
Marvel: The Dark Spider

Leo Vargas, a young man who experienced the tragic loss of his parents at a tender age, finds himself entangled in a series of unfortunate events. Fate has a unique plan for Leo, as he is chosen to be the successor to the legendary Spider-Man. However, a devastating tragedy strikes, altering the course of his life forever. Unable to cope with the weight of his grief, Leo adopts a new identity as a masked vigilante, taking justice into his own hands. Embracing the darkness within, he becomes known as the Dark Spider, a mysterious figure who strikes fear into the hearts of criminals. *Original Character

IRIS01 · Anime & Comics
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42 Chs

Boundaries and Allies

As Leo traversed through the labyrinthine corridors with the enigmatic figure and the man. They moved through the expansive estate, Leo couldn't help but marvel at the intricate design and the meticulous attention to detail. The servants they passed bowed respectfully, their presence adding to the air of mystery that permeated the surroundings.

Finally, they arrived at a room where an elderly person sat cross-legged in the center. The room was adorned with traditional Japanese decorations, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere. The elderly figure remained with his back turned to them, deep in meditation, as if he had been expecting their arrival.

Without hesitation, the man prostrated himself before the elder, his voice speaking in hushed Japanese tones, undoubtedly announcing their presence. Leo observed this display of reverence, a sense of awe washing over him as he realized the significance of the moment.

The elder slowly turned to face them, his gaze filled with wisdom and age. His eyes bore into Leo's, studying him intently as if attempting to decipher the depths of his soul. A silence hung in the air, amplifying the anticipation that filled the room.

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as the elder spoke in Japanese, addressing Leo directly. Leo, feeling somewhat bewildered, not knowing a word he spouted, pointed to himself and asked in a slightly hesitant tone, "Are you talking to me?"

The man quickly stepped in and translated the elder's words for Leo's understanding. "Yes, Master Ose is addressing you," the man replied. "He said he has been expecting your arrival."

Leo's confusion deepened as he struggled to comprehend the situation. "Why would you expect me?" he questioned. "If you wanted to speak with me, you could have just invited me in a more proper way, instead of sending someone to chase me down the streets and knock me out!"

His words seemed to incite a reaction from the enigmatic figure, who tightened his grip on his katana, ready to strike against Leo. However, before any harm could be done, the elder intervened, speaking sternly in Japanese, his voice commanding obedience.

Leo scratched his head in frustration, unable to comprehend the elder's words. He turned to the man, seeking clarification. "Does the elder understand me?" he asked. "Can he speak English?"

The man, nodded and explained, "Master Ose understands English, but he is not fluent in speaking it. So, I will translate his words for you directly, while he continues to speak in his native tongue."

Leo nodded, realizing that he would have to rely on the man for communication with the elder. He took a deep breath, ready to hear what the elder had to say and hoping it would provide some clarity amidst the confusion that surrounded him.

The elder, his gaze steady and his expression unreadable, began to speak in Japanese once again. The man attentively listened to his words and then turned to Leo to provide the translation.

The room filled with a heavy silence as the man translated the elder's words for Leo. "Master Ose welcomes you, Leo," he relayed, his voice resonating with a mix of reverence and respect.

"Thanks… I guess?" Leo responded with a nonchalant nod and a hint of gratitude in his expression even though his frustration lingered. As he had learned to approach unexpected encounters with a calm demeanor, masking his inner turmoil with an air of detachment.

The elder began to introduce himself while the man translated. "I'm Ose Takeshi, I am the head of this organization, and Yakuza is its name," he stated, his voice carrying a weight of authority and command. The term Yakuza held a sense of infamy, even to those unfamiliar with its intricacies. It referred to a prominent organized crime syndicate in Japan, known for its strict codes of conduct, hierarchical structure, and involvement in various criminal activities.

Leo's eyes widened slightly, a mix of intrigue and caution crossing his face as he realized the gravity of the situation. He found himself in the presence of a powerful figure within the criminal underworld, a leader of one of the most notorious organizations in Japan.

Ose Takeshi continued, his voice steady and measured. "Allow me to introduce my loyal subordinate, Yoshino Isamu," he said, gesturing towards theman who had been translating for them. Yoshino bowed respectfully, introducing himself to Leo.

"And this," Ose Takeshi added, his gaze shifting towards the mysterious figure standing nearby, "is Yurei."

The name, meaning "ghost" in Japanese, only heightened the air of mystery surrounding the figure. Yurei stood silently, his presence exuding an aura of danger and intrigue.

As Leo continued to listen while the elder explained the dynamics within the Yakuza organization. Leo understood that the Yakuza were considered a criminal organization, or gangsters, in more informal jargon. It was a world he had vowed to cleanse.

Leo raised an eyebrow and spoke his mind, intruding on the elder, his words laced with determination. "If you've brought me here knowing my identity, you should be aware that bringing me into your facility will only bring chaos. As I'm the man that wouldn't hesitate to take down any criminals, including yourselves."

Yurei, ever ready for a clash, tightened his grip again on his katana in response to Leo's threats. But Ose held up his hand again, signaling for peace. He understood the tension that brewed between them.

Through Yoshino's translation, Ose began to explain the internal workings of the Yakuza, focusing on the two factions that existed under the same organization—the blue dragon and the red dragon.

"Well, you see, I am the head of the blue dragon faction." Ose declared, "The blue dragon in Yakuza represents composure, intelligence, and a sense of order," Ose conveyed.

"We operate in a way that benefits and advances society. We may engage in experiments forbidden by the government, but if they carried weight to advance society, we wouldn't hesitate to pick up the project. Besides, we provide protection and safety to the weaks and offer education, martial arts training, food, and accommodation to the orphans, giving them a second chance to rejoin society. We also donate a portion of our income to charitable causes, aiming to enhance our environment's welfare. Although we may sound and appear like syndicates, we're here for greater causes, and I believe you wouldn't be here to tear us apart for such a noble goal, would you, Leo?"

Leo absorbed this information, his mind trying to make sense of the complexities before him. The Yakuza wasn't simply a monolithic criminal entity. There were shades of gray within their organization.

Ose continued, "On the other hand, our counterpart is the red dragon, symbolizes wrath, greed, and fury. They are the more ruthless faction, often resorting to violent, force and illicit activities to achieve their goals. They prioritize their own interests and rarely contribute to the betterment of society."

The elder's words painted a clearer picture for Leo, although he still felt overwhelmed with the weight of the information presented to him.

With a calm yet determined voice, Ose concluded, "All I wanted to do is to meet you, Leo. Would you give me a chance to speak with you formally without resorting to violence?"

Leo's gaze narrowed as he assessed the situation. He understood that there were layers to this organization, and he needed to tread carefully. The boundaries between ally and enemy were blurred, and his judgment would be crucial in navigating this intricate web.

"Fine," Leo replied, his tone cautious yet resolute. "I will hear what you have to say. But just for you to know that I will still always keep my eyes and my fists at you. If I find out your intention strayed from what you said. I wouldn't hesitate a second to bring you and your whole organization down."

Ose nodded, "You can have my word, Leo. I assure you that our organization is built solely for the advancement of humanity, nothing more," Ose remarked, acknowledging Leo's stance. As the stage was now set for an unexpected alliance between The Dark Spider and the head of the blue dragon faction within the Yakuza.