

An ordinary man find himself as a certain alien hero from different universe in the Marvel Umiverse.

EMIYASENDOU7 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs



"I still remember how I love dream to become a superhero like Superman when I was a child. But now, I realised how much control of my strength that I needed to make sure any furniture, plates and glasses to not break by my hand who is currently 2 years old." I thought while looking at the broken small plate on the floor as my mother, Martha, is sweeping them off and throw the pieces into the trash bin.

Surprisingly, I am being taken cared of by only her which I deduced after not seeing any sight of my father or males in this living place except me.

And I did not intend to find out about it, maybe my mother will tell me when I am older but for now, I am going to enjoy being pampered by her.

And my mother works as a receptionist in the local bank so there will be a time where he had to take me and ask her co-worker to look after me.

Living in this world or rather should I say the Marvel universe, the one which has a gauntlet with multiple gems that with a snap can erase half of the living existence make me realise that I need to be stronger.

Of course, becoming a Kryptonian has its work which is me becoming stronger under the sun as I absorb its solar radiation.

So I did the only thing I can think of which is to be shirtless and paid my body on my balcony where the sun rays hit my body as I can fell my little body has been fueled by some sort of power that strengthens it.

But here comes a problem where I neglect how strong am I when I casually throw my rocks toy making it pierce through my room wall that makes my mother scream in shock seeing this as she immediately grabs me.

She immediately inspects me all over as he keeps asking me what happen and being the honest kid, I just said I am the one who makes the hole by throwing a rocket toy through it.

And then she mutters the world that makes me realise what works I am in.

Mutant. That makes my head spring into actions as the only universe I know to use the term is none other than MARVEL.

And it proves my theory the world I reside in is Marvel when my mother gives me a figure of Captain America as I immediately throw it away since this guy is not my favourite superhero.

I prefer Hulk over him.

Luckily, my mother seems to accept that I am a mutant albeit I want to tell her I am not a mutant, rather an alien who gets strong under the sum but that will be settled in the future.

So instead of us living in an apartment, she derived to move out in the next month with me sees this chance to test my strength when the carriers carry our things with me we'll take the chance to test how strong I am.

Or I can test it right now.

Grabbing the leg of a wooden table, I lift it and to my surprise, it is not that heavy and light. This feat surely will shock my previous world since not many kids can do this except the super one.

Do you know what I mean?

"Living in a world of the cupboard." That phrase makes me know how kind and how strong Superman is and if he ever decides to lose, well, he can destroy a city in a matter of seconds just by stomping his leg on it.

It seems my eyes still did not grant me any kinds of vision and even shooting lasers from them, no me flying yet, just the emergence of my super physical traits.

The sound of humming can be heard as my mother just put the trash bag at the apartment trash dumpster as she now is walking up back toward our living places.

I having a great hearing make me realise how painful it is when my alarm clock sounded or worse when I discover how painful it is to hear many sounds coming from the residents of the apartment I lived in.

Night arrives with my mother is sleeping beside me as I am closing my eyes while trying to "shut" off my ears by focusing on removing all the voices and only focus on the sound of this bedroom fan.

After countless errors which make me wince in disgust after hearing some indecent sounds, I finally get to control the range of my hearing which make me wonder how will I cope up with my vision then.

Even controlling my strength is hard

That's why I come up with a plan which is to mediate by calming myself. By having a serene mind or almost akin to it, controlling my owners should be not so hard.

This is why when I am sunbathing, I will lay down on the floor and close my eyes while enjoying the sound of birds chirping, the wind breeze and the sound of water dropping.

And my meditation cut off when the sound of dogs barking making me want to just video but it will seem inappropriate to curse in my current body albeit I am a grown-up man in a child body.

Deciding to mediate again, this time it gets cut off by the sound of cars honking which initiate me so much seeing those MC's who has a system able to mediate this easily.

Probably due to the system help. Whatever at least I did not have to do the quest that brings harm to myself.

"One steps at a time," I mutter knowing getting to familiarise myself with this new body of mine is going to be a hard one but surely it will be paid off.

For now, let's just hope Mum will at least buy a house that has some space for my body to enjoy being bath with the sun rays.

After all, I did not want to become an ant in this world full of gods, demons, richly who has armour that make him goes toe to toe with the evil warlord and a fourth wall breaker mercenary who seems to be able to kill the MARVEL itself.