
Chapter 129

Chapter 129:

After Captain Marvel returned, Carl casually threw a dragon bone of about fifty pounds, and then a shadow ninja appeared and disappeared from the place holding the dragon bone. Why should Shou Hehui please himself? Isn't it just for the dragon bone? Well, if you want to get the dragon bone but don't want to conflict with Karl, then you can only help Karl by yourself, and send your information to Karl without knowing it. Judging from the previous two situations, the other party is also a fastidious person. There are comings and goings, so Shouhe will be very willing to solve some small things for Karl.

As for what Carl said before that he didn't have many keels, almost no one in the Hand and Society took it seriously. They were joking and thought they didn't know how many bones there were under Manhattan. It was just that Carl was probably not short of money, and he and others were also It's impossible to grab it forcefully. You can only please Karl's favor in this way, so that you have a greater chance of getting the keel.

A golden light flashed in the universe, and Odin of Asgard also looked up to that place. Even the Ancient One of Kamtaj also looked up at the sky. They all noticed that there was a powerful Heavenly Father level. When she was about to come to Earth, both Ancient One and Odin knew who the other party was, so instead of stopping her, they allowed her to enter the Earth!

She is Captain Marvel: Carol Danvers, who rushed back to Earth from the universe after receiving Nick Fury's signal. She immediately found Nick Fury's location through the signal, and then descended directly to Nick Fury's secret base. in!


"Oh shit…Hey Carol, it's great to have you back! "Nick Fury originally wanted to say "Damn it Falk", but after seeing that the person who came was Carol Danvers whom he had summoned, he immediately swallowed it hard..

"Nick, tell me, why did you come back to me? It's not just ordinary things that would require you to use the telephone. "Carol glanced at Nick Fury and then sat on the stool next to him and said to Nick Fury. As for what Nick Fury wanted to say just now, how could she not know?.

"OK OK, it's like this, let me show you, now the Cosmic Rubik's Cube and a thing suspected to be the same as the Cosmic Rubik's Cube are in his hands, so he is very dangerous now, and everything he does depends on his own wishes, I There is no way, the earth cannot have such unscrupulous people, otherwise it will be a disaster for the earth! "Nick Fury pulled up a video to show Carol Danvers, and then said to her on the side.

"OK, shall I deal with him now? "After Carol Danvers took a rough look at Carl's messages and videos, she said directly to Nick Fury. She was so busy that she had no time to watch this kind of thing seriously. She didn't care what the other person was like, since Nick is looking for her, so that's the solution. After that, she has to find a new home for the Cree people..

"Wait a moment, we will catch him again tomorrow, I have some arrangements. "Nick Fury was overjoyed after hearing what Carol Danvers said, but he still decided to act according to his plan. Carol Danvers glanced at Nick and nodded..


Carl on the other side didn't know that Captain Marvel had returned to Earth, and decided to take action aga

inst him tomorrow. At this moment, he and Tony were looking for the Hydra that attacked May. He was trying to find out which line of Hydra it was. Such a bold man, almost everyone around him has hundreds of shadow ninjas hiding in their shadows. Once there is an attack, the shadow ninjas will take them directly into the shadow world! Even George and Helen were no exception.

Nick Fury thought that his plan was perfect, but he was noticed by T'Challa of Wakanda. After discovering that the person they wanted was Karl, he was also struggling with whether to participate in it. The other party had previously labeled Wakkan He could never forget the fact that Dagen killed so many guards and troops.

After that, he had to ask his father's decision first. Now T'Challa has inherited the throne of Wakanda, and he is now the king of Wakanda! But he was afraid of the other party's revenge after failure, so he couldn't decide, and then walked to the place where his father and mother lived..

"Father, the SHIELD outside is planning to take action against Carl. Should we get involved? The other party has also assembled some mutants and street heroes, but it should have some strong trump cards, so I think. "T'Challa said to the former king, his father T'Chaka, and told him the information he knew..

"Alas, child, you are the king of Wakanda now. You should ask your own heart and think about the subjects of Wakanda. If we can withstand each other's revenge, then go ahead. If not, You have to consider thousands of people. "T'Challa sighed after listening to T'Challa's words. Since T'Challa is here, he naturally wants to avenge the guards and troops who died before. Why doesn't he want to, but the strength of the opponent is not theirs at all? Can compete.

"I know, father, thank you for your teaching! "T'Challa left after listening to T'Chaka's words. T'Chaka looked at his son's leaving figure and sighed again. How could he not understand his own child? Even though he said so, But he was still struggling in his heart. At

this moment, T'Chaka could only hope that T'Challa could consider the future of his people and Wakanda, and not bring Wakanda to the point of destruction, and that T'Challa could return to his own After the palace, sitting on the throne, he was still struggling. Until late at night, he could not figure out a reason. Later, he contacted Nick Fury through his own means, saying that he wanted to deal with Carl, and asked Nick Fury where he was. Not really 100% sure.

Nick looked at Carol not far away and confidently answered the other party. No matter who the other party was, as long as he could deal with Carl, Nick would welcome it. After that, T'Challa hung up. Communication, and it was impossible to find him with SHIELD's technology. T'Challa came to the grave of the guards and soldiers killed by Karl and others last time. Anger welled up in his heart, and then he made up his mind to deal with it. Carl! But in order not to implicate Wakanda, he was going to go alone!

After that, T'Challa left Wakanda with Wakanda's high-tech fighter plane and headed for New York! Because Nick had told him the time of tomorrow's attack, Nick doesn't care who the other party is, not even the people on Carl's side. Now that Carol is back, everything else is meaningless. Carl can't run away!