
Chapter 81

Chapter 81: Samuel's Blockage

Tony put the new elements into his reactor device, took out the current reactor, and put the reactor with the new elements into his chest, and then the blue energy spread, Tony's palladium poisoning pattern disappears and he regains health.

"Okay Tony, I told you before to help you fill the big hole in your chest. Let's go. By the way, take Pepper with you. We can inject the super gene serum together. "Carl said slowly to the happy Tony. Taking advantage of Tony's recovery, Carl decided to restore the big hole in Tony's chest now..

"OK OK, no problem, let's go, Jarvis, let Happy bring Pepper to our biology laboratory! "After Tony finished speaking to Carl, he ordered Jarvis, and walked out of the underground studio with Carl and walked to the garage on the ground..

"Come on, Tony, are you ready for your new generation? "After Carl said to Tony, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. Tony, not to be outdone, drove his supercar in the direction of Carl. When they arrived at the laboratory, Happy and Pepper arrived. Because Stark Company is closer to here than Tony's house.

After the two walked into the laboratory, they found that Pepper and Happy couldn't get in. Later, they heard that Yingsen said that it was Samuel who said it, not the person brought by Carl. No one could enter, even though the other party was the president of Stark Industries, and he learned that Happy wanted to go up and teach Samuel how to behave, but he was directly thrown out by Samuel using his telekinesis. After that, Happy and Pepper honestly waiting outside.

"Come on, go in, because there are some things inside that are very important, so it's understandable that Samuel would be cautious. "Carl said calmly to Tony, Pepper, and Happy, and then led them into the laboratory, but Tony was still a little unhappy on his face, but he didn't show it..

"Samuel, have you awakened your telekinesis? "Karl asked Samuel curiously after entering the laboratory, because Samuel did not have any supernatural powers before, but now he has awakened..

"Yes, boss, I wanted to say this when you came last time. You didn't give me a chance, so you just left in a hurry. "Samuel shrugged and said to Karl, and he didn't have any embarrassment in blocking Pepper and others outside..

"Hey man, you should know, she's my assistant, why don't you let her in! "Tony walked up to Samuel and questioned him. Karl just looked at him and didn't say anything. Although he supported Samuel's approach, he couldn't say it clearly..

"The important genes of the boss are placed here. If they are not brought by the boss, no one can come in. If these things are lost, who will be responsible, you? Mr. Tony Stark? "After Samuel saw that Carl didn't say anything, he immediately understood that the boss supported him, but because he and Tony were friends, he couldn't say it clearly..

"Of course, I will be responsible for everything. There is nothing that I, Tony Stark, cannot take responsibility for! "Tony saw that Samuel didn't have an apologetic expression on his face, and he felt extremely unhappy. After all, Pepper was also his assistant, or....But the other party actually refused to let her enter a laboratory..

"Okay, your words are enough. Once genes are lost, then Mr. Tony Stark, you hav

e to be responsible for getting them. Here are the genes of major mutants, including Magneto, Professor X, and Cyclops. , Wolverine, Beast, Phoenix Girl, Phantom Cat, Sabretooth Tiger, Iceman, Pyro, etc., and by the way, there are also genes of the Hulk. Don't forget, it's best to record them. "Samuel told Tony those genes directly, and said you'd better remember it and don't forget it when the time comes.

Tony was speechless after hearing it. He knew about the mutant genes that Carl was a genius in Xavier Youth. The academy got it, but I didn't expect that it contained the genes of so many people. What I didn't expect was that Carl actually had the genes of the Hulk! He had seen that big monster in the video..

"this...Are you going to use Hulk's blood to research bioweapons? "Tony asked Samuel awkwardly, because it was impossible for him to get these genes, not even Lao Wan's, let alone Hulk's..

"It depends on the boss's idea. If the boss asks me to do this, of course I can. "Samuel said to Tony without changing his expression. After hearing Samuel's words, Tony turned to look at Carl. He knew that the hatred was caused by the blood of the Hulk. (Banner is the Hulk, regardless of the other. )

"No, it's just to research into a super gene serum. Don't worry, I'm sensible and won't create a monster that hates you. In fact, I have been injected with Hulk's gene serum. My current body and Hulk's normal strength Indistinguishable! "Carl explained to Tony calmly, and even directly told everyone that he had the power of Hulk's normal state..

"Walter? Are you so powerful now? ? "Tony looked at Carl in disbelief. After all, that was the Hulk. Even Pepper looked at Carl in disbelief. Of course she had seen the video of the battle between Hulk and Abomination. She just didn't expect that Carl had that kind of power! "Okay

! Tony, I'm here to help you repair your chest. This process is very painful and should last two or three minutes. Come on, lie down on the experimental bed. "Karl looked at the looks of several people looking at monsters, the corners of his mouth twitched involuntarily, and he immediately said to Tony.

"Oh okay, then what? "Tony took off his shirt and lay on the experimental bed, and asked Carl curiously.

"Later I will use my mind power to directly pull out the fragments from your blood vessels. In order to prevent you from dying, you hold this in your mouth now. When I tell you to swallow it, you will swallow it. This fairy bean can be used in a very short time. time to recover from your injuries, including the big hole in your chest. "Karl explained to Tony while taking out a fairy bean from the system space and handing it to Tony..

"Walter? you sure? Isn't this just an ordinary bean? How is this possible? No, no, I don't agree. "Pepper immediately said to them after hearing what Carl said, and did not agree with Carl treating Tony like this, because the fairy beans looked just like ordinary peas, no different.

Carl just shrugged, and then looked at Tony, meaning It's your decision. If Tony decides not to treat him, Carl will be saved a fairy bean. This thing is a life-saving thing. It would be nice to give one to Tony, but they don't know the difference..

"Pepper, get out of the way, Carl, give me that bean, I choose the treatment!"