
Marvel Talent Enhancement System

A wonderful genius grows all the time of the plot and overcomes the limits in the Marvel universe. And we are watching this. https://tl.rulate.ru/book/73965 im just editing and correcting it

DragonWright · Movies
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

At that moment, the few remaining people in the room spoke.

"It's so fortunate that we got into Kamar-Taj. Is there any chance we could become magicians?"

"Yes, we are very much looking forward to what we can learn at Kamar-Taj. I am afraid that if we are not gifted, we will be destroyed!"

Their eyes were full of anticipation, with different shades, their faces filled with anxiety and excitement.

Alex Johnson was still a little shocked when he found out that he had really gotten into Kamar-Taj.

The day before, he had watched the movie "Dr. Strange," but after sleeping at home and opening his eyes, he was already in such a hellish place...

Isn't Kamar-Taj a small village in the Himalayas?

It was the place where the magician Dr. Strange practiced before he became the Supreme Wizard, and later it became a place where countless people came seeking power or seeking help. It was a holy place to practice magic.

And Alex had even seen Marvel's Avengers, which featured an alien invasion and lots of people with superpowers.

He was just one of the many ordinary people who wanted to do magic.

Looking at the people who had come with him, he rejoiced to the point of madness. Everyone had already changed into their monastic robes, but he still could not pull himself together.

"Ding, soul mapping system detected. Genetic fragment fusion system successfully downloaded!"

"A fragment of magical talent detected nearby. Conduct a merge?"

Alex heard the system beep, and without waiting to be surprised, he saw some fragments of light appear in front of him.

These fragments seemed to have fallen from several people in front of him.

"Could it be that these fragments are magical talents?"

The situation was unclear, but in this dangerous world, he seemed to have no other choice but to become powerful. So he would have to accept it.

As Alex's voice fell silent, several shards shot upward and instantly entered his body.

At that moment, he seemed to feel magical vibrations in his body.

"Is that magic? It's so weird."

Alex saw wisps of magical aura flowing around him, and it seemed that this magical aura was attracted to him, and he could control it as much as he wanted.

However, since there were no magical gates, he could not create spatial gates or perform other forms of magic.

"Alex, what's wrong with you? Are you worried too?"

Just at that time, Enn, who had come here with him, patted Alex on the shoulder and said comfortingly.

She saw Alex looking out the window without saying a word and thought that he was just as worried as they were about whether or not his talent would allow him to stay here.

"I'm fine, Enn. Go to bed. You have to get up early tomorrow!"

Alex looked back at Enn, with a look of expectation on his face. He may not have had a strong magical talent, but with the fusion of these magical fragments, he shouldn't be too bad.

Alex lay down on his bed and fell asleep unnoticed.

The next day, in the square.

Countless men and women in monastic garb gathered here.

And most of the people here were Kamar-Taj candidates, all of them with anticipation on their faces and also feeling nervous.

There was a lot of talk among them. The atmosphere was noisy.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the air.

"What do you think this place is, Kamar-Taj? How can you learn magic when there is so much noise and no order around?"

At these words, everything fell into silence.

The new students all turned their gaze in unison in the direction from which the voice came, at the source of the voice.

She was a tall, thin girl.

Although she looked no more than 17 or 18 years old, her figure was very attractive.

Even the simple nun's clothes did not hide her figure but rather accentuated it.

Her face expressed a sense of adolescent rejection, indicating that this girl was not someone to be messed with.

"Who are you?" asked a young man in the crowd, looking suspiciously at the girl.

Of course, the young man was not happy about being lectured like this by a young girl.

"My name is Bella. I'm the future Supreme Magician!"

Bella was absolutely confident and looked determined. Her body even exuded a powerful aura that contrasted sharply with the other students present.

It was evident that Bella was a trained Kamar-Taj mage.

This young man was also somewhat shocked to feel such a powerful aura.

Alex, who was watching the scene from the side, could clearly sense the magical aura emanating from Bella.

The magical aura on her body flowed along a certain trajectory.

Perhaps if he followed the trajectory of the magic flowing through her body, he could also use magic.

Since he had already come to the Comic Book World, he should at least learn a little bit of magic first to be able to protect himself.

Just at that moment, another alarming cry erupted from the lips of a nearby student.

"Who is this guy? He looks so imposing. Is he a magician from Kamar-Taj? It seems that even the clothes he wears are different from ours!"

Alex looked around too, only to see a man in brown monk's clothing in his thirties. He had his hands behind his back, and every step he took seemed effortless.

The man lacked emotion and had a cold expression on his face.

He looked like a man from another world.

The monk's demeanor was calm, and his powerful aura shocked the crowd.

Even Bella, who just a moment ago had looked so proud among the crowd, now stood obediently to the side.

Seeing Bella in this state, the crowd naturally fell silent.

The man slowly approached, took a sharp look at the crowd, and then surveyed the training area for any students.

"My name is Reagan Theodore. Just call me Master Theodore. I'm the one in charge of teaching you magic!"

As for this name, Alex had never heard of it at all.

But it was understandable. In Marvel, besides the Ancient One and Doctor Strange, the only other wizard he knew was Wong.

But in Marvel, magic had always been a strong point.

So naturally, Alex felt that not just one or two Kamar-Taj mages were strong.

Moreover, Reagan Theodore had a somewhat unsmiling look.

He was quite a down-to-earth man.

After all, he was a high-level practitioner of magic, so you could sense the difference in his aura.

And even Bella was so cautious, so he was no ordinary man.

He hadn't been here long, and he didn't know much about Kamar-Taj, but he supposed that since he had absorbed a fragment of magical talent, it must be easier for him to practice magic than for ordinary people.