
MARVEL: Sub-zero

A man is reborn as a 20 year old in the Marvel universe and appearantly he has Kuai Liang's memories and experiences though his version of Sub-zero seems to have been juicing. .,................................................................. Sub-zero + Baki Hanma + Iceman fusion on his way to becoming all-powerfull.

I_like_gore · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2 (Rewritten+)

Bi-han stepped out of his apartment, clad in Sub-zero's armor. The plan was to survey the area and acquire Samuel Sterns as an ally.

He needed him, because he could (most likely) reengineer the super soldier serum from Blonsky's blood and in general he was EXTREMELY smart and an amazing scientist, important for most of the steps of plan 3.

So, Bi-han surveyed the area, because judging by the atmosphere and military vehicles, Abomination would be born today.

He already knew where Samuel worked because he found it online, so he just went to get some food and waited for the evening. (In the movie it was dark when Hulk and the Abomination fought)


Bi-han was perched on the building where Samuel worked, Blonsky had already gone inside so he was waiting for the loud *BANG* or *ROAR*.

'Anytime now…' Bi-han mused.


*BANG* *ROAR* a metallic bang and monstrous roar was heard by Bi-han as he grinned behind his mask.

"ROARRR" the Abomination roared as he broke through the building's entrance and jumped to the nearby street. Sub-zero blurred, disappearing into the building.

It took him a couple of seconds to reach the room where Blonsky transformed and there he was – Samuel Sterns laying against a wall, his cranium literally throbbing.

Samuel noticed Bi-han walking up to him and asked in wonder, "W-Who are you?"

"Your savior. Come with me if you want to live." Came out Bi-han's chilling voice. (like Kuai Liang's from MKX)

"What?…Why?... I don't understand…" he muttered to somebody, he seemed to be high off knowledge? Judging by the crazy smile on his face.

Not wasting any time, Bi-han ignored his confusion and pulled him up onto his feet.

"We need to move Doctor. The military and half of the organizations on Earth are going to be here soon. And that's bad, as you're definitely getting arrested or killed and everything is also getting confiscated, including Banner's blood." Bi-han spoke.

The part about Banner's blood seemed to stop his rambling and bring him back to reality, he didn't even question how Bi-han had that information.

"NO!NO!NO! THEY CAN'T HAVE IT! IT'S MINE! I can do so much with it… so much more… WE MUST SAVE IT!" Samuel spoke as he looked at the wall where Blonsky left.

Bi-han held the thrashing scientist together, cooling down his body at the same time. "I will save the blood, and I will save you. You can't work on the blood in SHIELD's prisons, can you?" Bi-han asked and the confused scientist nodded fervently.

"So here's the plan. Grab everything you need, bag it and place it on the ground. I wil take care of it. After that i will take us to an abandoned warehouse, where we'll lay low, so we can avoid everyone, there you will be able to experiment, after I provide you with more things that you require." Bi-han tells Samuel the plan, he had found the warehouse while searching online.

The scientist's smile nearly splits his face in excitement and happiness, as he realizes he will be allowed to experiment to his heart's content.

As Samuel hurriedly walks off, Bi-han speaks, "The shit that's in Blonsky and Banner… I want it too."

*TAP**TAP* footsteps come near their location.

"…" Bi-han motions for Sterns to stay quiet as he disappears with a silent boom, instantly knocking out the soldiers coming to them.

Samuel stops as his expression changes to straight shock, as he watches Bi-han drop them on the ground after disappearing and reappearing, "Move Doctor, we lack the time to be doing nothing."

Samuel shakes his head and finishes bagging the things he needs, placing them on the ground. "Now what?" He looks at him skeptically.

Bi-han snaps his fingers as the ground gets covered in frost and the bags with machinery and chemicals disappear.

"H-..how?" Bi-han hears Samuel's broken voice and looks at him. Judging by his expression, his understanding of the possible and impossible was being shattered.

"Pull yourself together doctor, I will explain everything when we get to safety." Bi-han reassures him with a pat on the shoulder as the floor gets covered in frost once more, though this time Samuel Sterns disappears from his location.

Bi-han sighs, 'Now that that's done, let's get out of here.' He thinks to himself.

He was happy that his plan was coming along nicely, but a part of his mind was stuck on 1 thing.

while he was drafting the plans he had a thought 'Could i get the powers of other fictional characters by reinacting the circumstances that granted them on myself?'

'For example: with the chemicals we have aquired here, couldn't we preform the procedure that turned Barry Allen into the Flash onto myself?... after all a little lightning is harmless to me.'

It was just a stray thought. But he was suddenly stopped, as his ears picked up inhuman stomping coming towards the laboratory building, he was in.

Bi-han glances out of the nearest window as he sees the Abomination's giant 13 feet tall body jump towards the building.

He instantly teleports out of the building as the Abomination lands on it, absolutely demolishing it.

Bi-han stares at Blonsky as he comes out of the rubble.

The Abomination's eyes instantly lock onto him as he snarls, "This power is mine, a rat like you is not worthy of it!" he roars in rage.

While Blonsky was ranting about becoming all-powerful Bi-han only had 1 thought. 'Dear God, he's ugly – it's like looking at a cancer patient with space aids. Or a skinned, radioactive, avocado lizard.'

"You can have this power buddy… I'm not planning on becoming a freak with no penis." A chuckle escaped from Bi-han's lips.

Now Blonsky… Blonsky didn't appreciate his lack of fear in him, or him being mocked.

Not at all.