
Chapter 130

Chapter 130:

The day after the appearance of the Golden Saint Cloth came quickly. Pierce on the other side also knew that Nick Fury was going to attack Carl today, so he also sent out several Winter Soldiers, including Captain America. gay friend, just to see if he could cut off Nick's beard after he caught him!

Karl also felt that today seemed a little different, but he didn't think much about it. At noon, Karl had just finished eating with Mei, Ruiwen, Gwen, Zhao Hailun, and others when there was a loud sound outside. sound.


Yelena hurriedly told Karl that there was an intruder, and then he disappeared and appeared at the door of the manor the next moment. After seeing the woman next to Nick Fury, May, Gwen, Raven, etc. People were directly brought into the world of shadows. Even George and Helen, who were not here, were also brought into the world of shadows by the shadow ninjas..

"Funny, Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers, I didn't expect Nick Fury to actually get you back, huh? Captain America? Black Widow, Hawkeye, Banner, Daredevil? It's interesting, there are many mutants, yo, the Black Panther of Wakanda, it seems you've got me, Nick Fury? "Karl said calmly to Nick Fury while suspended in the air. The red tank also ran under Karl, walked out of the warehouse at high speed, and stood next to Karl..

"People like you who are out of control should be destroyed and controlled! And hand over the Cosmic Cube and Loki's Scepter you took! ! "Nick Fury said to Carl confidently. Now that Carroll is back, his confidence is even more overwhelming!

Boom !—!

"Wow oh oh, I didn't expect that everyone wouldn't call me when they have a party. It's okay, I'll do it myself! "There was a roaring sound in the sky, and Tony appeared next to Carl wearing a vibranium armor. Behind him was a large vibranium armor, and there was even a supply warehouse filled with reactors and various devices suspended in the sky. Next to.


When Nick Fury saw Tony coming, thousands of steel robots flew out from behind him, and there was a reactor on his chest. Tony was a little dumbfounded when he saw it. How could they also have his own reactor? It was unbelievable. He immediately looked at Carl, wanting to hear what Carl said. How to say.

"Hey, it seems that Director Nick Fury is more shameless than I thought. He actually looked at the relics left by Howard Stark to Tony. It is really disgusting. "Karl mocked Nick Fury. After hearing this, everyone looked at Nick Fury, even Steve Rogers. How could Nick Fury be so thick-skinned because of this? things feel awkward.

"Carl, if you surrender now and hand over the Cosmic Cube and Loki's Scepter, I might still be able to keep you alive! "Nick Fury shouted to Carl in a cold voice. He never wanted to let Carl live in the first place. If such a person runs away if something goes wrong, the world will be in danger, so Carl must be killed here!

"Interesting, is there anyone else? Otherwise, the party is about to start, but everyone must be careful, you will die if you are not careful! ! "Karl said to everyone with a faint smile on his face, and everyone shuddered when they heard it.

Snap .—!

The next moment, Thor suddenly appeared next to Karl, and a person also appeared next to the red tank below, and it turned out to be Loki! This was exactly what Thor wanted to do to release Loki. After receiving Tony's message, he rushed here

immediately. Seeing the opponent's formation, he felt a little weak on his side. He found the top speed and asked him to release Loki. After that, he and Loki discussed letting him deal with the opponent with him at the cost of returning to Asgard and taking him to see his mother every week, so Loki agreed.

At this moment, Thor looked at the woman next to Nick Fury with a solemn expression. Because he had only felt the power of the other person from his father, then the other person was at least a strong man at the level of a heavenly father, and he secretly thought in his heart. He said, if he and others are unable to do so, he should take Karl directly back to Asgard. After all, Karl is also his friend and has helped him so much. Even if he gives up the throne, he must let his father save him..

"So everyone should be here now, great, let the party begin! ! "A blue light flashed in Karl's eyes and he said to everyone. As soon as he finished speaking, the stars in the sky formed the shape of Sagittarius, and then a golden box fell directly. Bang


In the eyes of everyone, the golden box slowly opened, and a man who looked like a centaur grabbed a golden bow and arrow, and then launched a huge golden energy, and then began to fall apart and rush towards Carl's location, and each part began to be installed on Carl's body! After a while, Karl turned into a man wearing yellow armor and a white cape behind him. Karl also reached out and slowly took the sacred weapon of Sagittarius! But Carl did not choose to use this bow and arrow.

Instead, he took out the golden hoop in the system space. The golden light on Carl's body became even stronger. At this moment, Carl's strength, through the blessing of the holy clothes and the golden hoop, had reached the Heavenly Father level. Odin and Ancient One also looked at it. Coming over, Odin didn't expect that the kid who couldn't beat his armor before would now have the strength of a heavenly father. Thinking that the other party had a good relationship with Thor, he couldn't help but feel happy. Then Thor would have a heavenly father in the future. A good friend is naturally a good thing.

As for whether the other party will die here? Just kidding, I'm still watching. If he takes action, wouldn't it mean that this little guy of the heavenly father's level owes Asgard a favor? Then at least the other party will take action when Thor encounters trouble in the future! This is reality, you have value, and there are people who want to invest in you and protect you!


Carl held the Ruyi Golden Cudgel and looked at Nick Fury and others. The aura on his body pressed against the opponent, and most of them knelt on the ground. It was not until Carol activated his own state that the pressure aura disappeared! At the same time, she looked solemnly at Karl across from her. She didn't expect that the other person would suddenly have a Heavenly Father-level strength. Now she couldn't help but regret that she had offended a Heavenly Father-level powerhouse just because of Nick Fury's few words..

"Wow! Karl actually has the strength of a heavenly father, hahahahahaha, now you are finished! If you dare to attack my friends, you are all my enemies! ! "Thor said excitedly to the people on Nick Fury's side.


Even Red Tank's body began to glow with red energy, and his expression showed that he was both excited and angry!