
Marvel: Strongest Undead

What if a man from our world is reincarnated into Marvel as a zombie, but he looks like and has the powers of Dabi? (P.S: I thought it would be a cool concept because of the fact that Dabi kinda looks like a zombie. If it’s not, well I’m sorry) (Cover art was found on Pinterest. I don’t own Marvel by the way, or the character of Dabi, I only own the plot/ storyline that I came up with separately from Marvel’s creations) Upload Schedule: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

_oaklandshow_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

CH5- It’s Time For Lunch

Baron Strucker View

I walked back into the room and immediately took notice of Maximoff #3's state.

'The kid is covered in sweat, not even covered, he's drenched in it!' I mused. I looked towards the objects and saw that he successfully burned all of the objects. He even burned them down to ashes!

I looked towards the burn marks on the targets. The first few targets burn marks weren't even close to the center, but the last few were almost perfectly hit.

'Not too impressive, I've seen better first day results from his siblings, he does appear to have potential.' I have to remember to research the tapes of his training to study his results more thoroughly.

"Maximoff #3, it's time for lunch, clean yourself up quickly and then follow me." We went to his room while I waited outside. There was another pair of clothes identical to the clothes he trained in. It took him about 20 minutes to get ready, when I came and got him from training there was around 30 minutes until lunch, now it's 10.

"Follow me to the lunch room, I'll only lead you around for today, after today I'll give your schedule so you know where you need to be at what times."

"Okay." I nodded in content from his simplistic answer. We entered the cafeteria shortly after.

"I will go handle my business, sit wherever you please and once everyone arrives, that's when the chef will serve your food. After eating lunch you will have outside access with the rest for 30 minutes, after that you all go back to your rooms. If you don't return to your rooms in a certain period of time you will be punished." With that explanation, I left without saying anything more.


Azrael Maximoff View

I waited for Strucker to be many feet away before expressing my displeasure.


And back in my own world I thought school was hell. There was no punishment system back then for me and where I lived, so this would certainly be a change of pace.

I walked into the cafeteria fully and sat in a corner table. There were four guards in total protecting the cafeteria. Two on the inside by the door, and two on the outside by the door.

The guards weren't too armed which could make things easier for possible escape plans. As I was brainstorming, I was distracted by the entrance of two people who were around my age.

It was a boy and a girl, presumably the people who Wanda and Pietro were telling me about. Pietro even told me that he had feelings for the girl. I can't blame him either, she looks pretty good.

The girl had shoulder length black hair with bangs. She had a thin yet athletic body, but her most outstanding feature was her face, Japanese descent was evident in her face. I can't remember too many Japanese mutants or characters with powers who were girls.

The boy had short black hair that was split down the middle, he looked to be of Caucasian descent.

They sat in the corner directly next to the door in which the chef would come out to give us our food.

'I should've done that so that I could get my food earlier when it comes. Damn! Wait a minute, why are there so many tables of there's only six total experimented people here?' Putting that aside, shortly after those two walked in, Wanda and Pietro walked in and sat with them.

Wanda looked around and saw me sitting in the corner by myself. She waved me over with a smile. I stood up and made my way over there, suddenly feeling self conscious about the way I look.

'Only Strucker, Wanda, and Pietro have seen me. Strucker is a master manipulator, so he doesn't care how I look. As long as I can breathe and walk for his evil deeds he doesn't care. Pietro and Wanda are my brother and sister, and I've been dead for so long, so of course they don't care, they're just happy to see me. I don't count the guards because it's not their job for them to stick around and look at me all day.'

This will be the first time that other "sane" human beings will see my full appearance. I took a deep breath and sat down at the table. The table was circular and could hold six people.

I sat in between Wanda and Pietro. Wanda was on my left and Pietro was on my right. The Japanese girl was on Pietro's right, and to her right was the guy, meaning the seat to Wanda's left was open.

"Hisako, Chris, this is my little brother Azrael. Azrael these are our friends, Hisako Ichiki and Chris Bradley."

Looking at the faces of Chris and Hisako, it was obvious that they were surprised at my appearance, but they looked as if they had already known that I looked like this.

Hisako reached across the table and shook my hand, followed by Chris.

"Hello Azrael, it's nice to meet you. Wanda and Pietro never stop talking about you ever since they got here-"

"Haha okay that's enough out of you Hisako." Pietro put his hand over her mouth.

"It's nice to meet you too and I wouldn't expect anything else out of these two." I wrapped my arms around their shoulders and brought them closer.

For the next 30 minutes the five of us had many conversations and laughs until ultimately it was time to go outside for another 30 minutes. I still couldn't help but wonder where the sixth person was and who they are.


Once outside, I studied the environment. It was more of a dome with air conditioning, a greenhouse if you will. There were workout benches and treadmills, a basketball court, and regular benches for sitting down.

'A typical prison setup from the typical Strucker, I'm not even surprised.' The more and more I see and learn about this place, the more and more I want to kill this guy, because this is seriously messed up. What's next, orange jumpsuits with inmate numbers?

Those four went to the benches to talk while I went onto the basketball court to practice, I've had enough communicating for today. Basketball was one of my many passions in my past life and helped me as an escape from reality, even a little in this life too it was somewhat of a passion.

I played basketball for the entire 30 minutes making sure to work up a sweat. We all then went to our respective rooms, or cells, and ended the day.
