
Chapter 82

Chapter 82: Treating

Tony After thinking for a while, Tony decided to believe Carl, because Carl would not harm him. Even if Carl wanted to harm him, there was no need to use such an obvious method, so he wanted to try it, and he himself did not want to keep doing it. Make a big hole in your chest and put a reactor inside!

"Walt? Are you crazy, Tony? It's just an ordinary bean, how could it be so magical? You're going to die, Tony." Seeing that Tony actually wanted to continue, Pepper found it unbelievable, even ridiculous, and faced Tony question.

"Okay, Pepper, Carl won't harm me. If he wanted to harm me, I would have died eight hundred times over. Don't worry, I believe in Carl. Come on, give me that bean! "Tony dissuaded Pepper, and sat up and said to Karl..

"Okay, just hold it in your mouth. It will be painful in front of you. Remember to endure it and don't swallow it in advance. "Karl handed the fairy beans in his hand to Tony and told him.

"OK OK, okay, come on! ! "

After Tony finished speaking, he put the fairy beans under his tongue, and then closed his eyes. Pepper covered her eyes with her hands and looked here, while Samuel was very interested. He just heard Karl say He became interested when the fairy beans took effect. Yingsen also looked over with a little worry, and Happy stared at Carl. Carl put his hand on Tony's

reactor, and then his mind surged into Tony's body and found The three fragments that were particularly close to his heart were broken by the blood vessels with his mind, and the fragments were pulled out one after another. The area next to Tony's heart suddenly spurted blood, and he clutched the sides of the experimental bed with both hands. On the scene, his eyes were wide open and his expression was ferocious. It could be seen that he was in pain, but Carl did not stop and controlled his telekinesis to remove all Tony's reactors from his chest..

"Swallow it! Now! ! "

After Carl finished all this, he shouted at Tony, and then Tony's throat moved, and the fairy beans were swallowed into his stomach. After a second, the place where the blood spurted stopped, and then even the position on Tony's chest. The green light was repairing. Pepper, Yingson, Happy, and Samuel felt incredible when they saw this scene!

This was amazing. It was exactly what Carl said. The wound was healing. After a while, Tony's chest He returned to his pre-injury appearance, and his face turned from the pale color when Carl took out the reactor just now to rosy! Tony looked down at his chest and touched it in disbelief. He was actually conscious. , it's like there's no injury here.

"Oh my God! This is incredible, this and this….Thank you so much, my good brother, I really believed you right! Tony exclaimed with an expression of disbelief, and even thanked Karl. Although he was mentally prepared, it was still too incredible! "

Okay, okay Tony, you and Pepper should be injected with the super gene serum now." "Karl interrupted their exclamations and then said, even Samuel's eyes were shining. He was just in a dubious state, but after seeing it with his own eyes, his first reaction was to study.

"OK OK, by the way, Carl, do you still want me to pay for it? ! "Tony answered Karl and then asked Karl.

"You think to

o much. I only have three of them myself, but now I'm using one for you. This thing is life-saving. If you can't afford it, I won't buy it either! "Carl gave Tony a roll of his eyes and then explained to him, and explained the preciousness of fairy beans!

"Walter, what kind of super gene serum should be injected? "Pepper looked at Carl and Tony with a puzzled look. Because Tony didn't tell Pepper the reason in advance, she didn't know that she was here to be injected with super gene serum..

"Pepper, it's like this. We have developed a super gene serum that can improve physical fitness and slow down body functions. To put it bluntly, it can make you younger and extend your life, and even your strength will be strengthened in all aspects! "Tony explained to Pepper the function of the super gene serum..

"I want an injection! "Pepper agreed directly after listening to Tony's words. No woman can resist the effect of becoming younger and even increasing her lifespan. Pepper himself knows how precious this thing is, but Tony asked him to inject it together. Afterwards ,

the two of them lay on the experimental bed. Samuel and Yingsen injected them with the super gene serum of Hou Mei, Rui Wen and Injection respectively. After the injection, the two of them looked ferocious, and their menstruation was protruding, and their faces were very… With painful expressions, Happy was the only one looking at all this with concern, while Carl, Samuel, and Yingson were not surprised. Mei and Raven also looked like this when they were injected before. They will be fine after a while.

Past Thirty minutes later, Tony and Pepper exhaled one after another and sat up. Carl controlled the two shadow ninjas to hold the mirror and face Tony and Pepper. The two looked at themselves in the mirror. Tony and Pepper were both young. He has grown a lot, but Tony's face has not changed much, except that there are many fewer wrinkles, and the few white hairs on his head have disappeared.

Pepper's whole body has become younger, his skin is more shiny, and With blond hair, she is now a completely blond beauty. Of course, Karl is not interested in her because she used to have freckles on her face. Americans think she is pretty, but Karl doesn't like her. Besides, she is Tony's future wife. , he doesn't want to compete with Tony.

"Pepper, you are getting younger and prettier! "Tony looked at Pepper with a look of obsession. Tony was attracted to Pepper's appearance now. Carl and the others looked at Tony speechlessly. There are still people watching next to you. You don't feel embarrassed either..

"You have also become a lot younger Tony, with fewer wrinkles, and you are still around now! ! "Pepper looked at Tony with the same affection, but thinking about himself and Tony in the laboratory with other people next to him, it would be too embarrassing to be here with Tony.....

"Tony, how do you feel? Your body should have strengthened a lot in all aspects. Now you should be more comfortable and more powerful when using the steel suit. "Karl asked Tony first. If something goes wrong, it would be great fun..

"I feel great now, full of energy all over my body, I have never felt better, it feels great! I can even beat ten of my previous selves!"