
Marvel: System Maker.

Waking up in a world with demon's able to make systems to gain power was a trippy way to know that after death your soul just shuttles through the Omniverse trying to find a body but taking over one of those said demon's was a nice cherry on-top. now what's with all the talks about a green monster wrecking havoc in these world's and even a man wearing iro—Wait?!? am I in marvel?!? FUCK!

Faceless_Prick · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
73 Chs


' This is annoying….' i thought as I sat behind a carriage flying through the clouds led by fucking winged horse's.

' This clan and their aversion to technology is outstanding…I mean the outside demon world has for decades now assimilated tech as a norm and still these idiots still cling to their old ways even when they too use tech for some shit!' grumbling at that I just kept looking out of the window of my carriage.

At the moment we were flying towards the academy which will take us 2 days as these fucks never set up a teleportation circle to the academy due to 'privacy' reasons.

' This shit is gonna get annoying fast…at least the academy is said to have integrated technology a while ago so I'll get some modernity in here.'

Shaking my head out of my thoughts I thought back to another thing, my status.

I hadn't looked at my stats since I gained those 50 stats to mind so I might as well.

[Name: Darius' Lucifer Sinclair' Morningstar.

Age: 16

Race: Demon

Bloodline: Drechro Bloodline.

Sin: Lust.

Talent: [Feast—SS+], [Appraisal—S+], [Upgrade—SSS+]


Body: 10

Mind: 60

Soul: 10






–Shadow Magic[Lv-66]-]

' huh?…the magic skills have their own section now?..that's neat.' I thought with a nod.

Laying down on the comfy carriage chairs I slowly let myself get drifted to sleep just so I wouldn't be present to deal with the long ass ride to the academy.

—2 Days later.

Watching as we descended down to a floating island I had to double take at that.

'…. seriously a floating island?' I thought with a shake of my head as my carriage set down.

Already Infront of the huge ass academy that included its own dormitories for students and shops for daily necessities and more inside the school grounds there were countless students walking about, chatting and I think I saw one guy sucking…another guy, that…is cool I guess?.

Sighing at that I opened the door to my carriage and walked out with my bag.

Standing there just for a second I slowly let everything set and just breathed in the suprisingly fragrant air.

" Mr Darius, a moment of your time please." A voice suddenly interrupted me from my musing and I had to give myself props for not flinching a single bit as I slowly twisted my head and looked behind me, I know for a fact no one was there a couple seconds ago.

Infront of me was a wrinkly old man with a goatee on his chin the colour of his hair, white, he wore black robes with golden accents to it.

" Sure." I replied using my acting skill to keep my body under my control and keeping up a blank face.

"Mmmmm Interesting." The old man said before continuing. " So I've gotten word that you have received the 7th mistress's favor and as such have become a ward, am I correct." He asked matter of factly.

At his question I just nodded disinterestedly not really knowing how to act around demon's as I had never had prolonged contact with any of them as I immediately ran off to the mortal world the moment I could.

" Well then if that's the case, you will be assigned to the 'gifted' advanced classes along with heirs and the truly gifted and will also be given the best of our accommodation available…by the orders of our mistress of course." he said with a bit of anger in his words making me want to raise an eyebrow at his slip.

" understood then" I replied again.

" Then follow me ward Darius…we have many places to attend to get you up to speed on our academy." The man spoke before he suddenly dissapeared and appeared behind me and then the next moment I was Infront of a rather beautiful small and modern castle.

" Your home for as long as you survive." He said with a bit of an edge to his voice.

' I don't think becoming a ward was a great idea after all….no matter, I'll milk this situation as best as I can before running away again.' I thought with a sigh before I followed the old man.

—5 hours later.

5 hours.

5 freaking hours.

That's how long it took for the old man to get me signed up to my classes and give me a tour of this place and I got to say….demon woman are stupidly beautiful….and thick.

' get your brain out of the gutter Darius!' I thought slapping my head as I slowly lay on my bed with a sigh.

' I should probably go to that library house after tomorrow…they have a huge ass selection and archive of books I could use.' I thought with a smile as I started making up plans for my stay here.

' There is the class that I signed up for too…the add-on program classes, a class that teaches system makers the art of creating add-ons for your systems.' I wanna create my own add-ons so that I could further customise my systems and increase their ratings and thus increase their reward pool.

' I haven't created a single system that got my rewarded ever since the first time after a week I got into this world….I should create one and see what I get soon.' I thought with a sigh as I closed my eyes and went to the dream world hoping that tomorrow is another day.


Brushing my teeth while staring at the mirror I finally remembered one of the reasons I ran away from the sect in the first place…school and waking up early.

School starts at 10:00 and usually ends at 13:00 but for me who took a couple classes more…I'll get off on 15:00, which is shit by the way.

Spitting the paste out of my mouth I continued and got myself ready and wore my outfit before I started walking off after I grabbed my bag with some books in it.

' fuck…I can't devour the books because they'll dissapear unlike my knowledge devour…this is gonna get annoying.' I thought with a grumble as I walked towards the school premises as my castle was located at the north edge of the floating island and the school is in the dead centre with the rest of the populous.

Now in the way I found a couple teleporters I used to get to school faster and when I did and walked towards my class…building which was…unique as it stood further and alone from the other buildings, I did get a couple stares from other students who were walking off to the normal academy grounds as I made my own way towards the Gifted Demon's Building, and I kid you not that's the name of this shit.

' i should probably study on normal demon culture and the norm of this place and simulate it.' I thought adding another genre to the dozens of so subjects I want to study on.

' it's gonna be a long ass day ain't it?…' I thought as I saw that Infront of the building I'm going to there was a couple of mean looking demon's who were in their demon forms which the last time I checked was against the rules due to shitty reasons that the entire demon society probably forgot about midway.

' I'm gonna hate it here aren't I?' I thought with a chuckle before walking faster forward.

[Check out my Pat! and support this lowly soul on this journey throughout the marvel multiverse!

On my patr-eon I've already uploaded till Chapter—58 so go check out the advanced chapters and leave some suggestions for the story.

also thank you guys for the stone's and the comments! knowing that you guys love my story means a lot to me really.

and also shower me with stones so this story gets an even larger audience!!]