
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
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73 Chs


" What the fuck?!" I mumbled already on my feet as I watched the experimental subject floating in the air inside a pillar of pure mana which destroyed my cave and a huge chuck of its mountain and also my damn walls!


And then the pillar of mana started exuding dense amounts of pure mana and with each wave of mana the pillar started receding back to the woman.


Another one and the another.

Something that I did notice from this was that my mana regeneration was off the charts but I really didn't care as I watched the woman fall down to the floor making me slowly walk over towards her.

" Well shit...." I mumbled looking at her naked unblemished and borderline exotic form.

She had metamorphosed into something more then herself, her black hair had turned vibrant pink, her skin turned tanned with a bit of slick sheen to her skin probably from the micro-scales, her muscles lean and compressed to such levels that I was sure she could destroy entire buildings with a simple wave.

On to her faces features....god damn.

She was hot, sexy and beautiful at the same time. Her jawline accentuated her sharp sword like brows along with her full but kinda thin lips, straight nose and just overall beautiful.

' She could make some succubi demon breeds run for their money with that face...' I thought with a grin as I immediately touched her and analysed and copied her physiology.

The reason I did this in the first place was so I could get a good race to change into.

' Now what should I do with you?' I thought crouching while looking at her body before I found my eyes wandering to her perky breasts and then her crotch.

'...damn I'm thirsty.' I thought as I grabbed her in a princess carry and looked at our surroundings which were filled with rubble.

" Time to find another base....damn this is getting old." I mumbled before shooting towards a random direction intent on finding a good place to hide.


—[1 Day Later.]—

As I entered a deep forested area of the forest I had suddenly gotten an epiphany.

Why the fuck should I look for a place to live in when I can use [Material Manipulation] to create one myself?

And so started my deforestation crusade.

I tore trees from the ground and morphed them into processed wood ready for building before I proceed to tear out a mountain from the ground and use it for building stone.

It was while doing this that I realised how overpowered I was and I was weaker in this body then all my other bodies excluding Jericho.

And after that realisation I then proceeded to destroy a huge chuck of the forest as if I was god as wood, stone, water and a plethora of other materials danced around me as I built myself a castle on the centre of my deforestated are and then after increasing the space of my new 'territory' I built an assortment of other buildings.

This ranged from soldier barracks close to the castle to normal houses just close to the walls I had recreated out of stone imbedded to the ground and further reinforced by roots.

As to why did I build myself a literal small kingdom for myself?.

I was bored and felt like it, and so after that I used some plant fibre to create some fabric and made simply stuff like clothes and beds for myself and the girl who still hasn't woken up.

And now as I sat in my throne I pondered.

' What's the use of a kingdom without slave– I mean citizens to reside in?' and so that sparked a desire inside me, one to rule.

And to rule you need beings to rule over.

" Fucking hell I hope this place has a fucking sentient race or else I'll be pissed..." I mumbled to myself already gotten used to talking to myself after all these years I've been alone.

As of right now though I was walking towards my castle forge.

It wasn't as grand as its name as I adapted some forging station techniques from modern day and created a slightly more advanced Smithy for a stone age civilization such as the one I ruled over...kinda.

And as for why I was here?, well I wanted to forge.

I needed more powerful weopons then those made of stone so I was gonna create one and maybe a set of armor too.

As for what I was gonna create my Weopon out of?

From one of the rewards I gained after entering this world, [Artenium Ore].

So now I was gonna refine it first and turn it into ingots and then create my Weopon.

I also had [Mana Fused Stell Ingots] I had gained from my system after killing off some mutant pests off my building.

" Now! Let's begin!" I shouted to know one as I used [Telekinesis] and [Material Manipulation] in tandem to fine tune and control every object in my forge as I let the fire rage on in the furnace.

But first.

Opening my skill tab I looked over at one particular skill.

[—Skills—[Skill Points: 1,465]

Fire Magic—[1/50]: An old age magic, one of the first basic elements that the beings ever wrestled control over allowing the user knowledge, skills and proficiency in the use of any fire magic they know alongside understanding.]

' Blacksmithing and fire magic alongside my other skills that would boost it...' I thought as I used the available skill points to immediately max out the skill.

[—Skills—[Skill Points: 1,415]

Fire Magic—[50/50][Max]: An old age magic, one of the first basic elements that the beings ever wrestled control over allowing the user knowledge, skills and proficiency in the use of any fire magic they know alongside understanding.

Sub-Skill— Fires Embodiment: The users fire is the embodiment of his will, will it so it burns and it shall only do that, will it to warm and it shall only do that as it is the users will that all fire created by him will adhere.]

Grinning as I felt a new sensation overwhelm me as I could now feel every fire within a 100 mile radius of myself.

' Huh? Oh so that's where they are....' I thought as right now I was sharing my senses with every fire in 100 miles and I could see that a bit further from here there was a camp of people from earth huddled up trying to survive this tutorial they are grafted in.

' Oh well I'll get to them soon enough...' I thought with a grin as I brought out the [Artenium Ore].

" Time to create a Weopon fit for a king!."

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