
Marvel: Super Relations System

In the heart of New York City, Arthur, a transmigrator from another world, finds himself navigating life in the Marvel Universe.

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Chapter 3 Fucking Vulture

Arthur and Strange continued their banter.

Given Strange's current status, ordinary people wouldn't need his services, so they chatted for quite a while.

However, Arthur was almost out of conversation topics and still hadn't noticed any system activation.

Could it be because Strange hadn't yet become the Sorcerer Supreme?


Strange was typing some data into his computer and asked, "Are you expecting something?"

Arthur: "Stephen, are you planning to switch careers to being a psychologist?"

"Oh, no, I detest those charlatans."

Strange pressed the Enter key. "I just noticed you seemed distracted."

"Your girl is done with her check-up, and she's very healthy—remarkably fit, even. Yet, she looks quite slim."

"I think you should work out more, or you might not be able to keep up with a young girl."

"I'm quite fit myself, Stephen."

Arthur stood up, ready to leave.

Before leaving, he reminded Strange, "Drive carefully."

Strange dismissed it, "You always say that, like a nagging mother."

Fine, suit yourself.


"No issues at all, Gwen. You're in perfect health!"

Jessica waved the test results excitedly next to Gwen.

"Yes, Jessica, I've seen it."

Gwen smiled, feeling much more at ease.

Leaving the hospital.

Gwen saw Arthur waiting for them ahead and walked over briskly.

Leaning against the car, Arthur watched the bright-eyed girl walking towards him.

She came close, her eyes sparkling, then closed them lightly, and he felt a soft, moist touch on his face.

"Thank you, Arthur~"


Arthur gently stroked her smooth blonde hair. "I noticed you seemed preoccupied lately."

"I'm just confused about some things," Gwen said, tilting her head cutely.

"But the problem is resolved now." She turned her head to the side, leaning against Arthur's palm.

"That's good."

Arthur smiled, gently holding Gwen closer.

Their silhouettes intertwined again.


Jessica felt awkward watching.

How can they kiss for so long without taking a breath?

Jessica pretended to cover her eyes, but the gaps between her fingers were wide open.

Finally, Gwen pulled away, fearing Arthur might run out of breath.

"Arthur, this feels wonderful~"

Her face was flushed, and she playfully stuck out her tongue, looking very excited.

Arthur felt a bit regretful, savoring the moment. I could have continued.




Arthur reacted faster than Gwen, rolling on the ground with her in his arms.

The next moment.

A figure with metal wings swooped past where they had been standing.

After scratching the car and creating sparks, the figure crashed to the ground not far away.

Fortunately, Arthur had a custom-made car due to the frequent dangers in New York.

The car only had a scratch, with no serious damage.

Gwen, sitting in his arms, touched her head in confusion. Why didn't my spider-sense react? Was I too distracted by the kiss?

Arthur turned to look at the fallen birdman, quickly recalling his information—

Adrian Toomes, a supervillain from Spider-Man, a former renowned electronic engineer who turned to crime as "Vulture" after being framed and imprisoned by capitalists.

It didn't look like a malfunction of his flying suit; he seemed to have been knocked down.

But wasn't Gwen right beside him? Which superhero did this?

Arthur curiously looked in the direction Toomes had come from, spotting a large building.

In front of a broken floor-to-ceiling window, a muscular, bald man in a suit was just turning away...

"Arthur, Gwen! Are you guys okay? I was so scared!" Jessica ran over.

Gwen snapped out of it and replied, "We're fine, Jessica, thanks to Arthur."

Arthur leaned over and whispered to Gwen, "Gwen, I think we should leave here."

"Yes, let me get up first."

After sitting up.

Gwen glanced at the Vulture, who had taken off again.

I'm the one who should be protecting Arthur!

She puffed up one cheek in anger.

Wait until I get my suit on and deal with you, you flying menace!


The Vulture didn't pay attention to the two bystanders he had almost hit and instead shouted angrily toward the building.

With the turbo boost on his wings, he quickly flew back inside.

Arthur squinted his eyes.

Vulture, Kingpin...


That night.

On a brightly lit skyscraper, a black-clad hero stood, his cloak fluttering in the wind.

It was Arthur in his Knight Spider suit.

The suit's color scheme resembled Venom's Spider-Man suit but with a hooded coat on the outside, similar to Ghost Spider's outfit, making it look like a couple's suit.

Moreover, the suit played intense background music internally, making Arthur feel like he had stepped into the wrong set for Kamen Rider.

Arthur floated up from the rooftop, using the suit's built-in reconnaissance system along with his spider-sense to quickly locate Vulture, who was in the middle of robbing a bank. If it weren't for Arthur and Gwen having extraordinary abilities, the fight between Vulture and Kingpin would have already killed them.

He was going to settle scores with both Vulture and Kingpin!

With a whooshing sound, he arrived at the bank where Vulture was committing the robbery. But someone else had gotten there before him.

It was Ghost-Spider.


Arthur saw her already engaged in a fight with Vulture. Gwen, being a relatively new superhero, lacked experience. She was having a hard time; her webbing kept getting cut by Vulture's sharp metal wings, and she was also distracted trying to save civilians.

Things were not looking good, and she was about to get hurt.

"Nosy spider!" Vulture's metal claw was about to strike Gwen, just inches from her arm.

In that instant, a black figure crashed down, and the devices on Vulture's suit screeched and sparked. Vulture was stomped into the ground by Arthur's powerful descending kick.

The enhancement from the knight template combined with the spider template wasn't just additive; it was geometric.

Using the "Knight" template from Jessica and the "Ghost-Spider" template, the augmentation was exponential!

If Arthur hadn't held back, Vulture would have been crushed to death.

"Who is that?" The scattered onlookers were astonished. They recognized Ghost-Spider, who had recently made a name for herself, but who was this black spider-like figure? Ghost-Spider's partner?

Obviously not.

Gwen was also surprised to see Vulture suddenly stomped to the ground by someone.

"Um, excuse me?" She mustered the courage to approach, "Thank you for helping me. Are you a superhero too?"