

An ordinary man find himself as a certain alien hero from different universe in the Marvel Umiverse.

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



"And another round is over," I said while lying on my bed in a black room as around me is many figures of Pokemon, Marvel Action figures and the human size of Luffy D. Monkey, a famous character from One Piece. My favourite anime of all time

"Okay. I guess being Impostor is not that hard huh."Having enough of live streaming the recent famous game, Among Us with my friends, I open my document which shows me my discontinued book chapters.

"Urghh. With the recent announcement of being locked up again, I guess I can finally continue my story huh? But I no idea. Damn it, of all the time to be locked up. Guess doing trade saves my love since I can gain money online just by trading and become a teacher for my neighbour son pay me off as I pay my monthly rent on time."

Stretching my limb, my finger type words but soon I deleted it. The same action of styling and deleting happens for an hour before I give up.

I decided to take fresh air as I put my chair on the balcony and admire the view of my city which not have many people longer around due to the recent virus which is a very lethal and dangerous one.

My parent already calls me where then I had to change it to a video call so they see my face. My parent lives in the countryside but the one where it has a really good internet connection.

"Good thing my sister did not come here since her naughty sons will sorely keep demand me to play my beloved Nintendo Switch. Damn it, I already lost many games memory card due to him recklessly pull it out." I thought but then again, with his puppy eyes and innocence expression on his face, I give up and just let him play my Nintendo Switch while just prepares for me to lose some money to buy more game memory cards of Nintendo Switch.

Stretching my arm, I can still feel sore as I had to compete with my fellow gym trainer who decides to make a bet in whoever wins will buy dinner.

I had to push myself when I lift the dumbell that makes me think is the same wight that the national athlete lifts in the Olympic Games. But then again, there is no way I am letting myself not make my fellow trainer, Tom to not buy me dinner.

Hot Pot is the most delicious food in this world. Even though he seems to be a little piss as he loses against me, we had a great time you know, talking about our lives, girlfriends and ex-girlfriends.

Mostly him talking about ex-girlfriends. I have one but she sadly died due to getting hit by a car driven by a drunk man from behind when she is one her way to meet me for our date at the Pavilion.

It makes me very sad as I felt half of me is you know, missing.

After all, Lisa is the best girlfriend that I wish for considering my bad past.

You all must be wondering what the heck I am talking huh?

Simple, in my high school student year, I am not that loner or a smart student, rather I am a bully.

Yeah, sue me but with me getting angry toward the smart student who aced all the exam even though I studied very hard without sleeping for a week whereas for him, he just played the arcade games when I return from my tuition.

Jealousy is one bad thing as from that day, I purposely my tuition classes and start to become a pick as I will steal the smartest student items such as his own and even his notebooks.

My attitude becomes worse as I will just trip him when he walks past me in the cafeteria or asks him to do my homework, mostly History and Mathematics, 2 subjects that I am not a fan of.

But the thing did not last as my sister start to notice my recent bad behaviour.

And tone me, she beat me up the whole cursing saying how ungrateful am I by did not go toward the tuition classes. She hit the soot when she says my action will make my beloved parent very sad.

As she storms into my house and then left, I am left alone reminiscing about how badly my life is.

Turn out, the beating she gives to me makes me turn into a new leaf and I apologise to the smartest student who is named Jackson.

At first, it was pretty awkward talking to him as I formerly his bully with him is the former victim of my bully.

That is until I stumbled to assist him when I buy the action figure of Whitebeard in Pavilion, whereas for him, he buys the action figure of Ace.

We then pretty much hit it off as we both are nerds of Anime and Cartoon as we will keep talking about what the newest anime is and how good or bad is it.

We grow closer as he will help me with my study making me graduate high school with a result that makes my family cried in happiness.

But sadly, I lose contact with him as he had to return to his former country, Malaysia since he decides to continue his study there.

But hey, with social media such as Facebook, Instagram and Telegram, I manage to find his account .that take me a year.

Of course, we want to hang out as we do but both of us are busy with our study as he decides to pursue the career of an accountant with ne just want to become a businessman.

But then again, life can change its path as I now have a very stable job which is a gymnasium trainer and an English teacher that teaches any teenager that their parent had to pay me for.

I feel happy teaching the teenagers in their own home or should I say room as some of them are been fast to catch up with my way of teaching but when it comes to the lazy and stubborn ones, I had to hold my patience.

But with my massive body and my serious expression, they gradually start to feel a little scared of me as they will need my offer of doing the English exercises and quiz I give toward them.

Of course, the result is they got good and a decent mark which makes their parent slightly add a tip toward my payment.

I, Benjamin Million never thought that today us the last day I ever sleep, sit in my bedroom due to a certain time traveller who decides to make me transfer, transmigrate or goes toward a universe that I may like or loathe.


Benjamin Million is walking to his home after purchasing 3 set of spicy chickens and a high bowl of black bean noodles for his dinner.

Arriving at his apartment, he then goes to his bedroom and wears proper cloth. He then goes to his kitchen when he notices there is an unknown man in his kitchen which made him tense.

"How this guy get into my house?"He thought in his head since his alarm house did not make a sound of an intruder enter his house.

Opening the door, he is greeted by the sight of an old man, who is at the age of his grandfather who is reading a newspaper and seems to be wearing a pair of glasses.

"Oh, pardon me but I am slightly interested with the newest trailer of Falcon and Winter Soldier? It seems they will be airing soon. I can not wait to watch it." The legendary old man, Stan Lee, the creator of Marvel and worldwide famous comic book writer said to me as I am frozen with my mouth is wide open, not be living such legendary character is in front of me.

I mean, he is dead a few months ago so seeing him still healthy shock me a lot.

"So umm, Benjamin Million, no, that should not be your name. Hmm. Benjamin Miller, yes, that sounds good. At least you will still keep your old name." He mutters as I am slightly nervous about what is going to happen to me right now.

"So, umm, what is the term that you young folks said when they meet an omnipotent being like me again?" He asks me as my heart skip a beat hearing that.

No freaking way.


"Yes. That word. So, let's make this simple and short. " Within seconds, he covers our distance as he now is in front of me as he taps my forehead with his thumb.

Something warm enters my head as Stan Lee, or should I say this ROB who impersonates him seems to be humming.

"Superman? Oh, the most popular superhero. Geez, DC sure loves their most famous and strongest superhero. And it seems you too are the same." He said as he retracts back his thumb while seems to be in a deep thought making me feel a bit embarrassed of how he finds out about my favourite superhero is Superman from DC Comics.

The only comic book rival to Marvel.

Everybody loves that alien hero, I mean, just having his powers will make people lived up to their whole dream. Running super fast, see-through anything, spam heat beam from your eyes, breath ice and not to mention, physical traits that let him perform some outstanding feat with his punches and strength.

"So you want to be like Superman huh?" Stan Lee asked me making me snap out from my stupor as I shakily nod my head.

"Y-yes, sir," I told him while wanting to slap myself for stuttering when talking to this ROB.

"Okay. I will make your dream comes true." He said as I blink my eyes and a confused expression formed on my face as he snaps his hand with a box appear in front of me.

"So, young Benjamin Miller, pick up a piece of paper that will determine who you will be in a new body with a new name that I have to make before you go somewhere very far." He told me as a grin cannot escape from my face knowing my turn to be reincarnated into some world that I surely have my Otaku knowledge in it.

"At least I will not get a system. Imagine me having to obey the system or arose had to do a quest that involves some heavy punishment, or worse, death even though the reward is amazing." My hand already in the box while holing for me to at least get some kind of semi overpowered power, watch or eyes in the world this ROB send me into.

My hand grab a piece of paper as I just pull it out since I decided to see if Lady Luck is with me right now.

The box disappears as Stan Lee smiles at me.

"Go ahead, young man. Open it. But this is a reminder for you. That power you receive, will not be duplicated, copied or stolen. It will cause a paradox in the timeline of the universe I will send you into." He said to me with a smile as I unfolded the paper only to see words, the only words that I mutter before the ROB snap his hand turning me into dust like Thanos do toward all the living organism in the Avengers: Infinity War.

But still, my head keeps chanting the words in the folded paper as I cannot contain my happiness knowing of what I got through the paper.



I did not know how much time has passed when I turn into dust as I feel my body just floated as it then gets injected by something that makes to howl in pain.

My eyes wide open only to see my body flesh now slowly disappearing making me scream in fear as my hand only has bones as I swear, right now, I am only a skeleton.

I did not dare to look below but I can see my heart which is beating slowly beat but I did not feel uncomfortable at all.

My body fell into a pond as the long envelope me as "something" just seem to surge through my whole body as new flesh, organs inside my body and other human parts slowly regrow back as I feel powerful for a second before everything went black after my body got reconstructed.


New York POV

In a room that has stuff that belongs to a baby, a baby woke up as his eyes wonders around the room as it makes a sound.

Undoubted fully, the baby is Benjamin Miller, the soon gonna be superhero in the future.

"Oh, man. I have become a baby again. It's just hoping I got a kind parent as Clark Kent does." He thought in his head before resume back to et his sleep.