
Marvel: Starting from the Bottom

"Transmigration." Ah, such an interesting concept. Many dream about being reborn in a world filled with heroes and villains. But not me... Thrown into a world where Gods walk among mortals, I will do everything in my power to survive. Stealing, robbing, killing, manipulating? I will do them all. I will be the one to survive until the end. Heros, Villains, Eternals, Deviants, Gods, Demons... SCREW THEM ALL!!! This is my story and I will make sure that everyone gets that right! I am Marcellus, a mutant who started from the bottom. [Pat reon.com/Greedyfrog] [Disclaimer: Other than my MC and the OCs, I do not own anything used in this fanfiction.]

ToothlessS · Movies
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135 Chs

The Wedding.

"Everyone remember that I will not accept any mistakes for this event! One mistake and you are fired!" Joel roared which made the event organizers nod vigorously.

"Don't worry, Sir. Everything is moving exactly as planned."

Nodding at the man, Joel rushed out of the hall to meet Marcel's mother.

"Mrs. Hanley, are you ready?" He asked. "The bridegroom should be ready to give a speech." 

Slyvie softly smiled. "He should be ready, you should go and check."

Joel nodded and went towards Marcel's room.

Marcel's marriage was a big deal. He was not only the richest man on the planet but also the most influential one. Kings, presidents, celebrities, businessmen and even some of the UN members were attending the wedding.

He was considered the most eligible bachelor for the longest time and now that he was getting married— there was a massive uproar.

Joel knocked on Marcel's door.

"Hey, buddy you there?"

Marcellus Hanley was not just a businessman, he was a major activist in the eyes of many men. He was responsible for most of the development that was seen in recent years— be it technological or social. 

He was the one that revolutionised the business world. 

"Yeah, you can come in." Marcel said and Joel didn't waste a second to barge in.

As he walked in— he saw the man that was estimated to be worth three hundred billion dollars standing near a humongous mirror. An astronomical sum which no one had been able to amass in years.

He wore a black suit that was custom designed by an Italian tailor. Marcel didn't like spending too much money on clothes but since marriage was a once in a lifetime thing, he opted to buy it. 

"I am ready." 

[[Marcellus Hanley]]

I was nervous.

Surprising, but I was. 

I was about to give a speech but it wasn't the reason for my nervousness nor was it a big deal as I was about to bullshit my way through. 

I was nervous about getting married.

I could see almost all the major members of Order and Hellfire in their disguises, enjoying the venue. And also the countless powerful people chatting among themselves.

Kings, princes, presidents… Everyone was present. But that was the power I held. 

I held far more authority than everyone around here— be it directly or indirectly. And they knew it. 

Greeting the ones that I met, I walked towards the marriage hall with Joel walking beside me. 

"Nervous?" Joel laughed.

"Yep… totally." I took a deep breath and walked in.

Peggy was not here yet so I walked to the altar and took a stand there. Mother was watching from the audience seat and Joel took his spot at the corner. 

The VVIPs were near the front row and the ones I cared about were at the front row.

As I looked at my mother, she gave me a thumbs up— which made me chuckle.

In about a few minutes, Peggy arrived— and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

Her snow-white bridal gown was picked by my mother and was by far the most expensive piece of clothing I had ever seen. 

She had heels that were more expensive than my entire suit and again it was my mother that ordered them. But it was all worth it as I had never seen a woman look more beautiful than her at that moment.

Her hair was done in a chignon with a white flower attached and as usual— she had light makeup on. It was surprising as even at the wedding she decided to go with minimal makeup and I was all up for that.

She blushed as she looked at me— a rare sight, but a welcoming one.

"You look gorgeous." I complimented as she walked to the altar.

"You too."




The wedding was smooth, without any complications and I saw my mother was crying with happiness the entire time.

"Will you have this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love her, comfort her, honour, and keep her in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?" The officiant asked as I stared into Peggy's eyes.

"I do." My response made her smile.

"Will you have this man to be your husband, to live together in holy marriage? Will you love him, comfort him, honour, and keep him in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?" He asked Peggy as both of us smiled at each other.

"I do." She answered.

The officiant nodded. "May I have the rings, please? Please repeat after me: I give you this ring, as a daily reminder of my love for you."

Doing as told, I repeated the lines and so did she as we sealed our fates with the wedding rings.

The officiant smiled and finished the vow. "By the power of your love and commitment, and the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may kiss each other!"

And with a kiss, the two of us had been married.

"It all feels like a dream." 

"It does." I said softly as she leaned on my shoulder. "A happy dream."

"A dream that I never want to wake up from." She nuzzled on my neck. 

A chuckle escaped me. "Indeed."

We enjoyed each other's warmth on the cold winter night while the outside world was engulfed in a storm. 

She was the one I am going to be with. She was now my family, my wife.



I looked at her and sighed. "No it's nothing, never mind."

She seemed confused. "You know that you can tell me anything, right?"

I smiled. "I know. Don't worry about it, I just got confused about a little something."

She stared at me with a playful smile. "If you say so."

There was time. I needed to tell her a little about me— about me being a mutant. At least, I could tell her that I was not a human and ask her if she wanted to live forever.

But… maybe I should do that at a later date. As she was not the only one that deserved to know this— mother did too.

One last time… just one last time I want to ask her. I want her to reconsider her decision. 

Joel, I believe that he would agree. But I wasn't too sure about my mother and Peggy. 

But… Let's hope for the best.

I smiled and looked at Peggy before swooping her from the ground and giving her a princess carry. 

She giggled.

"Ready for our first night, princess?"



[[A/N: 20 Advanced Chapters on Pat reon + Other stories (Naruto, DC, TVD/The Originals):

Pat reon.com/ToothlessS

300 billion back then is roughly 3.30 trillion now. And the thing is… there is no trillionaire in this world now. Bezos is worth less than 300 billion (around 200 billion or something) in today's value— so, imagine the wealth Marcellus has.

But it's Marvel… so anything is possible.

Marvel Facts (1): Doreen Green is called Squirrel Girl, why? Because she can talk to squirrels and make them fight for her. That's quite lame.

But also cool. Imagine a million squirrel chasing after your nut. (Aight I will see myself off.)


(2) Harold Hogan, aka Happy Hogan who was Tony's bodyguard married Pepper Pots... Before they divorced and Pepper went back to Tony. Happy even has a son, Jamie Carlson... Aka Teen Abomination.

I am starting to think that he is not Happy after all.]]