lips as if he was reveling in the deliciousness of the noodles.

"Max Petridge killed a judge and his wife years ago, and the judge was my father."

The moment the words fell, she felt the murderous aura that had sent shivers down her spine disappear.

Mike looked up, chewing on a piece of meat in his mouth, and said, "You're with The Fraternity?"

The woman nodded, surprisingly nervous, and then said, "You may call me Fox."


At last, Mike was able to match this face with one from his foggy memory.

Mike swallowed the meat in his mouth and said, "So, it's all about you now? Nothing to do with The Fraternity?"

"Yes!" Fox answered, her eyes twinkling like a little fan girl who had seen her idol.

In fact, she really did admire Mike.

Ever since she had been recruited by The Fraternity and learned that Mike had killed Max Petridge, she had looked up Mike's profile and the mission logs out of gratitude and curiosity.

The more she read, the more she admired him, and even made him a target for herself.

Mike Kent, the King of Killers, her idol.

Mike murmured, smiled gently and said, "Keep my secret about seeing me today, will you?"

The Fox nodded hesitantly.

"Thank you." Mike thanked him and continued, "I'm no longer a member of The Fraternity."

The Fox sighed with regret.

But Mike smiled lightly.

The Fraternity?

To him now, it wasn't worth mentioning.

Thinking of his youth, Mike raised his glass and gave it a little lift.

However, he was glad he had met those three boys and changed his life for the better.

"It was nice meeting you, Fox."

Mike said with a smile, Fox's eyes were full of happiness. When Mike was about to pay the bill, she quickly stood up and said, "Mr. Kent, I'll pay the bill!"

With a raised eyebrow, Mike said, "Thank you."

With that, he held out his hand to her and said, "Your phone."

The Fox froze and handed over his phone in a fumbling manner.

Mike entered his mobile number and said, "See you later, and if there's anything you can't figure out, you can talk to me."

Fox carefully saved the number before she breathed a sigh of relief and called out to Mike's back, "Goodbye, Mr Kent."

Mike waved his hand.

For the sake of the roast pork chops, Mike, who had nothing better to do, decided to take some time out and save the day when the drama unfolded.
