
Marvel: Silver Superman in Mutant Academy

On the eve of the third X-Men battle, Carl West, a new student at the Mutant Academy, found himself somewhat unsettled. He was keenly aware of the perilous nature of their world. With Magneto's perpetual mischief-making and the looming threats of alien invasions and malevolent Celestials, danger seemed to lurk around every corner. The sinister Sentinel program, devised to eradicate all mutants, had already been set into motion. Meanwhile, neighboring dimensions harbored beings like Dormammu, poised for invasion. And looming on the horizon was Thanos, with his ambitions to enact universal "family planning." Despite the presence of stalwart heroes such as the Hulk and Iron Man, poised to defend the world, the specter of global conflict still promised untold casualties. "So, I suppose I'll have a think about it once I'm transformed into a Silver Superman," Carl remarked casually, reclining on the academy grounds and soaking in the comforting warmth of the sun, having recently assimilated the template of a Superman. ******** *THIS IS A TRANSLATION* Marvel: Silver Superman, Starts with Mutant Academy 美漫:白银大超,变种人学院开始 This is a translation of Chinese Novel. *********** The cover photo is not mine. If you are the owner message me and I will remove it. **** Support me on my patreon and read upto 15 early chapters. https://www.patreon.com/AniScout

Ani_Scout · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 25 : Sudden Change?

The sudden voice echoing in Carl's mind brought him to a halt.

The system had been active for over ten days. Aside from the initial template reward, there had been no further response. He had assumed it merely served as an attribute panel function.

Unexpectedly, he was now tasked with a mission to accompany the X-Men in destroying that research institute?

Carl didn't act impulsively. Instead, he inquired, "System, what purpose does this origin (source) point reward serve?"

"The source is the origin of everything," came the reply.

"When the host's strength reaches the peak of Superman in the Bronze Age, the source can be consumed to expedite evolution to Superman in the Silver or Golden Age."

"One unit of source can instantly increase the evolution rate by one percent."

"Furthermore, the host can opt to use the source to enhance their current X Gene Abilities."

Hearing this, Carl sucked in a sharp breath. He hadn't anticipated the source's utility to be so profound.

Beyond hastening the evolution to a higher level of strength, the prospect of enhancing his X Gene Abilities was immensely appealing.

At present, his Energy Rage was merely at level 1, multiplying his strength by five times. If it were raised to level 2, how substantial would the increase be?

At least tenfold. When his power reached a thousand tons, ten thousand tons, or even a million tons, a tenfold boost in strength would be staggering.

In a flash, myriad thoughts raced through Carl's mind, though only a second had elapsed in the outside world.

Thus, just as Scott was about to persuade him once more, Carl spoke up resolutely.

"But I hadn't realized the professor thought of me so highly, entrusting me with the task of rescuing those maimed mutants. As a fellow mutant, I feel obligated to act."

"Mr. Scott, I've resolved to partake in this rescue mission."

Scott paused, momentarily taken aback, while Clarice beside him appeared similarly stunned by Carl's sudden change of heart.

Carl continued, "Yet, Mr. Scott, there's an Eastern saying: 'Know yourself and your enemy, and you shall be victorious in a hundred battles.' Do you comprehend the objective of this mission?"

Scott, collecting himself, nodded. Though unsure of the reason behind Carl's abrupt decision, he acknowledged, "Understood."

"The facility is known as the Chris Institute. Dozens of retired special forces, backed by armed thugs, provide defense with firearms."

"These are merely ordinary individuals' capabilities. Additionally, there are two mutants under the control of the institute. Their abilities are formidable."

"These represent the forces on the surface. Moreover, sophisticated detection and surveillance systems lurk in the shadows, thwarting Logan's infiltration attempts multiple times."

"And there are three factions supporting the institute, but Logan only managed to secure support from one prominent local gang. The allegiance of the other two factions remains unclear."

"However, this lack of support isn't a significant issue for us, and the level of danger is relatively low, so the professor has decided to let you accompany us to observe."

"The professor also mentioned that after completing this mission, if you wish, you can join the X-Men as a full member and be registered with the Ministry of Defense of friendly nations."

"Wait, Professor, why do the X-Men need to be registered with the Defense Ministry of each country?" Carl asked, feeling perplexed.

Scott smiled faintly, a hint of pride evident in his expression. "Despite mutants facing rejection from the outside world, the professor has worked tirelessly over the years to secure various privileges for mutants."

"For instance, during X-Men missions, friendly countries open their airspace to us, and our aircraft are not perceived as hostile and targeted by air defense systems."

"Furthermore, the X-Men are granted similar authority to agents within these countries, allowing us to travel without visas and, when necessary, enlist local law enforcement to aid in our operations."

"Of course, these privileges are only applicable during mission deployments and must relate to mutant affairs."

"And in exchange for these privileges, we must assist these countries in apprehending mutant criminals and combating those who violate the law among our kind."

"I see," Carl murmured, struck by the realization.

This also elucidates why the X-Men's Blackbird aircraft were not targeted by missile systems during their numerous outings in the movies.

However, as the saying goes, there's no such thing as a free lunch. Acquiring these privileges comes with its own set of costs.


Night descended gradually.

Suddenly, Xavier's school on the left side of the lawn, where students played during the day, rumbled and then slowly sank and shifted.

A futuristic fighter jet, adorned with sci-fi hues, ascended from below, emitting fiery propulsion as it began to rise into the air with a roar and a tremor.

"Wow! Look, the Blackbird is taking off again."

"It's so awesome! I wonder when I'll get the chance to ride in it."

"Professor, let's go."

The rumble of the fighter plane's engines jolted several dormitory occupants awake as it took off.

One by one, they gravitated toward the windows, eagerly witnessing the ascent and departure of the aircraft.

To these students, the X-Men represented the creed of mutants, and every mission embodied justice.

Inside the fighter plane, Carl gazed out at the rapidly passing night with curiosity. Despite having been on planes before, it was his first time aboard a fighter jet.

Clad in a sleek black battle suit, Carl, though only fifteen, stood tall at nearly 1.8 meters, his slender frame accentuated by the suit's design.

With distinct facial features reminiscent of water chestnuts, his appearance stood out from the rugged yet delicate visages of Westerners, radiating an air of handsomeness.

Even amidst the presence of the dashing Cyclops, the majestic Storm, and the fiercely charming Wolverine, Carl's aura remained undiminished.

As he appeared, his gaze flickered toward Shadowcat Kitty seated opposite him.


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